

A masculine figure knelt beside a tomb stone, his back lonely. The cold evening breeze blew around him but his frame remained stoic.

Engraved on the stone, was nothing special. The words were ordinary just like on any other tombstone. Except to the man currently reading them, it weighed heavily on his heart.

It wasn't that he didn't like the information. Rather, every time his gaze parsed through them, his heart clenched painfully in his chest.

His gaze was particularly glaring on the word mother. Levi's gaze turned red from the suppressed tears. Unfortunately, he couldn't hold it in any more.

The first tear dropped and then the flood gate was opened. He sobbed , once again mourning her death. He never truly mourned her as he should.

He was never given the chance. Sadly, he couldnt even pay respect to her grave like any normal person would. He was taken back to that night when his first love was taken from him.