
Pervert And the Normal Looking Bodyguard

Minutes later, two people both wearing plain black baseball cap walked closer to her while another man just sat in the empty table on the other side .

"Diya... we finally meet again . "

Y/n's voice immediately rang out, causing her to snap from her deep thinking .

Diya then immediately stood and hugged her precious little wild bunny .

"Ahh... yes my dear, we finally meet again . I miss you so much . "

Diya's voice just naturally sound beguiling as usual, causing y/n to unclasp her before she could even give her the greeting she prepared .

Realizing Y/n's wariness, Diya's lips curved mischievously as she chuckles .

Since high school, she always loved teasing the innocent Y/n, suddenly giving her a peck in her cheek that never ceased to freaked the girl out to the point that she'll just ran away from her in turbo.

"Ah, Diya ... This is Jin, my husband,"

Y/n talked and Diya's gaze immediately shifted to the man behind her