
Her First, His Last

Pam had to run away before its too late. She has always dreamed of becoming successful in IT career. Love came unexpectedly from an unexpected man. She was willing to take the journey towards success with him. She was ready to dive in a romantic relationship. Suddenly he is part of her dream, her life, all her first was with him. It was beautiful until she was apparently just an ego game. Tim…he still exudes the confidence. He still got the appeal physically and mentally. Everyone thinks he has everything! After Pim left him, he felt abandoned, he felt empty. Thanks to Lissy he felt complete, ‘she is the one’. Lissy is all that I need. What is the truth behind Tim? He used to be Pim’s. His girl was once called Pim. Asking both themselves in silence…why do we have to cross path once more when each has moved on. “What are you doing?” has been an interesting line for Tim. Read on to find out. There are some mature content.

ninjinjin · Urban
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118 Chs

Chapter 32 - Freezing Her Egg Cells

The weekend passed by with Pam still thinking about what Auntie Sue told her. Indeed her body is fine. As what the doctors in Singapore told her. There is nothing wrong with the organs of her reproductive system. Auntie Sue urged her to get married soon and try out having babies. This way she could try while still young and seek for medical help if needed. As to any woman, her chances of getting pregnant is not 100% even if she is fertile because, her uterus has been damaged before, it has been healed but may be delicate to carry a child.

'How am i suppose to try to get pregnant? I am not even qualified to become a mother. I don't even have plans of dating more so marrying.'

On their way back to home Dindin brought up something to Pam which also kept her thinking for the past days. It was playing on her head over and over.

"Pam why don't you try to get you egg cells collected and frozen? This medical technology concerning this is already advance. I know you are not dating now but your body is not getting any younger. When you decide to have a baby in the future you can get someone to fertilize the eggs with your boyfriend or husband."

Dindin also encouraged her to take her mom's advise to seek professional help, "There is something that triggers your abdominal pains, if not hormonal probably psychological. Don't let it eat your positivism Pam. You are strong woman."

Deep inside her, Pam there are things that she regrets doing and not doing. Indeed she can call herself a strong woman for rising again from that slump in her life. However, there are things that she is not courageous enough to do. She does not want to take risks anymore.

Tim found his way to Lissy's office. Since Lissy has been absorbed by the company, this is the first time he is visiting her office. "Hey Dindin!"

"Sir! How can i help you?"

Thinking its a personal item he needs help with, Tim decided to drop by instead of asking her to go up in his office. "Not a big deal, I came from another meeting and just decided to drop by. I need your help."

Dindin directed her to Lissy's room so they can talk privately. She noticed that the people around the floor are side glancing at them. As she knows the relationship of Tim and Lissy, she had to protect her boss and Tim from any gossip.

"I know that Lissy has extended her stay in Shanghai. I am flying there this weekend. Can you help ensure she is in the hotel when i go? Tim smiled looking so charming, "i wanted to surprise her."

"Of course Sir. Let me make that arrangement. As far as i know she would only have lunch meeting with CEO from Xin Technologies on Friday."

"Perfect! Make an arrangement for her to be back in the hotel by 5:00pm and...get access to the room for that day." He had to emphasize that day only. He still would want to protect her even if they are grown up individuals.

"No problem Sir. Anything else?"

"How's your weekend?" He intentionally asked, by chance he might get some news about Pam. Even if he has been antagonistic with her, she was once intimate with him and she is a person , a human that one can be concerned of.

"Had a good weekend with family especially that i brought Pam home with me."

"That's good, she has been sick back in Singapore."

Smiling mischievously,"She must be stressed with the project. Her body is all good now but you know the mind sometimes think the pain is still there. She is being paranoid of her illness recurring which is impossible" Dindin just relayed general facts and was cautious that Tim might think she is asking her to go easy with the project team particularly with Pam. She know that he had this reputation of being pushy on projects.

"Oh is your mom a doctor?"

"Yup she is OB-GYN."

"So why did you not follow her footsteps?" Tim deliberately moving away from the topic focused on Pam.

"I was never interested in medical field I can't stand the sight of blood or dying people. Even when i saw Pam pale during that time before my mom performed emergency surgery with her, i thought i'd be first to go to the emergency."

Without realizing Dindin has shared important information that now triggered Tim's curiosity completely. When he left Lissy's office he immediately looked for Mark's number and asked Jenna's contact number.

'An illness that is impossible to recur?'

'Stress induced pain?'

'Emergency surgery by OB-GYN'

These are thing which puzzles Tim. Why would she need an emergency surgery? Was she sick when she left him? More importantly why is the illness not recurring.

Unknown to Tim, Dindin said this because unless she try to be pregnant or gets pregnant they would not know if her uterus can carry a baby or if there will be issues on her pregnancy. Pam got miscarriage which she is unaware until her uterus got infected.

Early that night Tim decided to message Jenna via a chat app to ensure she gets to see her read the message.

Tim: Jenna this is Tim, i got your number from Mark.

Tim saw that Jenna has read the message but she has not shown any signs of typing reply.

Tim: I just wanted to ask something.

Finally Tim saw an indicator that Jenna is typing something.

Over to where Jenna is, Pam is consulting her of the idea that Auntie Sue suggested. On freezing her egg cells.

Jenna: Hey Tim, what about?

Tim: Did you know if Pam was sick in the past?

Jenna: You mean distant past? and not recent past?

Tim: Yes

Jenna: No, i just knew she went back home, her mom died, decided to do further studies overseas. Why?

Thinking that Jenna is probably unaware too, Tim carefully crafted his next message.

Tim: I learned she got surgery before, by an OB.

Jenna is now finding it hard to concentrate with what Pam is saying in front of her. Getting surgery by an OB could only mean Caesarian delivery, medical abortion or reproductive health issue leading to removing certain organ. Which is which with Pam?

"Hey are you listening?" Pam questioned her sincerity of accompanying her.

"Sorry, Mark is asking me questions here and there."

Pam smiled thinking about Jenna and Mark started, "i can't believe he found his way back to you." She is truly happy for Jenna. Mark is an accomplished man not to mention good looking guy too. Just that he was a bit of a playboy before.

"We are on trial period. In fact i might consider what you are thinking too."

"Seriously? Just get married with Mark and make babies without protection!"

"Wow! look who is talking why don't you date and get married too so you don't have to think of freezing your egg cells and be an old maid mom."

"My situation is different than you, physically..." Pam stopped.

"Why have you been sick in the ovary or something?"

There was long silence. Jenna is somehow believing there is truth to what she has just learned from Tim.