
Little Jin

Meanwhile, Y/n just stepped out from the rest room when she received a message .

She opened it and she saw a photo of the masked man, Jin leaning his back on the black car outside as if he was thinking something really deep and complicated .

Huh? Why is he still outside?

Y/n was puzzled but she just thought that maybe he just need to breath some fresh air . However, by the time she read the caption, her brows knitted and then she blinked more than three times .

'Someone is being problematic because his wife is ignoring him . '

As soon as she read it, she choked and she coughed lightly before she read the caption again .

Huh? When did I ignored him?

Y/n was quite a bit shocked . And she was about to rush outside when she paused instantly . It was because something popped out in her brain like a lightning bolt appearing out of nowhere .

'Step 22; Ignore him once in while'

The moment y/n remembered that step, Diya's voice immediate rang through her head .