
Her dead mate

Alice opened the coffin and trailed kisses on his bony finger. Alice was an innocent naive teenager, until after the death of her boyfriend. In the quest to revenge his death, Alice realizes some truth that would change her life forever. She decides to bring her boyfriend back to life, and is made to pass through hell in order to achieve her aim. How far can she go to achieve her aim.

Stephanie_Asanya_7390 · Teen
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12 Chs

The Alpha

''This useless Alpha from that foolish pack, really thought that we could not feed on him just like we would feed on the rest?'' The first man chuckled as he rose his head, and I noticed that there was nothing left of the head of the wolf apart from the dripping blood that rolled from their mouth to the ground.

''We will take a part of his bone, and show to the beta and delta of that pack, we will show them that we have defeated them and now they must succumb under us.'' The second man relied with a complacent smile.

I shut my eyes for a second, to take in the horrific scene I had just witnessed.

Was this what they were going to do to me…

''Henry's girlfriend,'' the second man called out, causing me to flash out of my realization and look at him.

I had no words left in my mouths to say. I felt weak and defeated after the scene before me was unfolded.

The man that had saved me earlier, begun to approach me, causing my heart to race faster than ever.

I could feel the goosebumps popping out of my skin as he stood at a nose tip in-front of me.

I faced the floor, trying to avoid his devilish smile and stare.

He used his finger, and lifted my chin in-order to force me to stare at him.

I knew best at the moment than to fight back at a blood thirsty man.

''You will be next'' He said and begun to laugh hysterically.

After the men had walked out of the room, I tried my best to stabilize my breathing before my heart would pop out of my chest.

I really did not known what had happened to Henry.

The fear that they most have burnt his bones, got me shivering in my spine.

Henry had written that letter, with maximum amount of trust in me that I was going to fulfill the duty.

And here I was, chained to the wall with men that were going to chew me raw very soon.

I wanted to give up, I wanted to just die and join my boyfriend in the after wold.he was the only thing that mattered to me while on earth, and with him gone I felt like nothing else mattered.

A tear drop rolled down from my eye.

The tear drop felt hot on my cheek, like it had been boiling up in my eye for ages.

Nothing mattered again in the world.

I felt certain that my father was not the least worried about me, as he had his new wife to always keep him company.

They say that the real side of people come out after they have gotten their dream desire, that proverb goes directly to my dad.

I wished I had known that he would neglect me so easily, then I would not have wept so much at the betrayal.

I really wished I could talk to someone at the moment.

I wondered if the wolves that were chained beside me, could understand the feelings of a human, I would have talked to them.

'Alice, if you give up and meet Henry in the after life, he will hate you for not fulfilling the one task he granted of you' I heard a voice in my head say to me.

As an introverted teenager, I always spoke to myself and replied back at my questions, so hearing a voice in me was not a new thing to me, although I still shirked at the realization of what my innermost part had said.

I was more scared of disappointing my lover, than getting killed by gruesome men.

Viewing it from that point of view, I really loved Henry, and would not want him to hate me. Henry hardly ever delegated task to me, especially task that he knows would be harmful to me, which meant that for him to have delegated this particular duty to me despite its deadliness and causing him to apologize before time, then it meant that the task meant so much to him.

If I left the job undone and went back to him in the after life, he would hate me, and that was the last thing I wanted to happen. I had already caused his death by forcing him to leave the house that day, and the only way I could guarantee his forgiveness is to perform this little favour of saving him from those men.

I urgently needed to escape.

I heard the the creaking sound of the door, which caused my heart to trump hard

I was snapped out of my thoughts of how I could escape from the vicious animals who were hell bent on killing I and Henry.

It was the men.

The same men who had earlier killed the man who they had called an Alpha.

If those men could kill a whole Alpha, then…


I needed to pause the negative though from my mind.

They men kept walking towards me, causing me to recall the word of the man that almost killed me, before he left. he told me that I would be the next to be eaten.

The men were licking their lips transferring the message that they were ready to eat me up without a slightest thought.

I still had no plans on how I would escape from the men.

My mind was blank and filled with fear.

