Song Meixiu is a loyal wife to her 4 years wife, Zheng Xiaohui. Zheng Xiaohui is a young lady from a middle-class family, the Zheng Clan. - This is a work of fiction. Everything said is made up by the author so please, don't take it seriously.
Meixiu looks at Xiaowen as if she just telling a funny statement.
Doesn't she think it's because of Meixiu that's why Xiaohui go the contract?
If she can't get the contract, Xiaohui will be embarrassed and won't even become the director of the company!
Now she's hoping that Tingfeng will help her?
That man is selfish!
After a while, a loud sound of the vehicle can be heard. Xiaowen and Meixiu, together with the others saw an expensive car park beside Meixiu's scooter.
The driver walked out with a disgusted face on as he saw the second-hand scooter beside his car.
"What kind of vehicle is this? Meixiu?" Tingfeng asks as he laughs loudly.
Meixiu's face turns stoic upon hearing his laugh.
It was given by her wife and you dare to laugh at it!? Just wait until I can finally make my revenge!
"That was given by Xiaohui, don't laugh at it."
Tingfeng just scoffs before approaching Xiaowen, who is looking at him with admiration.
"Xiaowen! You've bought our hero!"
"Yeah! Young Master Xie is more worthy to be a son-in-law!"
Tingfeng flicks his hair at what he is hearing. He looks at Meixiu who's not paying attention.
"Meixiu! To win Auntie Xiaowen's heart, you need to have money and power!"
Meixiu just scoffs at what Tingfeng just said.
Power? And money? I have more than you!
But she didn't dare to say it. It will only reveal her true identity.
Tingfeng walks towards the building, with a serious face and hands in his pocket. As soon as he steps up the stairs, the two men at the entrance stop him.
He looks at their hands before slapping them away from him.
"Your filthy hands! Get them away from me!"
The two men remove their hands from Tingfeng and use their bodies to block the entrance.
"You can't come in."
"Why can't I? Didn't you know that I am the Young Master of Xie? I dare to meet your boss!"
Inside the building, a man is sitting down in the middle of the couch with a person kneeling in front of him.
"Boss Kang, this is the money that I have raised from those hopeless people."
"Good, put them inside my case."
Kang Renshu is the main boss of all the gangsters. He is the one keeping everyone in line and keeping everyone doing things for him.
Fan Zixin is one of his second hands. Kang Renshu is known to be merciless when it comes to dealing with those who are complaining about his business.
He is known to be very loyal to his higher-ups. Kang Renshu stands up from his place and a man approaches him.
"Boss, there is someone outside. Wanting to see your presence" the man said.
"Who dares to see me? They didn't know the name Kang Renshu!?"
After saying that, he quickly walks towards the entrance. As the two men move away, Renshu saw a man and two women behind him.
Xiaowen looks at Meixiu who's just behind her and put her chin up.
"Useless, look how Tingfeng will save me!"
Meixiu snorted at what Xiaowen said. She crosses her arms and looks at Renshu who's looking clueless upon seeing Tingfeng.
"Who are you? And you dare to disturb me?"
"Bastard! Are you the boss here!? I am Xie Tingfeng! The Young Master of the Xie family! I dare you to give everyone around their money!"
Everyone's heart melted at Tingfeng's bravery.
"Xiaowen! You better make him your son-in-law!"
"Xiaowen! He is a true hero! Keep him!"
"Xiaowen! It's great that you can help us! Make him your son-in-law!"
Tingfeng looks at Meixiu and sneers. He looks back at Renshu, glaring at him in the process.
Renshu scoffed before holding Tingfeng's neck. This shocks everyone except Meixiu. Tingfeng held Renshu's hand and rushedly slap it.
"The Xie family!? I don't care about your small family! You two! Hold him and slap him a hundred times!"
Tingfeng's eyes widen. As soon as Renshu removes his grip from his neck, he quickly kneels making everyone dissatisfied.
"The Young Master of Xie isn't brave at all."
"Yeah, I thought he'll be able to help us."
