

Camryn Ambrose based on her last hurtful relationship with Charles Morgan, pretends to be poor to find true love, on the contrary she meets Alex ...

Squishy_Squish · Urban
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20 Chs

I really want to be a close friend to you

The next day after class Camryn quickly headed to the lake, she was surprised to see Alex already waiting for her, she smiled and calmly walked up to him

"Hey, Alex," she began softly, trying not to startle him. He turned to look at her, surprise etched on his face. "I didn't know you would come" she said with a smile

"I wouldn't want to upset you" he said smiling

"Don't be silly!" she teased looking at his hand "what's in the bag?" she asked, Alex held a yellow striped nylon plastic bag containing some food, he had brought it for Camryn but didn't know how to give it to him

"Ugh... its nothing" he lied putting his hand behind him, Camryn could feel his nervousness, so she grabbed the plastic from him

"Come on give it to me already, I know they're mine" she said and grabbed the bag with a teasing smile on her face

Alex chuckled and shook his head, "Fine, you caught me," he said, looking embarrassed. "I brought some sandwiches and fruit for us to share."

Camryn grinned, feeling grateful for his gesture. "That's so sweet of you, thank you," she said, opening the bag to reveal a delicious spread of sandwiches, cut-up watermelon, grapes, and sparkling water. Looking at the meal, Camryn knew he had spent a fortune on them, so she had to eat them, even though she wasn't happy he spent so much because of her, still she didn't want to ruin their moment

They sat down on a nearby bench by the lake and began to eat, enjoying the warm sunshine and the peaceful sounds of the water lapping against the shore. Camryn noticed that Alex seemed more relaxed now than yesterday and she was glad that he had agreed to come out with her.

As they ate, they talked about their hobbies, favorite movies, and music. Camryn shared her love for learning new things and her love for business, while Alex revealed that he was a basketball player and a photographer

"I love basketball and I love capturing moments" he explained, taking out his camera from his backpack and showing her some of his photos. "I find it fascinating how you can freeze time and capture emotions in a single image."

Camryn was impressed with his photos, noticing how he had managed to capture the beauty of nature in his shots. She felt a connection with him, as if they shared a love for the simple things in life.

After they finished eating, they decided to take a walk around the lake, admiring the colorful wildflowers and the tall trees that surrounded them. Camryn noticed Alex looking at her every so often, and she felt her heart skip a beat.

As they reached the end of the path, Alex turned to her, taking her hand in his. "Camryn, I know we've only known each other for a short while, but I feel like we've known for years and I really want to be a close friend to you" Alex stuttered, Camryn looked at him and smiled, she felt her cheeks flush with heat, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She had never been asked by anyone since she began her poverty training to be a close friend, she was thrilled

But looking into Alex's honest, sincere eyes, she felt a tug in her heart that told her to take a chance.

"Yes, Alex," she said, smiling up at him. "I would love to be your close friend, besides I don't have many male friends and I don't mind you being my gist buddy" she said. Right from the very day they met, Camryn felt comfortable with him, not wanting to take the risk to scare him away, she agreed to be his close friend and hope for the best.

They both grinned at each other, feeling a sense of happiness bubbling inside them. Camryn knew that she had taken a risk by saying yes, but she also knew that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith in order to find true happiness.

Since then Alex and Camryn never had a day go by without meeting at the lake, it was their daily routine and they were happy about it, bringing food and sharing with each other was their main excuse, neither of them eats lunch without the other.

But one day Camryn came to the lake as usual to share her lunch with Alex, but he wasn't there, worried, she took out her phone and called him