If I wanted to fight them, they would surely out power and outnumber me, making them to defeat me with ease.

''what… what do you want from me?'' I stammered

''we want you'' one of the men replied, causing me to notice his now elongated canines.

While one was staring at me, the other was unlocking the chains on my hands.when he had unlocked my hand from the chain, the feeling of freedom felt weird to me.I stretched my both hands in all the direction of the room, but my happiness was immediately cut short, when my final leg was unlocked and I landed roughly on the floor, causing the men to laugh at my careless fall.

I could feel my head aching from the fall, but it was immediately overlapped by the fear and uncertainty that filled my mind.

I did not know what was in my mind, but I tried to crawl my way to the opposite end where the men stood; away from them.

''Archie, this lady thinks we are joking, it seemed like your useless boyfriend did not train you well to tell you never to joke with a hungry wolf''

The man who had saved me earlier, and whose name I had just learnt as Archie kicked me with his boot at the side of my stomach.

I had never in my life been kicked that hard. The kick caused me to fall with my stomach facing the ground while holding it and whimpering in pain.

I was extremely thankful that I was not on my menstrual period, if not the cramps plus the pain of the kick would have killed me.

''why did you kick her! don't you know that we need her strong on the bed for our sake?''

'oh!, I almost forgot, we also need her to be strong for the Alpha, he told me that he would like to taste her before we do'' Archie replied with his eyes fixated on me, as though to annoy me with his words.

i wondered what the men meant by they 'wanted me strong for the Alpha', was it my bones that they needed to be strong, or my flesh.

Are they not planning on killing me with a bite and eating me?

''Gary lift her up, let me inform the Alphas guard that the human is ready for him.'' Archie said to his friend d and left the room. Leaving me alone with the man whose name I had now learnt as Gary and the numerous helpless wolves that hung on the wall.

'get up' Archie ordered me while kicking my pinkie finger.

I tried lifting myself from the ground, but it felt like all of my muscles had been deactivated or had disappeared from my body.

I felt weak and helpless, I could not even lift myself from the ground.

I knew that the act I portrayed later, could land me some injuries from the ruthless man as I raised my hands up to him in an attempt to get his help to lift me from the ground.

Surprisingly Archie rolled his eyes and lifted me from the ground,

I had a deep feeling that Archie was not as wicked as he portrayed to me, but then my feelings did not matter.

As I stood on my two feet with the help of the werewolf. I felt my head spinning at the small size of the room. I was scared of tightly enclosed places, and the wall where I had been changed, had magnified the room in my view.

There were no windows or outlet for light in the room. The only exit and entrance was the single door that stood at the near end of the room.

I wondered how I had not smelt the disgusting blood strench that filled the room. It smelt like a place where human beings where dead people were kept with dried blood plastered on their bodies..

I wondered how the men could eat up anything in that room, or how they afford to day for hours in the stinky room.

While walking towards the door, I felt a touch on my elbow.

I wondered who had touched me as every wolf was hanging up and Archie was moving in front of me.

I turned back, and was met with the pitiful looking eye of a wolf hanging on the wall.

I could not describe the look of the animal, but it looked helpless.

It looked like its only hope was on me, but I was also about to get killed.

As I looked beside the wolf, at the numerous other wolves that hung on every part of the wall around the narrow room, I could see the same look on their faces; looks of helplessness and pity, they looked like their only hope was truly on me.

I did not even have hope in myself, how could they have on me.

''move out you hooligan'' Archie ordered, causing me to realize that I was still inside the room, and he was far ahead of me.

I felt a hard slap at the back of my heard, and a rough pull out of the room.

''what are you discussing with them? Why are you looking at them like they are your lovers?'' Archie asked rhetorically.

''See'' he pointed his index at me when he had shut the door behind us.

I gulped down the mould of saliva that had formed in my throat and stared at my now bare legs.

''Those wolves cannot save you, they are as helpless as you are''

Why did he just have to remind me of my helpless state.

Archie roughly dragged my arms, causing me to move faster than I expected.

I could walk on my on, I really did not need his rough handling.

