
❤️ Injection


Large Burger...??? How can she compare her hand with food... I tried to suppress my smiling...she is so unbelievable... I know she is foodie but did she do that always... comparing everything with food... Maybe she also look at me like I am food...well I don’t mind if she eat me...

She was feeling so much pain and her eyes were moist because of it..I wiped away her tears...I can’t see my baby cry..

It’s a relief that it just a sprain..but she has to give her hand some rest and not work..she try to protest but my one glare and she is shut... doctor put some ointment on her wrist and bandage it..

She could feel more pain during night so doctor suggested injection for pain relief...but when she heard it...she screamed and denied instantly to take injection...

Amora: NO WAYYYY...I won’t take any injection..I will bear the pain...

Doctor: but if you move during your sleep...you will feel pain dear...so it’s better you take injection to avoid any pain..