
Her Infamous Reputation

Can you fake smile?, she can't. Being honest can be hurtful. She doesn't have friends. She thinks she don't have a heart cause she can't feel the emotions. She tries to cry but can't. Too cowardice to even die. Leena burned out too much... At her early 20's, she discovered that she doesn't know her dream; a reason to stay alive. And she don't know how to breath! Let's be Leena's friend on her healing journey toward her dream............

Saoda_Zuairia · Urban
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2 Chs

Clusmy and Curious...

"Why we are feeding such a useless jerk?"

Gosh!,that woman woken up early today.

" Only a bitch can give birth to that kind of kids, like mother like daughter", that woman is shouting like wild boar.

"Why aren't you saying anything ", she's shouting at Leena's dad.

"Dogs like to bark together, huh!", Leena wonders. Her dad was always silent when that woman badmouths Leena, like a coward. Maybe he's too afraid to lose his wife or maybe his wife using exact words that he wants to use on Leena. Who knows what he thinks, whatever it's sure thing that he is a bastard.

He can went to sexologist for his own pleasure but can't take his daughter to a psychiatrist.

Leena has serious anxiety disorder since early childhood. Her hands shakes like Parkinsons patients. She often gets light head and feels like passing out. Also her heart beats like crazy for no reason. Leena thought about her disease and googled a lot to know about it. She once talked with her dad about it. But her dad heard her and forgot it. That is how he turns his blind eyes on his own daughter.

He takes his wife to fertility clinic regularly. It's funny, the guy that can't take care of one child wants to have more!

" I would like to kill her if she were my child", that woman is crossing the limit. But still Leena don't want to waste her words on a animal. So she went out for a walk.

Shawnee forest is like a mother to her. Every time she gets comfort from the stillness of this forest. "It's nice out here ", Leena breathing after a while.

Since early age she has never had friends. Maybe because she got to open up about her family if she gets some friends. So she remained friendless.

Isn't it better; not talking about unpleasant stuffs.

This forest is different from people. Without asking a single thing, it only hugs her with it's warmth.

In winter , every time Leena comes here, she makes a little igloo with snow. It would be nice if she can live in that igloo without going back.

" Even if I left that hellish house, I'll always come to this forest", Leena mumbles.

Sometime, unspoken world gives us comfort that no word can ever.

It's already eleven am, Leena is hungry since she didn't had breakfast. She is coming back to her home.

On street she meets a man who gave her a liflet. She usually throws things like this away. But today she is reading it. An agency that hire home tutor for special need childs. "I have enough patience since I'm surviving in the hell, I can do it", Leena is thinking about the job.

Without thinking much she is calling them.


"Good morning, how can we help you?", an husky voice is asking.

"A... I'm Leena Liz, a high school senior, I'm interested in the job you are offering?", Leena answers.

"Well we only hire graduates, you are very young "

" Look I need this job, can't you just give me a chance, please ", Leena is begging!

" Well, let us decide, we will call you back, thank you "

" Thanks a lot ma'am ", Leena is shaking with excitement!

After coming home Leena made a instant noodles and went to her room. She is confused. She doesn't know what to do with kids, especially with especial need kids.

This is challenging, but she wants to be independent so badly.

Life has those challenges that is unexpected but can lead one to where he meant to be.

Leena is looking for her luggage, it's been long she had travelled. So she bag is under thick dust.

" Let's wash it", she is super excited!

The laundry shop is near her high school, so she put an mask to avoid known people. She hates to explain.

"OMG!, aren't you Lee!", someone from cleaning shop knows her.

Oh, it's Robin, a classmate of Leena.

"Are you sitting for final exam again this year", huh!, he is questioning without asking how she is!

"Why are you here, a part timer?", Leena requestions.

" Oh, you see my parents own this shop, they are not highly educated like your parents",

How dare he is!, He is hurting Leena by mentioning her parents!

Mentally wick people hurts others by mentioning their sad sides. Maybe that's how they feel good or whatever.

After doing her laundry Leena quickly leaves that shop cause she can't stand a jerk like Robin.

" Someone is so busy so they goes out several times a day", her dads wife saying nonsense again when Leena entered the house.

That woman is annoyed when Leena is in and also when Leena is out. What she is afraid of?

Bad people had the saddest life ever, cause instead of being happy they always thinking about how to ruin others...