
Her name is Alice

Alice Ruby was a Princess who resides in Wonderland peacefully, a wonderland is a place for in-born magicians and witches. Her everyday life is normal until her mother decided to make her marry a Prince that lives in east-faction in their kingdom because of the Power and Rank, although Alice doesn't want to get married off. She can't do anything but one of her Faerie friends suggested that if she doesn't want to get married, then the only solution for it is to go where the Wicked-Magician is. Alice went to the wicked witch of the west to make a selfish wish. By then, A cat-human named Chesire Cat faced her and eligibly ministering to Alice's decision who wants to leave the wonderland but to do that, Chesire needs to devour Alice's magical power. In their kingdom, magic is the most important thing in their life. If they lost their magic, they will get exiled in the Human-realm. Alice agreed just to escape from her future husband, and because of that. Chesire and Alice formed a contract that shouldn't able to be broken for eternity. (This story was inspired by the story of Lewis Carroll's Alice in wonderland.)

Lykoris · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Chapter III

-----------------Chapter 3-------------------------------------------------------------where are you, Alice?-----------------------

"What a bothersome brat. How could she pass out when she didn't have to use magic to escape from that place."

After they were chased in the world of wonderland, Cheshire and Alice successfully escaped from the lockdown due to the enraged Queen.

Although the young magi lost its magic, Alice now has to deal with her fate in the Human world together with the playful Cheshire who is called a Wicked witch in their own world which also the one offered a helping hand in exchange for Alice's magic itself.

Alice's exhausted and powerless body caused great trouble for Chesire since she was completely unconscious, their safety isn't secured yet.

The witch had to carry Alice into some crowd to prevent the magus from tracking them down.

"Ugh, this girl is really sure heavy," Cheshire complained while having a one-sided glare to the girl, though he doesn't have another choice.

He started walking toward the busy street of the place where they were.

Everything was going very well when suddenly, Cheshire started coughing a large amount of blood.

"..." Speechless he was, Cheshire tried to conceal this unexpected thing that occurred for a while.

Ignoring the casualties, this caused him problems when he then stumbled to the ground without even being able to notice it.

Upon stumbling, Alice gradually wakes up. Seeing the first scenery in the human world, she can't help but feel excited.

"I-is this the human-" People who were passing by were looking at her with a strange glance.

Clueless Alice didn't get bothered by it. Though she took her precious time speculating her surroundings, she suddenly noticed the unconscious cat laying to the ground.

The trace of the blood was still there, she then shouted worriedly.

"Cheshire!" hurriedly caressed the cat, "W-what happened to you? Hey! Talk to me!" she gently took the poor cat in the ground, hugging him tightly as her worriedness couldn't be taken away from her.

She then heard some strange gossiping around her as people passed her by.

"What is this lowly demi-human doing here?"

"She really got a nerve to enter in this elite town."

"I hope she will get taken away by the royal knights soon."

Alice's eyes widened for a bit as she turned her head and directly made a stare to the people that were passing by, she was totally confused but she knew that those people were talking about her.

"What in the… world are they… talking about?"

She isn't dumb enough not to notice those people who treat her like a lowly monster.

Alice then wasn't able to react at first because she knew that this world is very different from where she grew and doesn't have any idea what in the world she walked into.

She bit her lips and stared back at the cat who then started coughing blood once more.

Alice was very surprised when she witnessed what is actually happening to her only companion in an unknown world.

"Cheshire! W-why are you vomiting with blood! Hey, talk to me!" Her voice was very loud and people who were passing started to get disturbed by it.

"I-i can't let you die like this!" panicking Alice forgets about the strange people in that place and quickly raises herself up, turning her head around.

"I need to bring you to the healer!" although Alice wasn't familiar with the place, she started running without taking notice of the directions.

"Please help us! My friend is in a critical state!"

Alice began to seek help by shouting, creating great confusion in the whole place.

Cheshire is partly woken, though he wasn't able to move any muscle due to the aftermath of draining his whole mana inside his body he can definitely hear Alice's desperate plea to the humans who don't seem to care about it.

"Stupid, this world is very different from the world you've expected…" Cheshire said in his thought, he wants to stop the worried girl from causing havoc to the whole place but since he doesn't have any more energy to do so. He can't help but just listen to it helplessly.

"Help us! My friend is in a critical state! Someone help us!"

Alice cried because of the people that are absolutely ignoring her existence as if she's nothing but a wind gust.

The poor girl started thinking things in her head.

"What are these people doing? Why are they only staring at me like I'm nothing here? Can't they hear I'm pleading for help?"

Alice was too frustrated because of how people don't really do anything to help her but she didn't stop running until she collided with a guy who was walking in the opposite way.

