

"Are you alright?"

"N-no---I mean... Yes... I’m feeling okay," I stammered. I shook my head in defensiveness as I pushed his hand away from me.

He would have tried to apply the back of his hand again to check if I didn’t have a fever.

I do feel hot, but I know it's not because of the fever. That's because---are you crazy, Akemi?! Aside from being young, your parents just died!

Ryu's thick brows furrowed. His narrowed-eyed stare told me that he was not buying my alibi. The same hand that I slapped came up, again trying to check my temperature. But I had already taken a step back before his palm touched my skin, and I shook my head again.

"I am okay, Ryu," I said with a laugh, but the shock in my voice was almost obvious.

He nodded. But he was still not convinced, and it was obvious on his stoic face.

"Why are you here?" I asked to sway the topic and loosen myself up.

"Just checking in on you---"

"There's no problem, Ryu. I'm not sick... or anything."

He nodded again, pouting his lips. "Alright, then. If you say so. Will you visit your family?"

I nodded.

"I'll come with you."

Ryu did accompany me when I visited my family's graves. I was a little embarrassed when I took her down to the living room because my bath took a little longer. I mean, from deciding on the dress I’m going to wear and it confusing the shit out of me. And that was the first time I was like that.

In the end, I chose a white lace dress. I even put a little powder on my face! And that was too far from my routine!

Yaya Dores was stunned to see me dressed up. But she didn't say a word anyway and just let Ryu and I leave the mansion with an intrigued look on her face.

Days passed, I got busy at school. At the end of the class, the teachers gave quite a few projects in each subject, even though I was only in Grade 4.

I sighed and probed the medals hanging around my neck as I walked down the stage. I'm the top one in our class. I was happy but a bit sad. I am happy because somehow, I managed to keep studying hard. And as sad as it is that my parents are still alive, Yaya Dores is always with me at the Moving Up Ceremony and hangs the medals.

Not because I'm complaining, but because I feel like she's the only one who really appreciates my efforts.

A series of knocks on the door woke me up on the first day of April. I yawned before slowly opening my eyes. But I immediately covered my face with the pillow when the light from the open window of my room escaped and the heat kissed my face.

"Hija? Your Aunt Ingrid is already there. They're just waiting for you at the table!"

When my eyes felt adjusted to the light, I removed the pillow from my face. I yawned again before I answered Yaya Dores in a hoarse voice. "Yes, Yaya Dores! Please just say I'm coming down!"

I quickly did my ritual for that morning. Hugging my body with a thick white towel, I left the bathroom and immediately headed to the walk-in closet, half the size of my room.

I was busy searching and deciding what to wear, which is not normal for me, when suddenly my cell phone rang.

I smiled as I remembered how long it had been since Ryu and I exchanged messages last night. That's also why I awoke at 12 p.m.

I approached the nightstand on the side of the bed. I took the cellphone and excitedly opened the text message.


Morning. Eat your breakfast. Don't skip, it's bad.

A wide smile appeared on my lips when I typed a reply. Can't help but shudder at the thought of what madness it is.


Good morning. Have you eaten breakfast? If not, let's go together.

Arguing whether to press the send button or not, in the end, I deleted it.

What a flirt! You're too young for such things, Akemi! Keep an eye on your actions and make them age-appropriate!

I sighed as I typed a new message.


Morning. Thank you.

After getting dressed and getting ready, I went downstairs. I left the cellphone on the bed and didn't wait for Ryu's reply to my text.

When I was on the stairs, I immediately frowned because of the noise in the dining room.

"I don't like eggs, Mom! I want ham and bacon!"

"It's not possible. We already have already foods---"

"Mom! Please..."

"El Sandra..."

When I reached the table, my eyes immediately focused on the young girl with a pouty face. Her skin was like her bestida—white and creamy. Like mine, she also has long and wavy brown hair---reminding me of the big waves on the Panganiban Coast. Protruding her red lips, she looks like Aunt Ingrid.


At one angle, she looks like my mommy.

That much.

"You're already here, Hija! Come here!" Aunt Ingrid stood up in a panic and offered me a seat, facing the little girl. "Sit down and eat. Your cousin and I really waited for you so that you and I could be together."

I think the girl, my cousin, is only a few years older than me. Or maybe it's because of her thick makeup that she looks a bit mature. That's what I want too. Maybe I should try to copy her makeup, too.

The girl looked at us. With irritation shadowed on her face, her deep brown eyes rolled. She folded her arms and rolled her eyes again. I guess she didn't like what Aunt Ingrid did.

"Eat a lot, Hija---"

"Mommy!" The girl that Tita Ingrid called 'El Sandra' interrupted. She pointed to the food on the table. "I said, I don't like eggs! Cook me ham and bacon!"

Aunt Ingrid stopped putting the rice on my plate and patiently turned to her daughter. "El Sandra! I told you, no ham and bacon today! If you don't want what’s on the table... you are free to go!"

"But, Mom!"

"El Sandra..." There was a threat in Aunt Ingrid's voice.

I sighed. "It's okay, Aunt Ingrid."

