
Chapter 9.

The brown hall mixed with white colour and the large two lights that were in between the hall lit up in every part. All the people around here deals with underworld business, dark trades and many other illegal things. The murmurs, glass clicking, some cheerful voices, ladies and men laughters filled the hall.

Nathan went on the other side of the hall and took his favorite Vodka from the bar tender and while observing the men who seem they weren't bothered by their presence but they've been watching them ever since they've entered the hall. He noticed many Masked men are present today.

After a small talk and strolls at the hall, Rocky came back to Nathan who sat to the bar tender enjoying the drink. He sat beside Nathan and said to the bar tender" give me one like the one he is drinking please" and the bar tender, took the bottle and poured some to the glass and gave it to Rocky.

Rocky observed Nathan as he enjoyed the liquor 'it seem sweet' thought Rocky. And then said to Nathan " the old lady is here and she has no appointments. I went to Whiskey and he said he wasn't at the country for six months now, he just came back and told me that we have to go to the old hag" Rocky took a sip from the liquor and " Daamn!... do you drink this?" He saw how Nathan was enjoying drinking it and seemed too sweet " oh my goodness" said Rocky.

" Phew, we better get moving before she disappear again, like the last time" said Rocky and they moved from there and went to the small corridor which leads to the small stuffed room.

The small room had many things, some of them were old and some new. The entered and Nathan observed the room " it hasn't changed" said Nathan.

" Come again young man, you think I can't decorate my room and place the old stuff with the new ones and the new ones with other new one" came an old woman's voice behind the large tall shelves.

Nathan chuckled " Good day to you too, Mrs Clara" The old woman appeared to be in her too old, she seemed weak as she walked with her golden cane" Nathan observed the old lady as she came to the chair nearby and sat down.

Nathan went to the old lady and gave her a warm hug " you stupid fool, you haven't been visiting me lately, you want to visit my grave instead?" Said Mrs Clara to Nathan and gave him smack on his back.

"Looking good granny" Mrs Clara observed Rocky and said " come here boy". Rocky made his way to the old woman, she lifted her golden cane and waved to hit Rocky and Rocky managed to dodge it and warmly hugged the old woman " you are truly looking good" he chuckled.

" You two have no manners at all, is that what I taught you?. If I had a strong body I would chace you to the ends of hell and dig some manners into you" said the Old woman.

Mrs Clara is a vampire, she is the one who took care of Nathan, Axel, Rocky, Ace and Faith ever since they were young. She was their only one remained who knew their backgrounds and they trust her with all of their lives.

" Look how you've grown up" Mrs Clara observed the two gentlemen Infront of her and said " am I really that old?. You've grown strong and handsome, you have to get wives soon before I die" Nathan and Rocky laughed.

The old lady took a class of water and took a sip and said to them " ok gentlemen, tell me why you are here" Rocky scoffed and said " we came to greet our Nana obviously"

The old woman laughed " that's hilarious, I know you're not here for that..... Since you lacked the information from Whiskey, you decided to came here, isn't that right boys?" The Old woman then countinued " there are some serious shit that are going to happen soon enough, you have to listen to me. Ace, Axel and Faith I know you can hear me"

She took her golden cane and tapped it on the floor and said " I really wanna die right now because of this weak body but I also don't want to die ever since there are some of things I haven't seen, that i longed for" she paused and said " you've gotta careful my little fellas, there are some underworld dumb people who entered in the lion's den and thought they'll get out alive"

Faith who lied on her back now sat up right listening to the Old lady same goes to Ace and Axel who were now heading back to the jeep listened carefully.

" The Alpha.... I've heard some people talking about him in the hall but i didn't bother to know what it is" said Rocky, realizing that he's been missing the point all this time.

And then the old woman said " yes the Alpha, the tiger himself that no one dares to mess with. The immortal. Some stupid underlings tried to mess with his family" the old ladys face turned soar " The country of Mereen hasn't experienced the uproar for centuries now that some stupid fools dared to mess with the Alpha and now..... " She sighed.

Nathan was surprised same goes to the four others " Then he is gonna come here at Mereen?" asked Nathan in a calm voice " yeah that's it and rumors goes that he listens to his family more than anything in this world. And no one, not even a single living human being nows the Alpha's children and wife" she took another sip from the glass of water.

" Also, no one knows the Alpha's true face. No one in the world beside his family and maybe some most trusted friends. And that's why you've seen the masked guys at the hall, they are all some big shots here at Bravo's city and other large cities here in Mereen. They came to gather some information about the incident but it seemed no one nows the real deal yet" the old lady raised the glass and Rocky took it and went to fetch more water.

She rubbed the bridge of her nose and continued " I've seen him once a century maybe has passed, his face has never disappeared from my memory but now that I think of him, it doesn't even cross my mind" Rocky's eyes went wide and Nathan hands who's hands were folded in his chest, he tighten them " you met him?" asked Rocky in a surprised voice.

" Of course and I'm honored " the old lady smiled at the memory " have you ever had of the Alpha's assassins?" Mrs Clara asked them. On the earpiece Faith said " I've heard of them.... Its that they are the best but I don't how best is that because every assassins are considered to be the best".

" Faith said she has heard of them" said Nathan to the Old lady. " Oh, they are not some simple assassins that you think of. They are more brutal than you think they are" said the old lady.