"...-" the man didn't say anything as Alice stopped from running, directly in front of the guy she collided with while her head was lowered.

Her tears were able to be seen dripping down in her fragile face.

"Please, please help me. I- I, don't even know where I have to go… I don't know where I could seek help here-"

Her voice was unsteady, as she raised her head sadly right to the man who stopped and glanced at her with his grave expression.

"Speak, what happened to your poor companion?"

the man surprisingly asked Alice that the three people who were accompanying him felt shocked about it.

"Your ma-" the other people in the back tried to speak with this but quickly interrupted by this man himself by raising its hand as a sign of halt.

"He… He started vomiting blood! I don't know, then… then, he lost consciousness! I don't know this place, I don't know where to go! People here are doing nothing but to observe me weirdly!"

Alice complained regarding the people who treated her nothing.

The three people that surround this unknown man made quizzical expressions, they were either surprised or felt everything is nothing but humorous.

"Come, I will bring you to the nearest infirmary."

the stranger kindly said to Alice, he didn't hesitate to give a helping hand to the poor Alice.

Alice and the three strangers in total walked toward the path where the stranger leads to, one of the stranger's companions glancing suspiciously at Alice.

Alice noticed that she just gradually lowered her head because of being unable to figure out why they were doing that to her.

Though it is like the same thing when she tried to ask for help from random people.

Recalling the words that she heard before, 'I hope she gets taken away by the royal guards soon'

she found it very strange since she did nothing besides seeking help.

As soon as they arrived at the infirmary that the stranger was talking about, the stranger talked to the staff of this small infirmary privately.

While waiting outside the infirmary, Alice was with these three underlings of the stranger.

The girl with black hair started saying things loud enough for Alice to hear, "Who does she think to herself, she even caused confusion to the whole town just to seek attention.

What a simp creature." Alice tried her very best to hold her patience.

"Enough, Lottie. You don't have any authority to say things to the person that our lordship helped."

The guy with gray hair stated however this girl who goes by the name Lottie quickly replied with a pissed expression, "Person? Oh, perhaps you meant a BEAST? Those who have their kind don't have the right to be called a person!" as she said that, Lottie's voice became louder and now directly looked down at Alice.

Emphasizing the word beast unto Alice's whole presence made her feel nothing but irk.

The guy who has pink hair quickly agreed on Lottie, "She's right… Brother! We don't need to respect a beast such as her race! They don't even deserve getting help from an Elite like us." this guy started waving his hand to himself as if he was trying to proclaim that his status is higher than to Alice's status.

Alice only made a confused glance at them, "What's wrong with these people? Are they bragging something to me? Elite? If I recall, someone said that this town was Elite. But I don't get what they meant about that? And why in the world are they calling me beast? Are they trying to pick a fight with me?"

She asked herself many times but not even she can actually answer these complicated things that were happening in her situation she's in.

Finally, the stranger who offered some help before walked out inside the infirmary. He directly went where Alice is.

"You can enter now. I've talked to the physician and he won't charge you anything. Hurry and get your companion treated."

Alice smiled warmly just from hearing that good news.

She then bowed three consecutive times, feeling grateful to the man who helped her. She also thanked him a lot.

"Thank you! Thank you so much for helping me! I, I won't forget this! I will repay you some time!"

Alice was nearly crying once again but the stranger halted her from doing so. He then said.

"You don't have to… hurry and go inside. The physician is waiting for you."

Alice happily nodded and heed the stranger's words. She then ran toward inside the infirmary as the man watched her from doing so.

Lottie then walked by beside the stranger, "Why do you have to help that demi-human, my lord? You should have let her be." she said while having a mocking tone toward Alice's presence.

"Lottie, are you still a human?" but with those words that were released by the stranger, she felt devastated by it.

The man then started walking away, the guy with grey hair quickly followed him.

"TSS." Lottie can't react that easily, she can't complain either.

Meanwhile, while Alice is inside the infirmary.

An old man faced her with a disgusted look at Alice, while a nurse was scouting the young lordship who ordered them to help poor Alice, the old man then asked the helpless girl.

"Why would I even need to treat a beast's pet? I'm not a pet doctor. Stupid!" he shouted angrily to Alice.

The girl was shocked by what this soulless old man reacted toward her.

"Doctor, the man is gone." As the nurse gave this news to this old man who is supposed to be the doctor who will treat Cheshire, he didn't hesitatingly say then, "Bring this beast out of my infirmary! What an absurd act just to help this filthy creature! What will my other patients say about this?

That I let this beast enter my infirmary!? This is absurd!" he shamelessly said in front of Alice.

"What…?" Alice asked surprisingly and shook off what was happening.

---------------------------------------TO be continued---------------------------------------------------------------------------