I smiled and turned behind my seat where the maids were standing. "Ate Elsa, can you cook her what she wants, please?"

Ate Elsa nodded. She was about to leave to carry out the order when Aunt Ingrid stopped her.

"No need, Elsa. This food is enough," Aunt Ingrid looked at me. "I don't tolerate El Sandra's whims, Hija."

"Mom..." El Sandra said.

Ate Elsa nodded and stayed next to Yaya Dores, Ate Cion, and Ate Inding. Meanwhile, Aunt Ingrid returned to her seat.

My eyes moved to the girl in front of me. Tears were forming in her almond eyes. I then saw myself in her. The times I stopped Mommy and Daddy from leaving. I remember how I looked as I stared at her, crying because I didn't get what I wanted.

El Sandra snorted and her lips trembled. She suddenly stood up, causing Aunt Ingrid to turn to her as well. Even Yaya Dores seemed disappointed as I heard her hiss behind my back.

"I c-can't believe this, Mom! I just want ham and bacon. And you can't give it to me? I hate you!"

El Sandra turned her back on us, she ran out of the dining room in tears. I looked worriedly at Aunt Ingrid. I didn't expect El Sandra to do that to her.


Even if I couldn’t get what I wanted, I could never say such hurtful words to Mommy and Daddy.

"El Sandra! Come back, El Sandra!"

A year later, El Sandra hasn't changed. It seems like everything just happened yesterday. The scene in front of the table is still the same. If El Sandra doesn't like the food that is served, she says the taste is the problem and asks for something else. Eventually, she will lash out and walk out if you do not grant her wish.

As of now, El Sandra has just left, and Aunt Ingrid is ready to follow her.

"I will, Aunt Ingrid," I said, pausing.

Aunt Ingrid's eyes narrowed when she looked at me. "But, Hija..."

"I'll be the one to talk to her. She's also young, like me. Maybe we'll understand each other when we talk," I said with a smile, but Aunt Ingrid's irritation didn't go away.

She heaved a sigh. "She is El Sandra, Hija. Naughty, rude, and snappy when she doesn't get what she wants."

"I can talk to her, Aunt Ingrid," I said, still smiling.

She stared at me and clenched her jaw.

I don't know where she is irritated, about what I said or what her daughter did again? But I see only one thing in her, and that is extreme self-control.

In the end, Aunt Ingrid didn't say anything and just let me go. El Sandra and I might be late for class.

When I left the mansion, I was very confident that I might now be able to talk to El Sandra properly. She was young like me, so I understand why she acted like that.

Or so I thought.

El Sandra's different. She will do anything to get what she wants.

"Okay. We'll be friends when you agree that your room will be mine. Understood?"

With her grinning across her lips, I was stunned.

"That can't be, El Sandra."

It's the last day of class. Our day of exams And because of what she said, I guess I forgot those I reviewed last night.

"Really? Until now, Akemi?" She turned away.

"You want friendship from me, right? If you really want it, you'll give me your room," she said, with a finality in her voice.


"No more buts, Akemi."

I just sighed when El Sandra left me in the car. I thanked Manong Roger, our family driver, for opening and closing the door for us. Which El Sandra didn't do.

I was halfway nearing the school gate when someone called me from behind.

I stopped.

I looked back and saw Ryu running up to where I was standing.

"Good morning, Ryu," I said as he came to a halt in front of me.

He chuckled, almost running out of breath. "Is it really a good morning? Or not?"

"Huh?" I blinked.

"Because your face is frowning."

I adjusted my hug to the books that I carried and continued walking. "You waited for me?" I asked to sway the topic.


I stopped walking when Ryu’s heavy arm landed on my shoulder. I shrugged. But his arm stayed still, so I just let it go.

"Why? That will make you late for your exam."

He pursed his lips. "Not at all."

I continued walking again. He immediately followed me.

"Wait," he stopped me. "You didn't answer my question. What's the problem?"

I shook my head. "Nothing..."

"Nothing? Why do I feel like there is? You weren't like that yesterday when we visited your family, huh?"

I stopped.

When I faced him, his deep hooded brown eyes met mine immediately. The beats of my heart started to race with each other. I was the first to break out my gaze because of the nervousness in my chest. So I just focused my eyes on our fellow students who were entering the gate chaotically. I couldn't see El Sandra there anymore. She really went ahead and didn't wait for me.

"Look at me, please..." He faced me and searched my eyes. "What's bugging you? Please tell me."

I breathed deeply. There was nothing else I could do but to tell him the truth.

Ryu wondered why El Sandra did that. We are cousins, and the same blood is flowing down our veins, he said. Then why was she doing that to me?

Ryu asked what my plan was.

I also do not know. Yes, I want El Sandra and I to get along, but I have many memories of that room. Also, that's where I feel the most comfortable out of all the parts of the mansion.

I just let all my worries go until the end of the month. I am the school valedictorian of our batch. I am happy, I guess. Because somehow, Aunt Ingrid is there to hang my medals on me.

There is change somehow.

The glittering lights covered the bushes in the mansion's garden on the first weekend of April. It was like the dark sky above was full of stars that night. While the red-carpeted staircase at the entrance looked extravagant. Timeless and magical, the classical music from the orchestra played.

