
Her mother. My lover.

I have what you called a childhood friend. A lot says that the childhood friend never wins, though it's ironic since she is a blonde haired beauty. Well it's not like I have any harem or anything, so there is no love rival for her. It might even be the opposite, with her beauty there is no lack of admirers. Many confessed to her, and as expected she rejected them all. I'm not flexing or anything, but she's my girlfriend. I don't remember exactly when we started. It was just a natural occurrence, since the beginning or as far as I could remember we were already holding hands(How lewd). Soon it evolved to kissing, at middle school we were already touching intimately. We have been on a lot of dates. Although both of us didn't confirm our relationship into words, but just by looking, we already know that we love each other. Of course, words such as 'I love you' 'I miss you' are common for us. I love my girlfriend, she means the whole world to me. I know that she felt the same way too. I don't want to betray her love. Even when that time arrived... ... I usually call her aunt, my neighbor. My girlfriend's mother. The devastating beauty that left me breathless, at first I didn't treat her as someone of the opposite sex but as I grew up. Something awakened inside me and I couldn't stop it. I want her, I lust for her, I love her. Beauty that outclassed every women I have seen in my eyes, the beauty that was on the same level as my girlfriend but different. She is after all her mother, the beauty that my girlfriend possesses was inherited from her. Unlike my pure and childish girlfriend. She is more mature, full of adult charms. Charm that could make my blood boil, making me lust for her. I don't mean to only want her body by saying this. I also love her with all my heart. I fell in love with her kindness, her smile, her gestures. The way she laughs is too beautiful. It was at this time when I decided that I want to make aunt, my girlfriend's mother my own woman. Like I said before, I don't mean to betray my love that my girlfriend has for me. That's why not only will I work hard on getting aunt to fall for me. I'll also work hard to make a plan for my girlfriend to accept. This isn't some fiction or usually in hentai manga or novels where the mature or older woman will fall easily. This is based on real life. I know how absurd and hard this is to accomplish and it might even be close to impossible. But this is my dream. I can't give up. I need them, I need these two mother and daughter to spend the rest of their lives with me. I love both of them so much that if just one of them is missing. My life won't be complete. This dream, the almost impossible dream. I'll make it come true. On the process of fulfilling this dream. My hardest obstacle would be uncle. That's right, aunt is not divorced or a widow. I don't hate my uncle, although we're not close but I respect him. He is after all my girlfriend's father. I'm going to say sorry in advance my uncle because I'm confident that this dream will be realized... Your wife, she will be mine! ... The cover is not mine. I got it from Pinterest, just leave a message if you are the owner. I will immediately remove it.

XxEagleNightxX · Realistic
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10 Chs

My Girlfriend and the Awakening I

"Tadashi-kun, let's play."

Hearing Suzune call out to me I turned my head and smiled at her.

"What are we going to play, Suzune?"

"Hmm... let's play tag?"

"Okay. Who is going first?"

"Rock, paper, scissors. To decide who will be the chaser.

"Eh... again? You never catch me, Suzune."

"Humph! I'll do it this time."

Her pouting face is really cute. We have been playing tag for who knows how many times but not once could she win... should I let her win this time? Let's do that.

"Okay on the count of three... one, two three!"

""Rock, paper, scissors!""

"Suzune, I win."

"Mouu... Tadashi-kun, why do you always know what to counter me?"

"It's because your face is so predictable."

I couldn't help but pinch her cheeks because of her cuteness. I wonder how could this girl be this cute?

"Ahh! Stop pinching. Let's start... I'm going to count to ten so you better keep your distance now because today will be the day I, Hasegawa Suzune, will claim victory against you, Sukamu Tadashi!"

"Yeah, sure."

I smiled but inwardly I couldn't help but wonder how many times these words came out of her mouth yet she still couldn't claim this so-called victory of hers.

Well, her acting cute like this could already make my day. Let today be your first victory!

"I'm going to start counting, one... two..."

The moment she started counting I unhurriedly separated our distance. Since I'm trying to lose to her I don't need to try my best.

Her stamina is also very low and I don't want to tire herself that much.

"...three... two... one!"

