
Chapter 6

Tired eyes with lingering pain and anger, swimming deep within their blue depths of loneliness, stared back at the broken man in the mirror. The numerous scars both small and large, written on his body is the only tattoo of life he needed to remind himself how lucky he is to taste freedom again. But what is so great about freedom if there's no one to share the horrors he went through with? Jairus knew he could talk to his sister and even Jackson, but they were happily married with kids to think about. He couldn't possibly dream of bothering them with his problems.

Jairus needed someone who won't run away after learning how many lives he has taken without an ounce of regret or the fact that he was an ex-convict with only a high school diploma to his name. He has money from the odd jobs he did as a kid, the military, and his shop. He had invested in the rundown garage that led him to put a roof over his and Jessica's heads when they needed it the most back in the days when they first arrived in Tobas. The owner, Bobby was a stubborn old man who didn't believe in change but he respected the veteran nonetheless. He was pretty surprised to find out that he was the one to inherit the place when Bobby died.

It took some doing, but eventually, the rundown building that was hanging by a thin thread is now a well-established garage where they not only fix, repair, and wash the cars, but they also build engines from scratch along with exporting them. Jairus may not have his degree in the field he loves, but he sure as hell knows what he's doing. It would crush Jessica if she knew that he had gotten into Stanford University but had to turn it down because of how well she was also excelling academically and the school for her relocation wouldn't make a transfer in time when he would've started college.

Sighing, Jairus backed away from the bathroom mirror, stepping inside his walk-in closet instead to search the countless clothes and shoes lined out perfectly. Knowing his sister better than anyone, he was sure her party isn't exactly small as she claims, and he knows for damn sure it was not the only family, but also business partners of Jackson that will be there.

Grumbling at the thought of dressing to impress, Jairus finally decided on a slim tailored white tab collar shirt with a black sweater seeing as though the snow is getting heavier, along with a black pea coat and a pair of black skinny jeans to wear with his black half-boots.

Dressed and ready to eat some of his sister's food, Jairus didn't bother locking his apartment, if anything, he wished someone would try and break into his house.

“Have a good night sir, and Merry Christmas,” Travis, the penthouse head security says with a smile to which he only nods at the man.

What's so fucking merry! Jairus murmured to himself as he hops on the sleek, black, Vulcan S cruiser, his pride, and joy. Putting on his helmet and then starting up the engine, Jairus rips through the town loving the energy the machine gave him.

Upon arrival, he felt as if someone was watching him but he shook the feeling off for now at least. Removing the protective headgear, killing the engine in the process, he dismounted, pocketed his keys, and proceed to the steps. Only the door gets opened by none other than, Alicia causing a scowl to immediately form on his face.

“Jairus, baby, you didn't mention you'd be here,” the blond slurred a little, throwing her arms around his neck. Alicia's breath reeked of alcohol, something Jairus didn't find sexy one bit on a woman. Sleeping with her was due to a drunken urge to get rid of the boner he was sporting when she ended up in his bed a while back.

“Alicia, you're drunk,” Jairus responded in annoyance making the clingy woman pout as she started to hump him. “Alicia, get a hold of yourself, and back off!” He practically growled easing out of her tight hold.

“Alicia, why don't we get some coffee in your system.” Jessica came to the rescue with her glass of eggnog. “I swear, that woman gets on my nerves!” She exclaims as the siblings watch the woman walk into the pool of people.

“Small dinner party, huh?” A sarcastic Jairus retorted shrugging out of his coat and hanging it on the rack behind the door. “I need a drink.” He added, already feeling annoyed.

“Yea, well, I need to check on something,” Jessica mumbled and sputtered her words leaving Jairus confused by her abrupt and weird attitude.

Making his way inside the kitchen, he almost stumbles forward by the figure sitting down on one of the bar stools entertaining his nephews in a round of cards.

“Crap, you're both cheating!” She whined throwing down her cards on the countertop as the twins giggled and laughed at her defeat, totally unaware of their uncle's presence.

“Uncle Jay!” They both yelled tackling the man into a hug as Olivia whips her head in her savior's direction. “Your girlfriend sucks at poker,” Steven says on behalf of the two cheeky bastards. Not like he didn't enjoy the deer-caught-in-headlights expression on Olivia's face.

“I'm sure you guys won square and fair,” Jairus says to the smirking boys. “Alright you little rascals, go on ahead and let me talk to your mom's guest here,” he ordered the twins who were more than happy to create mischief elsewhere.

Staring at the brunette, her hair is in big curly waves, cascading around her exposed, and creamy shoulder blades which excite junior as he comes alive behind the confines of Jairus jeans zipper. “She's just a kid!” He chastised himself.

“Hey,” Olivia barely gets to say before a groping couple stumbled into the kitchen. Mumbling their sorry, they hurriedly exit at the big man's scowl. Dejected and not in the mood for his rejection on Christmas eve of all the holidays, Olivia grabbed her camel waterfall front coat that matched her oatmeal off-the-shoulder sweater dress and velvet stiletto sock boots.

“Hey, did I offend you or something?” A frowning Jairus asks the disappointed-looking Olivia, grabbing her forearm as she walked past him.

“Ummm, you said I should stay away,” Olivia answered. “Jessica invited me and I accepted thinking you changed your mind, clearly I was wrong.” She further explained.

“It's alright, stay, I rather have a familiar face anyway,” Jairus replied much to Olivia's surprise. Her bag slipped out of her grasp a few items fell out too, which includes sunglasses. “I'm not that bad,” he stated with a chuckle; picking up the spilled contents.

