
Her majesty's untold dream

Merina who woke up screaming looked at the mirror with a strange gaze. "Is this me?" she asked herself. She slowly adapted to the body nullifying the effects of both past and future. In this life, she swore to be a successful business woman. But what's with the sudden tide of followers chasing her? Let's hop on to see how she tackles her lovers and rules the world.........

Charu_L · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Thrilling game

 Merina started climbing the stairs. As she was climbing, she was lost in thought. She was thinking of the lost dream of the actual host of the body. As she was reaching to the door, her phone beeped. Yes, there was a message. It was from Feng. He messaged " Merina have you reached your flat?". She replied" Yea Feng. Don't worry about me .Have a good night's sleep". Feng replied" How could I not worry about you?". Merina replied " Thank you Feng. I have to go now . Let's see tomorrow". After she put her phone in the skirt's pocket and sighed.

As she was about to knock on the door, Charlie opened the door. Charlie, teenager,15 years old is the son of aunt Maria. He seemed to be in a tense. But he was silent. As they entered inside the flat, he began to yell. "Where were you Merina? We were worried sick about you. Do you know what time is it? " . Merina replied "I'm sorry for making you all worry . I was just stuck in middle of meeting someone". She understood that unlike the past life, everybody here dearly loved Merina. She was overwhelmed and suddenly tears of joy started rolling down from her eyes. Charlie stuttered " Sorry Merina. I didn't realise that I was being too harsh". Merina replied "No. It's just I'm too happy ". They all gathered around for dinner. After having dinner,Merina went to her bedroom.She took a shower, and unlocked the phone.

A message popped up. It was a message from the player Linshao. He has sent her invitation to join his team. She accepted the request and they played the game. The final end points of the game, Linshao secured top spot with 20 kills, Lily next with 18 kills, player Springboot next with 12 kills and player Funmaster with 10 kills.Yes the team has won the match. After the intense match, everybody in the groupchat talked.Funmaster and Springboot were none other than the friends of Lenin aka Linshao. They were enquiring about Lily.But she soon left the game. Lenin thought that she is interesting. Merina saw the time and sighed. It was already 11. She went to bed with a warm blanket covering her.