
Her majesty's untold dream

Merina who woke up screaming looked at the mirror with a strange gaze. "Is this me?" she asked herself. She slowly adapted to the body nullifying the effects of both past and future. In this life, she swore to be a successful business woman. But what's with the sudden tide of followers chasing her? Let's hop on to see how she tackles her lovers and rules the world.........

Charu_L · Fantasy
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10 Chs

My dear diary

".... My dear diary. This is Merina . I am 19 years old.my life is very turbulent after graduating my high school. back then at high school, I was made a laughing stock by the popular girl Kate . she posted the prescriptions that were given by my psychologist as I was having a childhood trauma. everybody stared and laughed at me . I was fragile that I couldn't stand up for myself. after completing the high school, somehow I managed to get into the most prestigious university of Newfoundland, The Memorial University. at the first day, I bumped into an unknown stranger. But at the flick of time he vanished. after the class was over, I went to the library. there I felt that someone was following me . when I sat with a book, a beautiful lad sat nearby me. he was Lenin, the young master of the richest shao family. I just quickly went out of the library. I don't know what the future holds for me tomorrow.... "

she got to know something about the body's owner. But how did the body's owner die? it was full of mystery for her. she was so curious to know about it but her head ached a little . she slept just like that as she was too tired and it was around 12 at night.