Both I and El Sandra were in yellow lace dresses. Tita Ingrid was in the middle of us. She looked so stunning in her black serpentine gown.

As our background music, the applause from the guests boomed as we walked down the staircase after the Master of Ceremony announced our arrival.

Trepidation prevailed in my chest, especially when we were greeted by heat and a dazzling spotlight. Furthermore, everyone attending the party is well-known in the business industry.

Aunt Ingrid introduced us to the guests. The whole time, I was just smiling, hiding the nervousness in my chest. We approached the other table, and when I saw the familiar man next to Engineer Dela Costa, my smile widened. The nervousness in my chest seemed to disappear.

Ryu in his black tuxedo and cute red tie. His teeth were dazzling when he smiled when we approached their table.

"You made it, Engineer! I thought you couldn't attend because you were busy managing the LEC," said Aunt Ingrid, with a hint of anger in her soft voice.

Aunt Ingrid kissed Engineer Dela Costa.

"We have time, Miss Concepcion. And Leesteel is also part of LEC. So, we're here to celebrate the success of the company with you," Engineer Dela Costa said in his playful tone. "Congratulations?"

"Thank you. By the way, this is my daughter, El Sandra and I assume that you're already familiar with the unica hija of Akem and Oseanna?"

"Of course! How can I forget this beautiful young lady?" Engineer Dela Costa held his hand in front of me. "You look like your mommy, Miss Lee. Alluring and stunning!"

"Thank you, Senior."

I smiled and reached for his hand, shaking hands.

He smiled and let go of my hand before turning his back and introducing the man who had just been watching us. "Miss Lee, this is my unico hijo, Cedric Ryu. I hope you'll be good friends in the near future or... more than that.” Engineer Riley Dela Costa laughed---the kind of laughter that Tita Ingrid hates.

Ryu took his hand out and, like I did with Engineer, we shook hands as if we were strangers.

"Nice meeting you, Mademoiselle," Ryu said with a full smirk on his lips.

"Nice meeting you, too---"

Aunt Ingrid hemmed. "That's enough! Come here, Akemi. We have more guests to greet."

Aunt Ingrid walked first to leave Engineer Dela Costa's desk. El Sandra immediately followed her after giving me a sneer.

I smiled at the gentleman. "I need to go, Senior and Ryu. Enjoy the night."

I followed Aunt Ingrid and El Sandra. I could feel the irritation in both of them.

"What was that for, Hija?" Aunt Ingrid whispered when I got near to them.

I just shrugged because I didn't know what she was talking about.

We lingered at the last table where Aunt Ingrid's friends were. They laughed and talked about the business at hand. Since I could not relate to their topic, I excused myself to them.

While I could see the expanse of the Pacific Ocean from behind the mansion, I chose to spend time there while the fun was not over yet.

The sweet wind blew and touched my thin skin. The salty air filled my nostrils too. As far as I can remember, this was the first time that there was a celebration and the mansion was filled with big people.

So earlier, while walking and introducing us to the guests, my heart was pounding because of nervousness. But at the same time, I was delighted when Aunt Ingrid introduced me to them.

I hope Mommy and Daddy are here too. I hope they see how happy the mansion is now. How it was filled with laughter from different people. It's far from the old quiet home, and almost only I, Yaya Dores, the maids, and the drivers are here.

"What are you doing here? Are you also looking for clues?"

A kid spoke from behind me. I turned to him and stood on the rock I was sitting on.

The kid was in his white tuxedo and red tie. It also has large glasses in its eyes. He's just a little taller than me. As I remember, he was the son of Attorney Agoncillo who was introduced to us earlier.

"Clues? Looking? No! I'm just here to vent," I said. "You? What are you doing here?"

He walked closer to me and suddenly, he grabbed my hands to look at them.

I frowned at what he did.

"I know... you did it," he accused me.

I violently took my hands away from him and hid them behind my back. "What are you talking about?"

"Ren, what are you doing here?" El Sandra, Ryu, followed behind her.

"I am searching for clues," replied the Attorney's son.

"No clues here, Ren. Okay?" El Sandra turned to me with a look of irritation on her face. "And you, Akemi. Mom said you should go up to your room."

I nodded and tried to greet Ryu, but he immediately turned around and quickly trudged back to the front of the mansion. I faced El Sandra, too. I was going to say goodbye, but she quickly turned away after rolling her eyes at me. And then Ren followed.

I just sighed and entered the mansion using the backdoor. How long will El Sandra and I be like this?

We would have reconciled.

Suddenly, darkness filled the hallway as I headed to my room. The bulbs light up, but they also go off and light up again.

It stayed that way as I climbed the stairs and until I reached my room.

The cold doorknob made my chest heave even more. Even though it was cold, beads of sweat still formed on my forehead.

I turned the doorknob with a trembling hand and pushed it open. I entered the dark room and groped for the light switches on the wall near the door. I was breathing slowly when the light turned on and the words written on the glass of my dresser were revealed.

With horror hugging my body, I screamed as I read those words written in blood.

She is dead. You are next.