
Her name is Alice

Alice Ruby was a Princess who resides in Wonderland peacefully, a wonderland is a place for in-born magicians and witches. Her everyday life is normal until her mother decided to make her marry a Prince that lives in east-faction in their kingdom because of the Power and Rank, although Alice doesn't want to get married off. She can't do anything but one of her Faerie friends suggested that if she doesn't want to get married, then the only solution for it is to go where the Wicked-Magician is. Alice went to the wicked witch of the west to make a selfish wish. By then, A cat-human named Chesire Cat faced her and eligibly ministering to Alice's decision who wants to leave the wonderland but to do that, Chesire needs to devour Alice's magical power. In their kingdom, magic is the most important thing in their life. If they lost their magic, they will get exiled in the Human-realm. Alice agreed just to escape from her future husband, and because of that. Chesire and Alice formed a contract that shouldn't able to be broken for eternity. (This story was inspired by the story of Lewis Carroll's Alice in wonderland.)

Lykoris · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII- Where is Cheshire?

-Alice's POV-

When the man gets ahold of the Evidence, his facial expression is so grateful. Though when I heard him say that he wants to catch the bad guys I felt really assured.

I took the Evidence I got, I'm sure these papers will be more useful if I give them to him. I walked closer at him and raised the evidence that I got before. At first, he stared directly into my eyes with confusion, but then he switched his stare to the papers that I'm handing over.

"How did you get these? Why are you-"

I smiled a little as I answered his questions, "Isn't the same as 'how did you escape from those people?' I got those because I accidentally eavesdropped on those people. Just like in my world, Evidence is very important."

"Your world?" he gently took the evidence in my hand while continuing from muttering what I want to do, "Anyways, I am very certain that your friend is in danger. I don't see him with you."

I was a little confused when he said "Friend?" Is he perhaps talking about Cheshire?

"Oh yeah, about him. Will you help me look for him? I guess he is still inside the Cages! We have to hurry."

I totally forgot about him, I then released the sword that I was holding and ran outside the cabin though I wasn't expecting anything when I went outside the people who abducted the innocent ones are being gathered by some humans with weapons.

"W-what is happening?" I spluttered when I found out these armed humans are looking directly at me. "You don't have to worry, they are my guards." The man who went out just now, secondly to me confirmed that those people are his men. They already gathered these wicked souls here.

"Then, the people who they imprisoned?" I questioned him curiously. "We'll take care of them." he generously said, finally! I am able to look for Cheshire.

I went inside the building to start looking for the cat. People here are being released, I'm really glad to see them. However, A kid was yelling at the guards for some reason in the distance.

"Why bother helping us huh? Aren't you the same as these people here?! You noble people are belittling us, treat us like trash, and don't respect us at all! I see no difference to you and these syndicates!"

Wait, why are they arguing about that? And noble people, are they the highest ranking in this society?

After he got saved by these good people he's resentful? Though I don't really understand what is going on, I intended to ignore it somehow but the people who were saved here started to gather up and recklessly attack the guards.

"Yeah! Why are you noble people trying to rescue us! You people are no different to the people who abducted us!" they yelled in chorus, while one of the guards replied in a seethed manner.

"Oh-ho! How dare you demi-humans complain about being saved! Do you people want to get beaten? You must be grateful that His Majesty, the King is considerate enough to rescue a no-name creature like you!"

Oh, that's really insulting. Why are they calling them creatures? I want to stop them but my legs don't want to meddle in that kind of trouble somehow.

"What did you say!?" people received that horrendous insult from the guard who supposed to be a good subject to us, that's why these people who have low ranking if I presumed, felt angry about it.

"Stop this nonsense, right now!" then someone blurted some order to stop arguing. He walked past me, continuing the argument that was being held by them.

"I'm sorry that my men were a bit too harsh, as His Majesty ordered us to bring you back safely my fellow humans. We mean no harm, we only want you to be released on the illegal syndicates."

That man really amazed me somehow, he is not only clever but also very equal to the people here.

