
First Priority

"So? What's the point of us coming here if we'll just stay here?"Namjoon's voice was filled with nothing but boredom as his face was sticking to the car's window, while his lazy eyes were focused on the crowded place across the road .

"How about you stay here and I'll go?" he continued but Jin instantly replied him with intensely sharp glares as if telling him that he'll lose his legs the moment he steps out of the car .

Causing Namjoon's face turned extremely bored as though he's about to die with boredom while letting go a deep and disappointed sigh .

"Do you really intend to just wait here forever? You see, women took forever when they go shopping okay? How about I'll go after her and take a video of her in secret while you watch here? Here, I'll use thi---,"

"No need . "

"Huh? Listen to m---," Namjoon couldn't continue talking . It was because Jin suddenly lifted his phone and a live video of y/n talking happily to a few lively vegetable sellers was already playing in it .