
Chapter 30- Explanation Turned Bliss

Asmodeus pulled back after hearing my words. His rejection left me feeling cold and unsure of what I had done wrong. He noticed my facial expression and quickly said, "you've done nothing wrong Fanariel. In fact you have made me the happiest man in the whole universe. I simply have some things I need to tell you before we continue any further." he said nervously.

"Things to tell me?" I questioned. I stood to my feet quickly thinking the worst. Did he have something to do with the most recent betrayal?

"It's not what your thinking, please sit back down and let me explain." he said holding my robe for me to put back on. I took it quickly putting it on and tying it in place.

"Speak quickly, my patience as of late is running thin." I spat out in my anger from feeling rejected.

Asmodeus sat down beside me taking my hand in his. My body stiffened at his touch unsure if he was now an enemy or ally. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and hear him out before taking any further action.

"When we mate for the first time with our other half, our bodies transform slightly into our inner beast and we leave a small personal design on their back right here." He traced his hand down my spine stopping right between my two back dimples." he said jumping straight to the point.

"Oh," I said taking my turn to be in shock at his words. My body relaxed slightly, "Is that all?" I asked. "Will it hurt?"

His brow furrowed for a second in thought before he responded, "I heard it is very brief in pain then something else replaces it quickly after.

"Okay, I trust you," I said releasing the breath I was holding a moment before. The situation with Jaio-long had me questioning everyone's loyalty. Something that was not fair to Asmodeus or the others. I had to put my negative feelings towards him aside when dealing with my four remaining husbands.

"Are you still sure that you...want me that way?" Asmodeus asked unsure of himself now.

I smiled seeing him like that for once before saying, "Of course, you said it will be quick and it is in a spot I don't exactly spend a lot of time looking at." I chuckled. "Asmodeus, I am sure." was my final statement.

"Good," he said grabbing me to pull me closer for a kiss. His hands roamed down to untie my robe once again before he gently laid me down on top of his mattress. He moved to position himself between my legs while continuing the kiss. He pressed harder into me allowing me to feel something grow against the inside of my legs. This object felt warmer than anything else Asmodeus had touched me with before. It moved to my entrance, now hard and ready, pressing into me. I gasped as it entered my body. It felt bigger than anything else I had experienced before and caused a slight discomfort. Asmodeus deepened his kiss to distract me from the quickly fleeting pain. That pain was soon replaced with an immense pleasure. I moaned softly into Asmodeus's lips biting at his bottom. This caused his movements to quicken making me louder. We fed off of each other's energy taking pleasure from one another.

As we were both reaching our climax together, I felt that something moved beneath me lifting my hips upward to meet his thrust. I felt a quick prick making me wince before my mind was taken elsewhere. Thinking he could not go any deeper inside me, he somehow managed to find a way to do so. His thrusts hardened taking me over the limit. I cried out, pulling him into me. He too wrapped his arms around me holding tight. We laid there breathing heavily together unwilling to move away from each other.

"Fanariel, I love you." Asmodeus said into my ear. His warm breath against my cool skin making me tingle.

"I love you too Asmodeus, I didn't think I would at first, but you have proven me wrong. Not something that is easily done." I said laughing lightly.

"Well, I am glad I could be an exception for you then," Asmodeus said chuckling softly.

Our laughter died out leaving us to our own silence. I could tell he was not eager to move from his current position, but his weight was bearing down on me.

"Umm, Asmodeus you're squishing me." I finally said.

"Oh, my apologies," he said as he got ready to move himself.

I felt his warm member slide out releasing a liquid from inside me that wet the sheets beneath. My cheeks blushed pink at the embarrassment.

"No worries, I will take care of it," he said disappearing into the bathroom. I heard water entering the tub knowing he was preparing me a bath. I tried to stand to my feet but found my legs wobbling, unwilling to stand still. Asmodeus came back in time to catch me from falling to the floor.

"I got you; you must take it easy for the next twenty-four hours. Your body is still experiencing the changes from our mating." He said holding me in his arms to take me to the bathroom.