"Boss! Spare me! Someone just told me to scare you because of their money!" Renshu raises his eyebrows.
"Who is it? She'll be slapped as well!"
Xiaowen gulps before she slowly back away from them. Tingfeng looks at her before pointing his finger.
He also points at Meixiu.
"...And also her!"
Renshu look at both and ordered his men to get them as well.
"Don't touch me! I didn't do anything!"
"Meixiu! You better do something with this!" Xiaowen looks at her daughter-in-law but she just kneels in front of Renshu. She forcefully kneeled in front of Renshu.
"Do you not know me? I am Kang Renshu! And I can collect your money whenever I can!"
Tingfeng's face paled at what he just said.
It's Kang Renshu!? Why didn't that old hag tell me!?
Even before he can say anything, someone already slapped him. This causes him to look at the side, feeling a hot liquid coming down from his nose.
He looks at the front and saw Renshu with a smile.
"I want you two to do this a hundred times! That hard! Hit him!"
The two men start to slap Tingfeng on both sides of his cheeks. Xiaowen saw this and her whole body shook.
A man approaches her and slapped her in the face. Meixiu quickly stands up and confronted Renshu.
"You can't just hit a woman!"
Renshu looks at her as if she did something. Xiaowen, who's still recovering from the first slap, looks at Meixiu before saying.
"Bastard! They will add another hundred to the slap! Stop being heroic!"
"I can hit whoever I want!"
"If I tell you, you can't... You do it!"
Renshu was amazed by Meixiu's bravery.
Who is this girl?
"What are you? My boss? I am my boss!"
"Yes! I will be your boss!"
Renshu looks at Meixiu as if the girl told him a funny joke. He chuckles before he scoffs as he saw Meixiu grabbing her phone.
"What are you gonna do? Call someone to beat me? I can protect myself!"
Even if he is already half a hundred, Renshu still has a great body and can protect himself. He's been in the underworld ever since he was 11, it just proves that he's worthy.
But Meixiu thinks of something different.
Kang Renshu is just like Fan Zixin, both are dogs of the richest. Then the only one who can help her right now is Jiang Yanlin.
So Meixiu dials Yanlin.
"Young Master! Is there something wrong again?"
"Do you know someone who is named Kang Renshu?"
"Ah, he is a well-known dog among the richest! He's been bugging me to get close with the Ren family."
Meixiu looks at Renshu and nodded her head.
"Do you know Jiang Yanlin?"
Even if confused, he nodded his head before smirking.
"Why? I have a connection with him! Do you want to be pulverized together with that old lady!?"
Renshu points at Xiaowen who's recovering from the fourth slap. Meixiu just shakes her head before she gives her phone to Renshu.
"Kang Renshu! I heard what you told the Young Master!" Renshu's eyes widen in fear.
This girl knows who Jiang Yanlin is!? And she even has his number!
Renshu held the phone with both of his hands.
"Mr. Jiang! It's good to hear from you again! Are you back here in Jiangqiao? Do you need some assistance?"
"I don't need anything from you! I heard what you told the Young Master! I will come personally and pulverize you myself!"
Renshu was shocked when he heard this.
Young Master? Then that means...
Renshu looks at Meixiu with fear. He felt the different aura of the girl as soon as he heard what Yanlin just said.
He quickly kneels and kowtows.
"Young Master! I'm sorry! I didn't know you that much! I was blind! Please punish me with whatever you like!"
Meixiu just shakes her head and taps Renshu's shoulder. The man looks up, still kneeling in front of Meixiu.
"Keep that in your mouth! I don't want anyone to hear that, understand?" Renshu nodded in fear.
"Yes, yes! Your secret is safe with me!"
"But, what causes you to come here?" Meixiu points at Xiaowen.
"My mother-in-law wants her money back and with what your investment scam said, double her money but she suddenly called someone to help her."
Renshu quickly stops the two men from slapping Xiaowen further and orders someone to get his suitcase.
He quickly gives it to Meixiu.
"Young Master, this is the money! Let me know if you need more!"