

She slept soundly. And the scene of Miguel's kiss included her wild dream. It turned wild because the kissing last long almost that she was losing her breathe away. Why does the kiss still seem to stick to her lips. She quickly fix herself and get down. To the stable she go straight..

"That's just where I'm going, there at the stream grandma. Mang Sendo will accompany me but he will go home earlier than me," she said.

Zaviah also said goodbye to her grandmother who she passed by the garden again. She was from the stable. That time she listened to Mang Sendo in choosing the horse to ride. It's not Apollo but Scarlet she is riding. She saw that stream in a glance the day Miguel drove her from the woods Villaverdes territory. And the stream is beautiful according to what her grandmother also described.

"Okay take care, Zav."

Her grandmother waved at her as Scarlet run away with her behind Mang Sendo riding another horse too. What her grandmother had done as she rode the horse away was just a sight to behold. So did Don Rafael who had just arrived at the garden. She was wearing jeans shorts and a loose t-shirt. Her smooth and white legs were displayed. No wonder Zaviah used to be a Manila woman fashioned. She reached the Huyong-huyong stream in a short time. It's water springs from the large rocks.

"All right, Mang Sendo, leave me here," Zaviah said.

"Be careful here ma'am Zav."

Zaviah turned face to old man for telling her to be careful. She thought that she might be careful in her bath in the stream or in the person passing by the stream. The stream is a bit loose. There are rocks on its edges. And what's even more beautiful around are the Donya Aurora treeses.

The leaves are colored not a lust and vivid green. It's white and pink for that is Donya Aurora natural leaves color like flowers.

She had already tied Scarlet to the tree. According to Mang Sendo, Miguel passes by the side of that stream every morning at about seven o'clock on his way to town. She began to have her heart trembled fast. Is it she like the kiss because it is her first time to taste how sweet kissing.

'Zav stop thinking about that kiss. Its just a kiss' she said it to herself.

Huyong-huyong is the boundary between the Mondragons and Villaverde. She will take a bath first. The water is clear and cold its really so enticing to swim.The sound she could only hear is the chirping of birds and the water slashing. She quickly go down to the water wearing a top bra and shorts. She was wearing two piece bikini when she left. It was already under the loose t-shirt she was wearing. But she changed her mind so she didn't take off her denim short. She just took off her loose t-shirt. It's only six o'clock in the morning. She still has an hour to enjoy swimming. She enjoyed watching the small fishes that are not wild. Obviously accustomed to living without being disturbed by man. The cold wind blew and no sunlight appeared. After few minutes Zaviah went up from the water. She was getting cold that she qahted wanted put on the t-shirt she had taken off before Miguel passed by the stream. Or she would just go home if it hadn't come before the rain would catch up with her.

'Where is my t-shirt?' she asked it to nobody.

She was sure that she had just hung her stripped t-shirt on a tree branch. She could no longer see it. She turned around the tree while tiny droplets of rain is pouring.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

She glanced at the source of the familiar voice. It was Miguel looking at her, staring how eye-catching was she wearing.

"Do you want to keep it away from me," Zaviah asked.

"I was just kind enough to pick this up from the grass. It's raining so this might get wet. I looked for a branch that could shelter your phone and tshirt that you just left on the grass. But my good deeds got worse intention," Miguel's said it in his defensive reply.

He could not imagine Zaviah's accusation. It would have been better if he hadn't interfered.

"Maybe it's not bad to ask because you're holding that."

"It's not bad to ask because I'm holding this. But I hope you asked me why I'm holding this things of yours."

"All right. It's wrong if it's wrong. Thank you for your good intentions."

Zaviah thanked him but said it in a rude tone.

"Yes at least you still know how to say thank you. But even if you don't say thank you. Your beauty is enough for me. You are even more beautiful than the flowers around," Miguel said bluntly.

How many times did she need to thank Miguel but she didn't. Zaviah suddenly remembered how do she look while talking. Any man can enjoy what they see. She is like the leaf of Donya Aurora that looks like a flower. She quickly grabbed her tshirt at Miguel's hand. She thought that she might be too attractive.

"I have something to ask you but never mind."

Zaviah turned away

It is Stella's son that she wanted to talk about. But she was starting to get annoyed with the strange stare at her. He is almost undressed because of how she looks.

"Is it about Stella's son?"

After this question to Zaviah. Miguel held out her hand before she could walk away. She was going to go to Scarlet. She turned and smiled. He had to be kind to Miguel. She wanted to know if this man would really help her with the son of his late auntie Stella.

"You'll know if you'll come with me to Rancho Villaverde."

"Oh! really. You are willing to help me find out where is aunt Stella's son. Our clans are mortal enemies. Why would you help me. And would I be going to you at Rancho Villaverde. It is your territory so how can I be sure that you have no evil plans behind."

"Oh lady? An evil plans! What kind of mind set is that you are thinking. I could harm you anywhere if I would. Why would I bring you to the Rancho for that evil plans that you are thinking. Anyway, do you have another way?" Miguel asked.

"Im waiting for your answer . Why would you help me?"

"I will help you because I wanted to. Would I have any other reasons. I just wanted to help. And that's it."

Zaviah thought of that the man he is talking with couldn't really help in her suspicions. There may also be hidden agenda against her. Although there is no certainty she will believe there is. She would agree to go to the Rancho.

"So why would I believe?"

"Because you have no choice but to believe me."

"I trust and hope Miguel."

"Yes trusting me is one thing for sure you could have. You dont have any idea where to go first for the searching. You were not here before. So trust me.

Zaviah finally turned her back and climb up to Scarlets back.

ITo the mansion she goes. In the stable she was supposed to return Scarlet. But she had just seen Don Rafael there. So he immediately handed the horse to Mang Sendo.

"It's up to you Mang Sendo to let him into the stable."

The old man just nodded.

Mang Sendo understands that she is avoiding meeting Don Rafael. She will definitely be noticed by what she is wearing. It's still wet so we'll probably ask where he came from. It's as if she's on fire when he sees his grandfather. She immediately wanted to walk away as if it were a scorching fire near her.