He successfully halted the chaotic state that was about to happen. People who were saved decided to move out and as I am, I started searching for Cheshire inside the cages.

"Cheshire? Cheshire! Where are you!?" I shouted and all but I don't receive any reply, he's probably weak and unconscious so he won't be able to answer me. But I can't leave here without him! I even searched for him high and low and yet he is nowhere to be found.

"Perhaps, he isn't here. He was probably in the capital." I was flustered when someone suddenly abruptly chimed in.

"We need to go, I already sent out my men to search for him so cease your worries." I bleaked at him while gazing into his eyes. I don't know if I could trust him but I can't be held in this place, I need to move forward since I don't have any idea if I'm still being chased by my Mother.

I'm pretty sure that I'm still being chased, she's not the type of person who will give up easily.

So in the end, I agreed with the man as they transported us back to the place where I first landed. It was a very long journey somehow and wasn't really a grateful experience for me to travel back and forth in this place.

Cheshire is missing and that is a great problem for me, how am I supposed to live and hide here? I don't have any idea. How can I survive this place? I don't have magic, money, title, home, and anything that a human needs.

"Ugh, this is a pain! How could this be so harsh." should I just go back to my world and become a puppet again? But man, I've always dreamt about having the freedom and I already have it! I'd be an idiot if I ever went back to that place.

When we arrived in the port, the guards released all the people that had been abducted by the illegal syndicates. This is accordingly the order of their King who they have spoken of. I naturally went off somewhere since I don't really have a business in that place anymore though I should have said something to the man who helped me before.

"Where am I supposed to look for him? Where should I start?" I was walking aimlessly to the busy street, as if I don't have enough energy left in me I walked and walked without looking out for the direction.

Then suddenly my tummy started to rumble. I stopped from walking as I held my tummy tightly.

"Ugh, I completely forgot that I haven't eaten anything! I want to eat something!"

I was tearing up when I switched my attention to the stall beside me, this scent is so alluring. But what is he selling? For some reason, I started to drool over this food looking at things in front of me. I'm not quite familiar with it, haven't seen anything like this in my entire life.

"Oh, Little Missy. Do you want some Pan? I could offer them to you in a cheap amount!" the seller persuades me abruptly, "Amount?" and yet, I don't get what he meant about the amount.

Is that a kind of exchange? It's hard to guess what that means.

"What? You don't know it? Don't tell me you don't have any Gin with you? If you are poor then don't stall around here! You're giving me bad luck!" he unreasonably yelled at me. He also hit me with clothing harshly. I had to step back because of it, people here are really getting on my nerves.

As I noticed that the guy has long white ears that resemble rabbit ears, just like the white rabbit in wonderland but this human creature's behavior is nothing to compare with him.

"How can you be so rude! And what do you mean by amount? Is that a kind of exchanging thing?!" I was triggered, sometimes I can't just let these people do some nasty things to me. I'm a Princess in wonderland but in this world, they treat me like a beggar. I hate it that I want to teach them a lesson.

"Give her some, I'll pay them for her." suddenly a young noble-looking boy approached us. When I turned to him, he just smiled at me cheerfully. Now that I noticed it, I think this person is just a normal one. He doesn't have weird ears.

The seller of the food started packing some in a paper-looking bag in an ill-mannered way, he then rudely said, "Be thankful that the young Master is very considerate to the kind like you beggar! If you don't have Gin you must work for it, there's no such thing as free in this world!"

But I don't remember saying that I want those foods you sell!

Then he gave it to me although I can't really paint his face because of how immature he's showing his expression to me. He was angry with me without any specific reason, and yet even though I'm displeased about how this guy treated me. I still had to take that food because the boy behind me bought them for me.

"Hmph!" I turned over to the boy and bowed my head slightly a bit.

"Thank you. I'm not sure why you do that though." I muttered curiously. He then laughed, "No no. That's not for free. You have to do something for me."

"...? ….Eh?"

What am I got caught again?!