

Enzo was still seething even after he got back to his place of residence. This day was his free day. The only compulsory activity was the meals at the cafeteria.

Hence, the minute he got back, he found two letters on his nightstand. His anger was instantly extinguished as he walked towards the table to retrieve the letter.

As he had expected, they were from his best friend and his first love. His heart rate escalated in anticipation. These past few months, their letters kept him sane and updated.

' I wonder what surprise they have for me today. Well, I will find out soon.' He grabbed Jasmine's letter first. Enzo sat crossed-legged on his bed, grinning so wide that it was enough to the blind.

His grin was intact as he began to read but was soon replaced with a scrawl. The more he read, the more agitated he felt. He didn't understand any of the things Jasmine spoke off.