
Her Eternal Mr. Right

"You are just a gold digger to me. Do you understand? Just a gold digger! You have literally sold yourself to me for your Father's company. You are just here as my wife for my daughter. That's it!" Asher said with an anger as he pushed her to the wall. "What? Just... a gold digger?" Ivy asked with tears in her eyes. "Yes. Gold digger like you just need money right? I will give you. Just tell me how much you wanted to enjoy your life?" Asher asked with anger. Her heart has broken into pieces as she heard, what he just said about what he is thinking about her! She never thought that he think of her as a gold digger all these while... She had thought that... He is her Mr. Right as they are very happy with each other. They were in love. Aren't they really? But she believed that... He is the one. He is her prince Charming. He is a person who entered her life out of nowhere and suddenly means the world to her but now, he thinks, she is a gold digger. How can he has no idea that she had sacrificed her happiness because of her father? Till yesterday, he is the one that loved her the most... But now, the same man calls her a gold digger. This made her confusing. He's both good and bad. Her brightest moments and darkest Hours is him. He made her laugh but now, he is the one that made her cry. She is having a hard time understanding him, because on the one hand, she loves him for the happiness he gives her but on the other hand, she despise him right now because of the pain he gives her. And she has no idea where she is at fault?

Mairaisra · Urban
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143 Chs


"No one knows how much he had went through... No one... But... It's not right to blame him for what he didn't cause... Right?" Becky asked and Ivy took a deep breath.

"In business, ups and downs are really normal... But for that, she doesn't have to say that Asher isn't capable of doing business..." Becky said as another tear falls down from her eyes.

"Now... He is one of the top businessman in the whole world... She can't even imagine him like this that time but now, he is back in his all his glory... But she lost him... Because of her foolishness." Becky said as she sighed. 

"If it's not about money then what is it, Ivy?" Becky asked as she looked straight into her eyes.

"Why won't I hate someone who had ruined my Son's life and grand daughter's life? She made that little girl lose love of a mother. What more does she wanted from that little girl?" Becky asked with anger and Ivy sighed.