
Chapter 26- Recruitment

It wasn't long before we reached the desserts end at the eagle post. We quickly landed and I sought out Gwariel to inform him of the situation at hand. Fraren and my guard tended to the eagles.

"Gwariel," I shouted once locating him, "you must prepare your units and mount up at once. An army of over 10,000 are on their way. Send word to my father and have them send reinforcements at once. We will make our stand here." I said confidently.

"Ye-Yes, your majesty, I will do as you have instructed," he confirmed in disbelief. He too was probably thinking the same as I. Who would have the capability to recruit 10,000 to join a rebellion against the Morcrist Empire without our knowing?

Without much time left, I turned to help prepare for the oncoming battle. With my hundred personal guards, the few remaining from Lossariels, and the thousand troops of Gwariels unit we would hold them back long enough. Father would get word and use the eagles sent over along with his personal flock to travel over quickly. With Sabasmus's distractions, we would have enough time...I hoped.

(Back at the castle)

Footsteps could be heard running with haste down the halls. The quickness of the soldier drew much attention making others follow. He ran past them all straight to the Emperor's father.

"My Lord," he greeted kneeling quickly, "I have an urgent message from your daughter Emperor Fanariel." He said trying to catch his breathe.

"Tell me." Morcrist said standing from his seat.

"An army approaches, they have defeated Lossariel's defenses and fast approach Gwariel's Eagle Post. My lord, there are nearly 10,000 men accounted for. They wear all black armor unmarked and fight with no honor." He finished looking down to the ground with pity for his fallen brothers and sisters at arms.

"Areli, prepare my personal flock at once and inform my guard to mount up. We leave at once." He commanded taking his leave to prepare for battle.

Asmodeus, Asterion, and Jiao-long stood quietly outside the door listening to the message being delivered. Anger and rage grew in each of their hearts. Asterion turned and left immediately in search of his armor, weapon, and ride. Asmodeus transformed into his beast and disappeared into a wall of blue flames. Leaving Jiao-long standing ominously.

(Back at the Eagle Post)

Several hours passed by while every available troop prepared for battle. They lined the desert border wall armed and ready. All two thousand three hundred eyes were set on the horizon looking for any change of movement. Finally, a small black dot could be seen in the sky fast approaching. Sabasmus flew in, holding a grin from ear to ear.

"Your back," I said with excitement running to give him a hug. "How did it go?" I followed with.

He hugged me back before saying, "let's just say they definitely didn't see me coming. It will take them several more hours to regroup. I injured several and wouldn't be surprised if some died. They will be moving forward a lot slower now not knowing if at any moment there will be a reoccurrence." he finished laughing slightly.

"Good," I approved, "serves them right for what they have done to my people. We shall give them a taste of their own medicine now meeting force with greater force." I concluded.

Sabasmus refreshed himself with water and a quick bite to eat before returning to take watch.

"I will be able to tell you when they are nearing, so far I don't sense anything. They must be several hundred miles out still." he said with pride.

"Very good, I will entrust you to alert me and the others when you pick up on their placement." I said before leaving to check on Fraren.

"Fraren, do you think father and the others will make it in time?" I asked wavering in my confidence now that we were alone.

"We will hold them back until they do, fear not Fanariel. You made the right choice to stand our ground here than to let them further out of the dessert." He consoled me.

"Thank you, again," I said to him for being my rock once more. I felt extremely lucky to have him by my side.

I went back out with the others and waited to hear of any change. Every few minutes I would look to Sabasmus but he still showed no change. He was seated on the ground with his eyes closed focusing. I tried to imagine what it must be like to have the capabilities that he did. I got lost in thought imagining all the things I would do. From locating wild horses in the woods, to winning at hide and seek. I was pulled from my thoughts when Sabasmus's voice spoke up, "They approach us." he said. "Nearly a hundred miles out now. at their pace they will be here in the next four hours." he confirmed.

I nodded at him before alerting the others. My personal guards and their hundred eagles were well rested and ready for battle again. They stood by awaiting my signal to launch the second wave of attack from above. The others had their bows and arrows beside them. Buckets of oil were to their left and torches were lit to their right. We would set the sky ablaze to rain down on them with flames. Sabasmus would shake them from the sand revealing the targets to be hit. We would then send our ground fighters as a last resort when our arrows ran out.

Four excruciating hours passed and precisely as he had predicated Sabasmus stood to reveal our opponents. This was the first time I got to see him in action, so I was unsure of his movements. He raised his hands palm up to the sky making the ocean of sand before us rise with them. Black forms were revealed before he slammed his hands downwards. He only had to do this once before the army quickly removed themselves from the sand. They crawled out smoothly standing to face us. They were several hundred yards away from the wall but still in full view. I raised my fist to give the signal to my archers. They plucked their first arrows dipping them in our special poisonous oil before lighting them on fire. Bowstrings drawn back they waited in silence.

The army's leader gave the signal for attack, they ran forward with great speed and weapons drawn.

"Now!" I shouted to the archers. They released their first arrows darkening the sky. They then arched downwards to meet their marks. Black dressed figure after black figure dropped to the ground. Their bodies erupted in flames as they rolled around in agony from the internally burning poison. Arrow after arrow flew from their bows. Their quivers were nearing emptiness. I gave the signal to ready the eagles. Our next wave of defense would have to be launched soon.

As the enemy drew closer, they were out of the line of fire. I gave the signal for the eagle guards to swoop down to meet the closest foes. Talons and swords drawn they tore into the men below. Wave after wave was met. Our arrows ran out and eagles grew tired. The enemy kept coming with no restraint.

One of our eagle companions was taken down following another and another. After over a dozen had fallen, I gave the order to retreat our air strike. The remaining eagles flew back to the safety of our borders wall.

The enemy began to climb the wall using their abilities to stick to the stone. I gave the signal for our final method of defense before we would have to resort to sword-to-sword combat. The archers poured their buckets of oil down the outside of the wall. It leaked down quickly to the bottom. They then grabbed their torches and set the wall on fire. The few men that had already made the climb up fell to the ground in a burning pile. This made the rest of the men halt in their movements. They watched the walls ablaze causing smoke to rise. They knew our quivers were empty and our eagles tired and injured. The battle was at a brief stand still while they waited for the oil to burn out.

"Draw your weapons!" I yelled to my troops in preparation for the fight that about to ensue. Sabasmus and Fraren stood to my sides. Sabasmus wielding a sword of his own now.

"Why the sudden change of weapon?" I asked curiously.

"I've nearly reached my limit of stamina; I am waiting for my energy to stabilize before I can call on the elements again." He informed.

"Very good, I assume you know how to use that as well then?" I asked with a smile joking with him.

"Of course, your majesty," he responded with a grin knowing I was just trying to make light of the situation at hand.

The flames died out and the smoke vanished. Battle calls could be heard from below as the enemy charged the wall to make the climb. I looked to Fraren and Sabasmus one last time. I saw love and protectiveness from them both. The first of our enemies made it to the top. I welded my sword to strike them down.