
Her majesty's untold dream

Merina who woke up screaming looked at the mirror with a strange gaze. "Is this me?" she asked herself. She slowly adapted to the body nullifying the effects of both past and future. In this life, she swore to be a successful business woman. But what's with the sudden tide of followers chasing her? Let's hop on to see how she tackles her lovers and rules the world.........

Charu_L · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Cafe catchup

When she entered the cafe with her tangled hair, she saw Feng sitting in the corner table near the window. The orange light was shimmering through the window, he was put in that beautiful spotlight. He saw Merina coming and took the tissue as she was slightly sweating. She with a slight awkwardness on her face accepted the tissue and sat down. Wiping the sweat, she said

Merina: Senior, sorry for coming late. I was hooked up with something and just remembered. I am really sorry.

she apologized. Feng gave a slightest laugh and replied

Feng: That's ok Merina. I hope you don't think that your senior is too petty to accuse you for something so trivial like this....

Merina laughed sweetly and said "That's too sweet of you senior Feng". The waiter came for the order. They ordered blueberry flavored pastries and lattes. Merina was asked to order and senior came to know that blueberry was Merina's favorite through this order. They had a very sweet talk about their experience through this University. As they completed they started to move on from the cafe .It was already past eight. When they were walking through the streets under the streetlight, Merina eyes shone like gem. Her hair was wavering through gentle breeze. A leaf was struck in her beautiful blonde hair. Feng was dazzled and he suddenly stopped walking. Merina was staring at him with the expression like what happened. Feng took the leaf from strokes of hair. There was a sudden silence .After that they both walked. Feng walked Merina to her apartment .At the gate, she thanked Feng and turned around to leave. When she entered the gate, Feng called her .When she turned to look at him ,he said

Feng: Just call me Feng from now on Merina and.....your eyes. They shine like emeralds

Merina blushed and replied "Thank you" with a polite smile and rushed off to the lift. Feng smiled and started to move on...