
Her majesty's untold dream

Merina who woke up screaming looked at the mirror with a strange gaze. "Is this me?" she asked herself. She slowly adapted to the body nullifying the effects of both past and future. In this life, she swore to be a successful business woman. But what's with the sudden tide of followers chasing her? Let's hop on to see how she tackles her lovers and rules the world.........

Charu_L · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The glimpse

She with her friend Isabelle, sat on the middle row. Suddenly, Lenin showed up. He was taking a glimpse at Merina. Suddenly he came near her and asked"May I have a seat?".she was amazed. She moved and gave him seat. soon the place became crowded as it was Lenin who was there. Every girl in the University was envious of Merina as she was sitting next to Lenin. The lecturer came and was amused to see the crowd as these many people have come to attend the lecture. then he understood that it was because of Lenin. But nothing's gonna matter. He started the lecture. At the end of the lecture, he shooted a question which was somewhat typical to answer. but Merina answered it very clearly. The teacher praised her and even congratulated her on her success. Lenin was stunned and could not get his eyes off her. Merina moved from the place in a casual manner. Even though many seniors were trying to snatch her for her beauty and intelligence, she treated everyone with smile and paid no heed to them. Lenin became obsessed with her character and even he thought of her that she is different from others. That evening, Merina received a call. It was from Feng.Yeah she had totally forgot about the meeting. She rushed to the cafe. He was waiting for her.