
Her Master's Vengeance.

Who am I, I say I'm a weapon of vengeance, but what do I really want, I believe I am evil, am I? My dying father held me in his arms; he comforted me and promised me it would all be fine. 'Father, if you lie before you die you'll go to hell' I told him as I tried my best to hold back my tears. He paused and smiled, then looked at me and said 'Reno, my son do you know what the dead want?' 'Nothing, they don't want a thing' I said. He smiled at me and hung his talisman around my neck. On that day, my father the great King Raphael Woo died mysteriously. My father was the leader of the Gaiden, a group that was very much the head of the 'kings' special people gifted with talisman, an organization far beyond the control of the government. My father made a decree, 'Men and kings are equal' he was a naïve man; in his eyes all men were equal. He was the strongest king, but there he lied in the courtyard on his knees bleeding profusely and his fellow king, Kang there before him. I was only 12 when it happened. As I would soon find out without my father life in the Gaiden's court would become a living hell.Same with the rest of my life. Risen from death, bestowed with fantastic powers and fueled by vengeance he will burn the world!!! Credit for the new cover goes to Syaibatulhamdi on pixa bay.

phantom6_sensei · Action
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16 Chs

I'm starting to realize..

Chapter 5

'The raven taunts the mice, but the eagle hunts the raven'

-A sad young man.

Reno searched the town desperately searching for his servants, but to no avail. It's like they had completely vanished.

'Hade!, Takeshi!!' he yelled out at the forest. But there was no response.

'What is this!? This ominous feeling?' He said, sweating immensely with his heart pounding vigorously.

He went back to the lodge and slammed into a room.

Reno through his crown aside losing his usual composure. 'Who could do this?? The Gaiden! Could they have already found me out?. He paced about the room running theories through his head trying to get a grip of the situation.

While he continued his panic, he came across a mirror he hadn't noticed in the room. He looked in the mirror and saw a face he didn't recognize.

Weak, worried, anxious. These were the only words he could use to describe the man he saw.

It took him a moment to realize who the man in the mirror was.

'What am I doing? He asked himself. He picked up his crown and organized himself. His cool regained, he analyzed the situation.


Then he burst out of the room, does he have a plan?

He quickly hurried to the spot he and Hade had kissed by accident earlier. 'How didn't I notice this before, now even I can feel it! This energy similar to mine but it's...Thicker'.

After a bit of meditating...

'I've got you now you thief'

Unknown to him, the enemy he hunted, prepared for his arrival.

He wears a mask, carries out his task clothed in a beast that howls and a silver crown the thief Reno seeks is on the prowl.

'Master, Reno has found us, he draws closer by the second' Hade tells this silver crowned man in the shadows. His silhouette undoubtedly resembles Reno's.

'Perfect, it's been too long. Reno' he says.

Hade's usual cherry smile was replaced with a blank doll-like expression. Takashi looked even more heartless than before. There were other servants of his there.

Meanwhile, Reno walked to the crown of silver's Castle. The scene of his death by the Gaiden's hand replayed repetitively in his mind.

However, this didn't faze him. It made him smile with excitement.

'I can't believe this, Finally, the stage has been set for my payback. Years of endless suffering, killing my father. I'll get them back for it all'.

His walk, his smile, his pose it all gleamed with confidence.

'This must be the place'

An abandoned castle, Just a little further and his goal would be accomplished.

Reno burst open the, it was dark inside but he could sense multiple presences directly in front of him further deeper in the castle. He went deeper into the castle, there were torn paintings everywhere. But to Reno, it had a rather calming feel.

Even deeper he could feel gazes on him.

'Illuminate' he could hear a strong voice say not quite far from him.

The chandelier-lit up on its own. Revealing the design of the room, there were servants everywhere, lining both sides of the room, a bright red centre carpet leading to a throne where a man with a silver crown sat with Hade and Takeshi by his side.

'You're not the Gaiden? Reno said.

'Neither are you' he replied.

'Hade! Takeshi!' he called out to them, they didn't answer to talk of reacting to his call.

'I thought you would recognize me by now Reno'

'I can't even see your face with that lousy mask on'

'It might be better this way. I can finally teach you a lesson'

'What big words you spout but can you back them up?'

'I should be asking you that Reno'

'Stop talking like you know me!'

Reno held his charm and gathered his strength.

'You still have to rely on such a useless technique Ren?'

'Shut up!'

His opponent got off his throne and cracked his fingers.

'Let me show you what a real 'Riser' can do!'

'Servants forward!'

All his servants, marched forward one step at a time circling him. Now surrounded he looked to make a summon.

'Summon; Willow leaf sabre'

With a sabre, he summoned he began fighting this new foes servants. They didn't leave him an inch of space as they attacked from all sides.

While he fought, His true opponent watched on in anything but awe. 'Pathetic...' he said. He grabbed his chest and coughed hoarsely. Then he continued 'Reno, your fighting hasn't improved a bit, do you not remember me?'

'5,.. 4,.. 3, 2 left'

Reno struck the final blow, blood splattered on the walls as he finished the last servant. He now raised his sword at his masked opponent challenging him.

'I expected more from you, Woo!'

'When I'm through with you you'll tell me just how you know me. Could it be...The Gaiden sent you!?'

His energy sparked wildly and he became enraged 'Never talk about the Gaiden in my presence. If you remembered me you'd know how much I detest them!'

'Then why would you take my servants!!!'

His patience and run to thin and snapped. And he attacked Reno grabbing him by the face slamming him into the ground.

'To fix your dumb overconfident attitude!!'

Reno struggled to escape his grasp. 'What's wrong I thought you were going to defeat the Gaiden!!

'Ahhh!!! I am!!!'

Their battle raged, Reno set the pace and went on the offensive, his opponent didn't even dodge his attacks.

As they fought Takeshi and Hade desperately wished for their old master's victory deep in their minds.

'Go master free us from our chains'

Reno turned the battle to a fistfight. His opponent hadn't thrown a single punch yet he felt so tired.

He was light on his feet, all over the place, Reno could barely keep up as he toyed with him.

Reno stopped to catch his breath, 'I won't tolerate anyone who doesn't fight me seriously'.

'Brave words for a man on his knees. I will grant your wish'

Reno was kicked in the gut by his challenger's knee through the ceiling. Reno screamed in agony and landed on the balcony.

His earlier confidence from before was nowhere to be seen. He had completely fallen into utter despair.

'You're destroying the Leon manner you know'

'Did, you say, Leon?'

'Yes, it's all coming back to me now'.

Yeah I did it. hope you guys like this fight scene I've been trying to improve that so I can give you guys better fights in the future!!!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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