
Her Love, His Salvation

It wasn't just a marriage between two people belonging to the richest families in the country, it was more of a business deal. Zhang Yi Chen and Lu Zhi were married with their parents approval. They were the power couple. Zhang Yi Chen - the hot, sexy, and handsome businessman; and, Lu Zhi - beautiful, charming, and the most sought after fashion and jewelry designer. Both of them successful and influential in their own right. Together they look gorgeous, perfect, and so happy. But all that looks so perfect, is it really that perfect? Behind the façade of happiness, lies secrets that are so dark and deep that if brought to light, they would burn whatever relationship Zhang Yi Chen and Lu Zhi have established so far. Behind those smiling faces are the tears that no one saw, and no one should see. Will Zhang Yi Chen and Lu Zhi be able to find love in each other when they and everybody around them are wearing a mask to hide their true nature? Will they be able to protect themselves and their relationship from the cruel world they live in?

itsShonali · Urban
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162 Chs

-||chapter seventy two - setting the battleground||-

"It was time for the Crown Prince and the First Princess to go back. Even though they weren't ready to go back to their hectic life but they had to. The war that had been long brewing needed to be fought and for that all the warriors needed to be there at the battleground.

The King eagerly awaited their return because the time that he had been waiting for had come. He lost his first opportunity to torment the First Princess but he wasn't going to lose the second. The little bird was finally going to be in his grasp but the King was not aware of the fact that by targeting the First Princess he had dug his own grave.

He thought to target the First Princess's weakness but he didn't know that it was her biggest strength. The King's age old tactic were nothing in front of the battle tactics that the First Princess was going to use.