Suzune who was always watching me when she started counting, didn't lose sight of me. As she finished counting she hurriedly ran toward my direction to catch me.

Of course, although I plan on losing but I don't want to ruin her fun and end the game quickly. It's also for her to not be suspicious of me, since spending time with her I've noticed that this girl is quite observant of me.

Minutes then passed while laughing happily she kept on chasing after me.

There was a time she almost caught me since I obviously slowed myself down but because I was tricking her on running on a certain direction, for me to suddenly change and start running on another direction, confusing her to slow down.

As she started getting used of my tricks, I then change my plan to let her chase me in circles.

"Tadashi-kun, this is cheating your taking advantage of this things."

Suzune complained to me while pouting but her speed of chasing me still didn't slow down.

"Okay, if you say so."

I left the spot that we were circling around and started running on a straight line.

"You can't win, Suzune."

I turned around to look at her, our distance is quite short but still not enough for her to reach me.

"Humph, let's see."

I laughed and then turned my head back but because I was not watching where I was going as I was busy looking at Suzune. I didn't see that there was actually a large stone blocking the path that I was running.

With how fast I am running, I don't think I can easily slow down and stop before I get hit. So I decided to jump over it!

Phew, I'm glad I didn't fell over it would be quite embarrassing and painful. Wait! What about Suzune?

I immediately turned my head and just like I thought! This little girl didn't even properly watch where she was going. She was only focused on one goal— catching me.

Silly girl! I hurriedly stop in my tracks, I almost even fell forward because I suddenly stopped moving when I'm on that kind of speed.

"Suzune, slow down!"

I shouted at her while running back toward her direction. Looking at her expression she seems confused but with the goal right in front of her grasp, she ignored her confusion.

Suzune... what am I going to do with you. If the things continue as is and I won't do anything. Her feet will really get hit by that rock and stumble before falling.

Ahh! This is going to hurt a lot. With how close she is I don't have time to move the rock with my hands, in the end I was left with no choice. I kicked the rock hard with my foot.

"Ahh... Yey! I win."

Suzune couldn't stop herself and just tap me, but instead fell forward while hugging me, making me cushion her fall.

"Argh... that hurt."

"Hehe, I caught you, Tadashi-kun. I won! It's my victory!"

"Yeah, you caught me."

She didn't even notice what was happening. As long as your safe and smiling everything's good.

My right foot, the one I used to kick the rock felt very numb. It was a fortune that I'm wearing a rubber shoes and this shoes is branded which is quite tough so I didn't feel that much pain.

Nonetheless, with how huge the rock is my foot still feels very heavy and numb as I kicked it too hard.

My back is also fine, since I had gotten ready when I caught her in my arms.

"Why did you ran back anyway, Tadashi-kun?"

"It's nothing. I was just confused."

"Is it because of the huge rock in front? You kicked it right? Does your foot hurt?"

Eh? This girl noticed? She is not clueless to what happened just now? Ahh...right! I almost forgot I did say that this girl is quite observant of me.

"You knew? Don't worry it's fine. It doesn't hurt at all."

"Really? Tell me if it hurts okay?"

"Suzune, why didn't you stop when you know that there was a huge stone, blocking?"

I'm quite angry at her right now. What if you got hurt? It would be really painful for me to see. At least try to take care of yourself.

"I'm confident that I could dodge it by jumping like you did."

"I thought you weren't watching properly, but still don't take risk okay? it's bad for my heart."

"Mn, okay. Hehe, I'm really happy that you did that even going as far as kicking the stone just to protect me."

"If I don't, who will?"

Hahh... I don't know what to say about you, Suzune.

"I'm really sorry that I made you worried, and got you hurt. I won't do it again."

"It's fine you don't need to feel sorry for it. It doesn't matter if I got hurt. The wounds will easily recover. But if you got hurt you might get scars; you don't want to be ugly in the future right?"

"Humph! I don't care if I'm ugly or not. You're there for me anyway."

"I like the pretty ones though."

"I will become pretty then! From now on I, Hasegawa Suzune will properly take care of myself so that I won't have any scars in the future and will be pretty!"

Silly girl...