"Changes? What do you mean?" I asked.

He smirked looking rather pleased with himself. "Asmodeus," I pressured but he continued on with placing me into the bath he had prepared. I splashed him with water making him jump.

"What was that for?" he asked still smirking.

"Well, are you going to tell me or not? What changes are happening to my body? Didn't we just...have sex. That doesn't exactly change one's body permanently unless...am I pregnant?" I nearly shouted. Surely, he wouldn't be able to tell something like that so soon. But then again there was still a lot for me to figure out when it came to Asmodeus.

"I do not know that yet for sure but hopefully time will tell." he said still smiling. "I simply was speaking in regard to how bonds work between spouses for my kind. When I give you my mark it seals me to you and you to me. With my mark I gave you some of my power. Tomorrow you will be able to feel the full affects. For now, you must focus on resting so that your body can finish its transformation." he finished.

"My transformation? I'm not going to turn into one of those creatures like you, am I?" I asked hoping that he was joking with me.

"No, no. Nothing like that. You will keep your original form but only receive some of the benefits my kind have to offer. Such as resistance to heat and flames, greater strength, and a few surprises I will leave for you to discover on your own." he said looking proud of himself.

"Why so smug?" I asked curiously.

"I just know you and I were meant to be together and now everyone else will know it too. Besides what other man can give you these gifts?" he said proudly.

"Oh! Bring me the mirror so I can see this physical mark," I pleaded since I was unable to move myself at this moment.

"I am sorry, but you must wait until tomorrow to see it. It needs time to settle, your skin isn't used to it, so it is a bit reddened and puffy at the moment. I don't want to alarm you." He said soothingly.

"I think it is alarming me more that you won't let me see it but luckily for you I am too tired at the moment to fight with you over it." I said. "Now are you going to join me or not? I am finding it increasingly harder to hold my own head up at the moment."

"Yes, of course," he said as he slid in behind me so that I could lean against his chest. I closed my eyes as he cupped his hand to move water over me. I drifted to sleep while he finished bathing me. He then lifted my sleeping body to pat me dry before bringing me back to a clean bed with him. He tucked me in with him holding me close to his chest while we slept together. His warmth soothed me into a deeper sleep taking my mind to a place without anger and fear. I felt safe as I slept the night away into the morning and then afternoon. The sun's rays didn't compare to the warmth that radiated from Asmodeus's body. I simply turned to face his chest darkening the light that dared to wake me up.

(Meanwhile outside Asmodeus's bed chamber)

Unaware of a pacing Fraren outside the door I carelessly slept. Fraren paced back and forth contemplating whether to break the door down or not. The noises he had listened to last night coming from his wife made him lose his mind. He had to go deep into the forest to run for many hours in order to not draw his sword.

Thoughts ran through his mind worrying him now. What if Asmodeus had harmed me or if he took me away through one of his flaming portals he had heard about. If he forced me to be his demon queen in the pits of hell that his creature form must reside in. Fraren reigned in his thoughts long enough to gently knock twice against the door. With the door still standing footsteps could be heard on the other side.

"Yes?" Asmodeus asked in a whisper after opening the door.

"Fanariel, where is she?" Fraren asked through gritted teeth.

This made Asmodeus smirk, "She is recovering from our rather... vigorous interactions last night." he said slyly knowing it would mess with Fraren. Asmodeus knew that out of all the others Fraren had the biggest advantage with Fanariel. History. But that didn't mean that he couldn't surpass him as Fanariel's new favorite.

Fraren stood still unwilling to move. "If you hurt her I will..."

Asmodeus cut him off saying, "I would never hurt my mate. So, if the interrogation is over how about you go fetch us some breakfast. I know I am hungry after all that pleasure I gave to her last night, so I know Fanariel will be hungry too." With that he shut the door in a very moody Fraren's face before returning to bed to be beside his loved one.

Fraren punched the stone wall beside Asmodeus's door before turning to get the food delivered.