
Her Majesty's Swarm.

The Arachnea are a race of savage insects who are cruel and merciless, And most importantly infinitely loyal to their Queen..... Which is me?! (Inspired from the actual Light Novel, Her Majesty's Swarm.)

Moge_KO · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

My... Swarm?! (Short Prologue)

Hello, My name is Rei. Rey Taylor.

I'm just an average woman you can find anywhere.

Just kidding that's way too cliche, I actually own a mega company that is actively attempting to fuse animal genes with human ones.

The reason for that is we currently have fatal virus roaming around and about, It also seems to not affect animals as they have an innate immunity to it.

So our current goal is to create a Human - Animal hybrid that we can extract cells from to create an antidote for the virus, That ofcourse is our secondary goal.

Our actual main goal is to create cute monster girls, Though once the government found out they didn't seem to be happy about it for some odd reason.

Oh, Did I mention that we succeeded in completing our first goal?!

Exciting I know, But the government also attempted confiscating our cute monster girls?!

So we did the only thing a logical person would.

Retaliating, We found them tooth for tooth, Nail for na- Just kidding again, Thats too barbaric.

We used our monster girls to fight the government, I felt like a certain Orange haired Gacha monstrosity for a second there!

Though unfortunately the government got too salty and decided to drop a nuke on us, Imagine being that bad.

And so that leads me to where I am now, This cool place that I decided to name Heaven's Hole, Hm?

What do you mean I ripped that name off?! I came up with this name myself thank you very much.

It is a glorious name if I say so myself.

Aahh I wish I could stay like this forever.




I just jinxed it didn't I?


"Atleast let me finish my sentence before sucking me in like a vacuum!"


"I can speak again, cool."

I feel my feet land on solid ground after being trapped in Heaven's Hole for an unknown amount of time.

"Man, I hate existing its a Royal pain in my behind"

I confirm that I am alive and well after inhaling and exhaling a few times.

"Anyways who are you?!"

My head snaps over to the weird spider scorpion thingy that's been looking at me as soon as I arrived.

??? : "How magnificent! Our Queen! Has finally woken up!"

??? : "Magnificent! Magnificent!"

That thing didn't talk but I could somehow understand it.

Also I didn't realise it before but there is alot of those scorpion spider things right behind it aswell.

Wait.... These things look strangely familiar....

Queen... Spiders..... Arachnea!

How could I forget! These children are the Swarm Units of the Arachnea!

And I am their.. Queen.....

"Then you all must be..... My Swarm?!"

(A/N : Fuhahaha, It seems like my writing has improved after my first story.

I am very proud of myself right now.)