
Her Indecision That Repaired An Empire- Book 2

An empire is falling apart until an unexpected heir is born. A female child that was destined to become the next Emperor. Now coming of age to wed and take the crown she goes through a week of celebrations for her birthday while courting many suitable men. To strengthen her empire how far is she willing to go? Will she lead her people with her heart or mind? When unexpected betrayal ensues she must rise to the occasion and get to the bottom of their deceit. This story follows the highs and lows of love, loss, and power.

Cloud_Rasmus · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 24- The Red Sea

My troops and I lay in wait for our opponents to launch their attack. Our swords were drawn and armor on. Xander crouched beside me rubbing his feathers against my arm to comfort me. He could always sense the change in my mood. I patted his beak gently before holding my sword in preparation to fight.

The campground was eerily quiet. Not even the breeze could be felt or heard. All of a sudden, the ground shook slightly before dark figures erupted from the molten sand. I announced the counter-attack taking the lead to meet the ambush. Sword met flesh as I swiped my blade through the first of my attackers. Xander stayed close to my side as I fought opponent after opponent. He used his sharp talons to slice like swords through those I hadn't finished off. His large beak snapped their heads off before tossing them aside to move to the next.

The battle was over before it had truly begun. The counter-surprise attack worked in our favor immensely. Their small force had little to no chance, to begin with.

I went around checking with my troops ensuring all went well. None were injured and they had even captured three of the attackers alive to further interrogate.

"Fraren, tie the prisoners up and take them to the holding tent." I instructed. "Let the eagles clean up the corpses." I finished as I made my way to find out further information on this little attack. Other than the scorpion tribe I was unsure who these attackers might belong to.

I entered the tent with an expressionless face. I looked the three men over before speaking. They wore all black fitted armor with no markings. It was unlike anything I had seen before. After walking a few circles around them I finally spoke up.

"Who sent you?" I asked coldly. Looking the tallest one in his eyes. He snickered at me before responding.

"That is for us to know and you to find out." He sneered.

Well good, then tell me I thought waiting another moment.

"You have sixty seconds to give me some answers before I cut off your head and feed you to my eagle." I said emotionlessly. "Speak now and I may consider making a deal to spare your life's."

I stuck my sword at the throat of the man to his right waiting for a response. All three of them were on their knees with their hands and legs tied together behind them. Unexpectedly the man at the end of my sword sliced his own neck on my sharpened blade. He fell to the floor slumped over in a gushing pool of his own blood.

The taller man laughed out loud making me aim my sword to him. Fraren and my guards had drawn their swords at the movement.

"If there's nothing you want more than death, then so be it." I concluded.

I gave the cue to Fraren to eliminate the one on the left while I still had the one in the center at my blade. This time I distanced it further giving me the control over life and death for him.

"You wood fairies really are scum, it will be your blood covering the ground soon." He spat.

I welded my sword taking his head from his shoulders. Blood splattered coating my already stained armor. Whether or not we got information, whoever he worked for was no match for the Morcrist Empire. I would find out soon enough the culprits.

I turned to leave heading back to my tent. Fraren followed closely behind. Once I entered, I stopped freezing in place. I dropped my sword to the ground looking down at my hands. I didn't like the person I had to be. But it was my duty to protect my people. I grabbed at my uniform wanting to take it off. My hands slipped making it hard to remove. I started to feel panic rise in my chest.

Fraren placed his hand over top my fumbling one. "Here, let me," he said as he helped me unbuckle the straps holding everything into place. My chest gear fell to the floor letting me breathe. I quickly took in a large breath holding it for a second.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

He helped me remove the remaining pieces before doing the same for himself. He went to retrieve a bowel of water and a rag to start cleaning me off. I sat down in silence letting him wipe the blood from my body. Removing the last smudge, he checked me over making sure I was okay.

"I'm fine," I said trying to give him a reassuring smile but failing. I needed to pull myself together to go back out and face the troops to make sure no other enemies were lurking.

I went to stand when Fraren placed a hand to my chest making me sit again.

"Don't move," he said calmly.

"Fraren, I need to make sure the guards are on patrol while the others sleep, and we need to..." he cut me off.

"I will handle everything; I want you to rest." He said. "Lay down and I will be back soon."

I did as he said, and he tucked me under the covers placing a kiss on my forehead. He then turned and exited the tent. I closed my eyes trying to think of happy thoughts. I didn't have much success however but luckily Fraren had come back shortly after leaving.

He crawled into bed beside me holding me tight. My body relaxed under his touch making me smile for the first time today.

"Fraren," I said.

"Hmm," he hummed into my ear.

"Will everything be alright?" I asked.

"With me around you can rest assured, nothing will ever happen to you Fanariel. I will protect you with my last breath." He said confidently.

"I know that, but didn't that man's words sound a little strange to you? Do you think that maybe something... bigger is at play here?"

He thought it over for a moment. "I spoke with Sabasmus and he hasn't detected any other life forms in the sand up to fifty miles out. The same for the skies. His powers are quite useful actually." He said with slight amazement before continuing.

"So, I don't think there is any immediate danger. For now, there is nothing we can do but rest for our final stretch of travel tonight. Once we reach the deserts final border, we will then determine the true extent of the situation at hand. My guess is that those men were scouts testing the borders defenses. When they don't return, the message will be relayed, that the Morcrist Empire under your reign is not to be tested." He finished.

"Okay, I trust you both, I will do as you advice and try to sleep now. Thank you for everything," I said with genuine gratefulness. Fraren truly was my rock today. He shouldered my burden with me and took care of me when I was feeling weak. I am happy that he is by my side, both as my guardian and husband.

"I love you," I said while closing my eyes to drift into sleep.

"I love you too Fanariel," I heard him say before exhaustion completely took a hold of me.

We both slept until night fall before packing everything up to fly our final stretch. In mere hours we would be meeting Lossariel, the guardian of the Southwestern boarders to get the most recent report of the rebel resistance. Sabasmus and Fraren flanked my sides as we took off on our eagles.

The coolness touched my skin again making me feel invigorated and awake. Xander was feeling re-energized as well as he extended his wings and glided effortlessly above the few clouds. The unexpected feast left all the eagle mounts feeling ready for the remainder of our journey. The moonlight lit the way, and the stars guided our path. I took this time to readjust my thoughts and go through the memories of the recent events.

Something about the attack seemed off, if they were truly scouts why would they attack and not keep watch? Or why would they not go around us and take a different route?

"For us to know and for you to find out?" What did his words really mean? If he had no intention of telling me who he was then why say something like that? Unless he knew I would be finding out real soon another way.

I may not have the answers now, but I know one thing for sure. When it came to protecting my people and Empire, I would stop at nothing to do so. With Fraren and Sabasmus by my sides I had no doubt of my capabilities. Together we would solve this strange mystery and put an end to it. Hopefully sooner than later... I can only imagine the turmoil back home that's awaiting me.

Asmodeus is probably on fire by now. I laughed mentally at that thought. Asterion I'm sure is worried sick. I missed them too; I missed being home. One more day and then we will head back to them all.