
Her Monster .His Addiction

when she and her sister got the new maid jobs,she didn't see the out comes or even think about them. He was their boss but became her monster the first time she set her eyes on him. she could see his addiction, possessiveness and obsession he had in his beautiful grey eyes all for her. she wondered whether he had mistaken her for someone else because from what she saw in his eyes,it was like he was looking at his long lost lover . Her- he took away my freedom, I couldn't wear anything I liked since he thought that I wanted to seduce other men who could help me escape from him . He fired all the male workers and female who dared to look at me even if it was just a single glance. I cried ,tried suicide and even begged him to let me go but he didn't. He only said that I was all his to keep. I hate him. Him- I didn't want to cage her,I only wanted her to love me like I did but what did she do? she tried committing suicide,tried escaping and always cried herself to sleep. I wish she could see that it hurt me more than her, I always hurt myself more to get thrice her pain and that's how I punished myself for making her cry. I knew she wanted her freedom from me but in actual sense,it was me who needed my freedom from her. If she had just tried asking me ,I could give her anything without a second thought. She wanted to move around freely, she had all rights to do all the things she wanted as long as she just accepts me to be a part of her life till death does us apart but she didn't want that . she never for once tried to cover up the hatred she had for me. she called me all sorts of names which I enjoyed because they were all from her to me. I myself too knew I was crazy and maybe even worse than psychopaths but it was all for her. She was my everything.

Shirat_Hash · Urban
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9 Chs

She doesn't recognize me


I couldn't believe what I was seeing in her eyes right now. I saw nothing that said that she recognized me and even the way she addressed me showed that she didn't really recognize or find me familiar.

I felt a sharp pain passing through my whole body but majorly my heart. I really couldn't believe that she didn't find me familiar at all. Didn't she get her dreams? Or maybe she got but decided to ignore and not believe in them like how my uncle told me that some of them thought that they were just meaningless dreams where they dreamt strangers almost everyday doing ridiculous things. Did she also think that the dreams were meaningless and decided to ignore them like some others did?

Hell.. no. What will I do? How will I make her believe that we are destined to be together, me and her?

What if she already has someone in her life whom she loves alot like I do for her? I really wouldn't want to become an obstacle and thorn in her happy life.

I stared into her beautiful hazel eyes once again but this time I saw fear ,but why?

I wondered whether someone had done something wrong to her. I turned my eyes and scanned the rest of the house helpers but I found their heads bowed down including the blonde's. So what was she fearing that even made her body shakeup?

I looked at her again but this time she said something I didn't expect. "Please Sir, please don't fire us. Am really sorry if we did anything wrong especially me. Please Sir."

I looked at her and Wondered what I did to make her think that I was going to fire her.