
Chapter 69

He grinned, then leaned down to lick the mark he’d left on her. It had already trickled blood a little and he wanted to make sure it would close so she didn’t get an infection. Certain she would be fine, he settled on his side next to her, pulling the hospital blanket back up to his chest from where it had slid to his hips, dangerously close to revealing his nakedness.

She giggled. “I can’t believe we got caught. At least they turned the monitors off.”

Ryuu laughed, pulling her closer to cuddle and settled his head above hers on the pillow. “Me too.”

They laid there quietly for a while, each taking in the other’s scent and warmth. They both were happy to simply be in the same room at the moment after being apart for so long. Jayde dozed while Ryuu thought about what Jayde had been saying before he had kissed her, mulling over her words.