
After Years

"Stop asking son. Please give me least five minutes," she said she's getting mad.

In that way she replied to her son. And she never thought she could be that mean. Maybe she was so stressed by sheer awkwardness of asking. It is always started with what, when, how and why he didn't see his father. She was asked by her son a question after one another about his father. A very talkative and inquisitive kind of a boy. Intelligent and a sharp- witted kid. Curious and eager to know such things. He always has a question about what he see around. And when his first question is answered, there will be another one. From the answers he heard he gets his next question. So there happens to be endless explaination.

"Mom, are we going far? Gadel said.

"Yes," she answered?"

"Like how far it is?"

"You can sleep so you don't get bored."

"Oh, oh! you're not answering."

Even if the child's questioning is deafening her but instead to be annoyed, she just hugged her little boy. The truth is that her mind is busy. She could no longer stand the fact that she strained to hide. The days, months and years passed quickly. That one whole night after the wedding day they were together as a couple was her unforgetable moments. The night that she bore her beloved precious gift Gadel. Why does it seemed like just happened recently? Her unwilling heart leave the country. But her mind came up to the idea that it was the right thing to do to find herself. She simply left that morning. And made sure that she had gone away before her husband woke up.

"Zav are you sure of this," her mother asked hesitantly.

That refers to her decision. It's about them going to the province at Hacienda Mondragon. At last Cynthia spoke, the silence in between them was broken. Her mother has her eyes closed and supported what Zaviah wanted to do in her married life.

" We are ready to go, son."

As she took a glance to her little boy. She adjusted the seat of the child sitting in the backseat. The three of them are ready for the trip to the province to San Fernando to visit her sick grandmother Trinidad. She will drive home. She learned driving a car for herself when they were at Europe. It was more than two hours passed as she know they were close to the town.

Yes mom. I decided. And besides it's Lola Trining I'm going or we're going to visit. So what's the deal with Mig---" she answered late to her mother's question.

Zav answered late to her mother who was asking. She could no longer continue the name that she wanna mention. Among the things that she want to forget about her husband was remembering to mention its name.

"So how? How about your son? How long will you hide the truth. That his father is really alive," he asked worriedly.

"Mom, he'll get to know his father too. It's up to the right time for that."

"When will that happen? Remember you twisted the fact. You made him believe a lie."

Cynthia looked at her grandson who was sleeping soundly beside her.

"Mom ... please."

She pleaded not to go to any further discussion about Miguel. And she just wanna have a little rest talking about it.

"Okay," Cynthia replied.

But seemed that her anxious mind did not want to stop thinking. If only her son had not dreamed of being to have his father. She would have had nothing to worry about. She has no intention of changing what she said. Hide the truth from his son. And in fact she tried to take a different path. But she couldn't help it. The call of destiny is destined to happen. Those were the chances she never thought would destined to take place. Just like at the request of her sick grandmother. She could not bear not to indulge. It is sick and getting weak. Her prayer was that they would be given more time to be with their grandmother. Her mother Cynthia also insisted to visit and see Donya Trinidad before. Whether she wants it or not, she will step on Hacienda Mondragon together with her son. and mom. Where before she could get there they would first pass Rancho Villaverde. Over the years nothing has changed. They traced the road with a large part in his memory. It was fun and complicated as she recalled everything.

"Mom I feel like I'm peeing,"

Her son suddenly gets up and speaks. Zaviah suddenly braked. She thought Gadel was still sound asleep. She then thought that it have heard their conversation with her mom. But she dismissed it in his mind.

"Okay but make it sure you do, son. Remember we are here in the middle of the woods. We shouldn't suppose to go out of the car. We weren't sure, there might be snakes. But if you really wanna get pee we have no other choice. "

"Yes mom I'm sure."

It quickly removed his seatbelt. Opened the door to get out of the car.

"Don't go far. You can make pee there, son."

"Yes mom."

She points to the nearby boulder. The place where she experienced too much fear. Where once she sat after hiding inside a dead tree. And she was so scared she squeezed herself so that Silva's people couldn't see her.

And turned to her left because of a car approaching.

"Make it a bit faster son," she commanded.

The car was stopped behind them. Waiting for them to move forward as well. Gadel immediately got as when he saw the car next to him. Zaviah asked in her mind whose car was behind them.

'Probably one of the Villaverdes' her mind whispering.

She is also a Villaverde but she does not want to take her husband last name. She said steadily in the side mirror. Still looking at the car and she was surprised when it stopped. The man familiar to her went down. She doesn't might got wrong in guessing. The man was Miguel. Raised the hood of his car and checked the engine.

"Zab, we can stop," Cynthia said.


Soft but with emphasis on her tone. The look it conveyed her mother as not to lend a help. She was even more stunned when a little girl came out of the car.

"Maybe we could offer a help," her little boy also suggested.

"No, son. He's talking to someone over the phone. So he maybe called someone for a help."

First on her mind she have also considered the suggestion to help. But she saw Miguel talking on the phone. So it doesn't matter. She would rather drive away. She's not yet ready to face Miguel.

"Okay mom let's go."

Speechless she became. Silence also prevails. Her mother never spoke again. It got hesitant to talk to her after seeing the reaction on her face.

"We are here, son."

They were already at Hacienda Mondragon when she spoke to Gadel. The gate is old. Obviously it is no longer well maintained.

"Wow mom."

The child's eyes got open wide. The gaze circled all around. It is not accustomed to the scenery that only at the province can be seen.

"So, how is place Gadel?

"I'm happy to be here grandma. It would be even better if I met my father here. But he's gone."

Cynthia looked at the child after hearing what it said. Feel sad for her grandson.

"Zav, I guess."

"Okay mom. I can read your mind."

Zaviah avoided looking at her mother. She knew that the reunion of her son and his father was on her mother's mind.