“S-sorry,” Olivia sputtered like an idiot. “Alright, so, where do we start?” She asks.

“How about dinner, the rest can come later,” Jairus answered with a small yet genuine smile.

“Deal!” Olivia agreed more than happy to say yes to spending time with Jairus and not alone cooped up in her apartment.


Laughing heartily at the joke Jackson gave about Jessica being in labor, Olivia couldn't help but sneak a peek at the smiling Jairus now and then, he's so comfortable around his family. She was dying to ask him a question related to her brother, but he was kind enough to let her stay and she wasn't about to spoil everything; no matter how badly she wanted to know. Besides, this is one of the most memorable Christmas she has had in ten years, the last time Olivia recalled feeling so at home was the final time she ever saw her brother alive and kicking.

Oliva still recalls the hideous purple sweater Chance made her wear, along with a red strap-on nose to suit his twisted amusement. He was the one who prepared the ham to perfection, and it was delicious. Just the mere memory made her taste buds dance up a storm again as the honey-mustard sauce he had made lingered on her tongue. And after the family gathering, Chance sneaked her out around back where she got her first taste of alcohol that burnt her throat causing her eyes to water.

Chance had flat-out laughed his ass off, tripping in the snow as he did so, which made both of them cackle like hyenas. Once their laughter died down, he had taken off his dog tags, gifting them to her. “Don't let mom or dad stop you from doing what you love, live for you and you only. There's only one Olivia Cohen, make the best of her.” It is the last thing he told her before wrapping her into his comforting arms until she fell asleep.

He had left late in the night, reporting for duty like he always did since joining the army. And on New Year's Eve, their father received the devastating news and that's all she can recall no matter how hard she tried to remember. The sting of her brother's memory made Olivia excuse herself as she moved from the comforts of the family room into the cold arms of the night, and that's when it happened.

She started to cry.

Unlike her parents, Olivia didn't get to see Chance as often as they did because of their political ties to the military. They got to say goodbye since they're the ones who saw him off, she didn't get that courtesy which is why she has been so obsessed about finding the truth. The bitterness of her salty tears is ironic seeing as though it's the first time she was crying for her brother.

Thankfully, the howl of the wind drowned her choking sobs and for that, Olivia was more than grateful; she'd hate to spoil the happy mood inside. Hugging herself to warm her freezing slender fingers, thicker ones laced them as solid heat braced against her back, providing warmth. “You're hurting, eventually, you'll get over it,” Jairus declared, his hot breath fanning against Olivia's freezing ear.

“Did you?” She dared to challenge the man behind her. “All I'm asking for is the truth so that I can say goodbye,” Olivia stated.

“The truth is, your brother was a good soldier, but too arrogant for his good,” Jairus replied honestly. “I'm twice your age and can't get you out of my mind during the day; the nights are no better because my mind is too aroused by the images it conjures up of you withering away from my touch.” He added, his hand slowly caressing Olivia's small waist as her breath hitched, the white puffs of air visible for anyone to see.

“Age is just a number,” Olivia replied, turning around and planting her lips onto Jairus's own. Though momentarily shocked at the boldness of Olivia, the Frenchman didn't disappoint when he took control of the kiss. It's nothing Olivia has ever experienced before. The way the hunk of a man swept every corner inside her mouth along with the slow massage of the tongues, she was left breathless once their lips separated from each other.

“Right, I swear we weren't spying.” Jessica's unusually high-pitched voice squeaked as she and Jackson tumbled through the back door.

Stuffing her face into Jairus' chest, Olivia wrapped her arms around his torso, trembling. Without responding to his spying sister, Jairus bent a little to scoop up Olivia to which she secured her arms tightly around the man's neck. Knowing the house like the back of his hand, the ex-military personnel walked back inside where the heat of the fireplace provided warmth as he tracked up the stairs, turned left, and entered the room he slept in whenever he stayed over.

The bed dipped under his weight, regardless, Jairus laid a freezing Olivia gently on the bed. Unzipping the back of her shoes, he removed them, and not once did she move or say anything. Getting up, a small hand grabs his arms. “Don't leave me,” the brunette with the softest set of brown eyes Jairus had ever seen begged.

“I'm just getting you something to change into,” he replied to which the young woman nodded before letting him go. Afraid to leave her alone, Jairus digged through the drawers full of clothes belonging to him, finally pulling out a thick hoodie and a pair of fuzzy socks he had received as a Christmas gift last year from the twins. “I do have use for them after all.” Jairus thought to himself with a small chuckle.

Handing over the clothing, Jairus turned around as Olivia silently removed her wet dress thanks to the snow, and slipped the hoodie over her head. “I'm decent,” she says tapping Jairus's shoulder for him to turn and face her. Seeing this side of the man she has been tracking for weeks, Olivia flung herself on him and cried.

Curdling the crying woman into his arms, Jairus separated himself from her to briefly remove his shoes. Pulling the sheet aside, he made Olivia get in before joining her. Snuggled together, Jairus started to stroke Olivia's hair. “My name is Jairus McQueen, the former leader of the special tasks force called, The Death Squad. And I was your brother's commanding officer.”

That was the last thing the remaining Cohen sibling heard before drifting off to sleep due to her mental exhaustion.

I'm so fucked! Jairus cursed to himself because he knew better than anyone what's a grief-delay. It's the phase where one finally accepts a certain reality, and Olivia has a long way to go; for grief comes with many faces. And Jairus wasn't sure which one will show up once the woman he was currently spooning, woke up in the morning.