
Chapter 1.

Alone late in the night at the dark alley appeared to be in confusion were shouts were heard in a distance as if some were in the run of something, while some street parade can be heard clearly near the to clubs at the end of alley.

And suddenly at the very long alley a young lady stood weakly while holding the walls for getting support of some balance for her to stand up.

" It hurts" she ran only to fall again " I can't stop the bleeding. Oh no no no" the young lady appeared to be in pain due to the deep cut that was on her side of her stomach. And soon she saw a man appered at the alley that he had his face covered charging right at her she couldn't help it but watch, she was all out of energy to run, hide, jump or doing anything for her escape right now.

Reaching for her blunt knife on her waist just to fight for her remaining short life that seem out of reach due to the situation that she is in and prepared her self to fight.

" You won't get me this time you stupid. Don't get cocky just because you stabbed me twice or even more than that you'll get another chance. No!"

She carefully watched the large figure Infront of her that seem to wait for her to make the first move.

She waited for a few seconds before the man dash Infront of her without time to re-collect her thought, a man was fast enough to stab her twice at her left shoulder and when he was about to pull out the knife, the girl held the man hand that has been holding the knife with her right hand she broke the arm but the man didn't let out any sound.

Soon the moon shined brightly and the once dark alley seem to shine as if someone light up a torch or something.

The girl's legs gave up and she fell on her knees. The blood from the wounds started to slowly spill to the dirty floor on the alley. Not able to hold the pain any longer, she gave up.

" Accept the fate,girl" the man said,but the voice didn't reach the girl's ears due to tiredness and pain she had and couldn't think or concentrate on anything rather than the pain keep stinging on every part of her body and in every inch of it it felt like someone is still pressing hard on the wounds and cuts.A few seconds of silence passed before she cough up blood on her hand.

She groaned " this is gonna take a lot of time to heal....what a pain" she let out a short sigh that shows the pain she felt during that time. " Yep, i heard that your healing process is too damn slow for someone as high a you are, tsk, what a really pain in the ass" the man uttered as he was enjoying a small pathetic figure-looking Infront of him.

A long sigh escaped his lips as he leaned his back and one leg rested on the opposite side where the girl was " oh man, aren't you tired?" He turned to see the girl sitting while she too was resting her back against the wall " i mean, you've been on the run like two days right?" when he didn't receive any respond from the girl he darkly chuckled

" Nice isn't?. The feeling that you get on the verge of death you feel like it happens and at the same time it's not happening" he made his way towards her and squatt beside her.

" Don't tell me you've died already" he paused and continued "don't go yet we've got business to settle first. You don't plan on leaving me on this dark alley alone aren't you?!, it scares the shit out of me" the girl turned her sleepy-like eyes to look at the man's eyes, she couldn't get the energy to even lift her mouth to let out any single word out of her mouth.

She couldn't believe her life was ending this miserably, after all she has been through and went through all this god-damn years and this was it? this was how she was going to end up? With this fuck nuts here besides her?! She thought to her self.

She put all of the energy that left in her to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes, her throat aches she felt like she needed to cry out loud but she wouldn't let it happen not Infront of this guy here.

Soon she felt movement to the guy next to her and she turned only to see him removing his mask and her eyes widened in horror, disbelief and pain. The pain that kept looming in her eyes as she couldn't believe the unfold scene Infront her her eyes.

The man darkly chuckled " hello, Lily it seems like you're holding up well " he was amused by the look on her face, he couldn't hide his loud laughter now that he could really see that pathetic look on her face.

" You...why?" Lily asked in a calm voice that hid anger and frustration behind it, she couldn't believe what she just saw and at the same time she--- " oh oh calm down there sweety I know you've missed me but not that much for to she tears darling" he said while looking at her face that turned pale and he wouldn't care less, she wasn't aware of tear drop that fell from her eye and she blinked off other tears that kept finding way out.

Lily felt urge, like this wasn't her time to die yet, she took back all the feelings of giving up her life. Yes she would accept death but not under this young mans hands. She took all her courage and stood up.

The man took his sweet time before he lazily stood up and took out a small pistol and pointed right at Lily's head between her eye brows

Lily's eyes gave up, tears rolling down as she closed her eyes. Her legs and arms couldn't move and all that now she wanted was to murder this stupid disgusting looking face right now but she couldn't. She can't believe he has been deceiving her all this time.....

" Ok now" he put his index finger on the trigger at the already loaded gun " don't worry about the others, they'll be with you shortly and you must wait for them. Ok?" said the man as he tilted his head on his side as if trying to take a hold on what she is thinking.

A shadow came looming over them, Lily without knowing anything happed. The shadow was falling right on top of them and the man noticed that.... and seconds later nothing happened or any came nearby.

When he returned his concentration to the girl she was unconscious and right to the other mans arms.

" What are you doing here you traitor? You've been-----" his words were cut off at the sharp edged knife that went through his throat his eyes turned wide and that there was a third man too. Chasing for the girl?....

"....ly, Lily lily" she had a voice, her blurry vision she couldn't see the man's face and before she fell unconscious, she was lifted in a strong arms and the last thing she could remember was the his heartbeat that beat fast.