While still staring at my legs and thinking of a plan, I noticed that we were now in a more brighter place.

We were outside, I knew this because, I could see the reflection of the sun in a pool of water that seemed to fall from a fountain.

I was forced to look up, by the beauty of the reflection of the sun in the water.

I was faced with a water fountain that was rounded with shiny pearls on the edges of the floor. The pearls seemed to be diamonds. how could such a place have so much wealth and still be on the quest of killing people.

I was still being dragged by Archie, but Atleast I had the opportunity of taking in the fresh breath that scented like lavender and fresh water.it seemed like ages, since I had last seen the light or scented something so freshly nice.

At every short movement, I spotted some men who had to also be werewolves, being fully dressed as soldiers, up to wearing a fighting helmet.

Why so much security for a place that scented so peaceful.

I could not help but fixate my eye on the garden which we had passed by.

I was tempted to plead with Archie to stop by there, so that I would feel at home once again.

When I was younger, and when my life could be classified as a life, I always loved to rub my hand in the dirt, and plant new flowers around our year.

In our new house, my dad had made sure to provide a spot for a garden just for me. after school, I would rush to my garden and check up on my sprouting flowers which I had named.

I remembered naming one of the flowers after my dad, because of how huge and fast it grew and provided a shed for numerous other flowers.

I had also named a purple hibiscus after myself, maybe because my favorite color was purple, and because of its small cute nature.the flower never competed to be like its sprouting mates, it grew at it own pace.


'Alice would you love this watering can to sprinkle you some water or this one?' I would always ask her, and imagine her reply to my questions.

If I still owned a garden, then I would have named the queen of the night flower after Henry…

We were in front of a castle.

I never knew that the castles I saw in Disney moves where real, until I saw the one before me. It was painted with a pure white color, which was in contrary to the color of the heart of the creatures that lived in it.

'' where are you taking me to'' I finally asked the tempting question that had been in my mind all through our walk.

I really needed to know, if I was going to be able to brainstorm a plan for our escape.

''The Alpha needs you'' Archie had surprisingly replied me in a calm tone. it was the first time I had seen his face in a bright environment, and there was something striking about it.

I knew that I was not supposed to think of him in that light, but his beauty was outstanding.

He had full dark lashes that outlined his sky blue colored eye, added with his fully pink lips and chiseled shape chin.

His frowning look and leather jacket, gave him the theme of a professional FBI agent.

i still could not compare his looks to my Henry, but I could not deny the fact that he was handsome.

As we walked into the castle, the floor was rolled up with a red carpet and at each side of the wall stood guards that did not flinch even as we stepped in, one could even mistaken them to be status. They seemed to stand still even if a fly perched on their nose.

It was a long corridor with the walls adorned with framed photographs of wolfs and men that seemed to be their past alphas alongside with their wives.

Finally, we had arrived at the end of the corridor.

It was a door.

A huge door that had the painting of a wolf in a roaring positing on each side of the door.

Without a word from Archie, the two guards that stood at each end of the door, both nodded to Archie and opened the wide door.

I tried to understand what had just happened.

No word was said, but the door was opened for us.

The room before us seemed to be the throne room, because of the huge throne that sat at on a three step floor, at the top end of the room.

Some few steps below the throne, was a long table with comfortable looking cushions on each side of the table, it seemed to be the conference table.

Around the room were different, tall golden flower vase and statues of wolves and some other scary animals that I could not and did not want to identify.

Beside the throne, where two alive wolves who took up standing positions as we walked into the room.

I was scared. My heart was racing faster than the blood in my veins.

No plan, nothing… and I was about to be killed.

Only a miracle could save me.

''My Alpha. We are here. I have brought the human along'' Archie said and his voice echoed in the empty hall.

We stood for what seemed like hours but actually had to be minutes in-front of the throne with no other person in the room.

I kept thinking about how I could save myself.

I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the right end of the hall.

I swiftly turned to look at the person who may be the blood thirsty vicious Alpha.

I did not see anybody of such, all I saw was a huge gray colored wolf, walking out of a door at the right end and into the hall.

Archie took down a kneeling position, and stylishly motioned for me to follow suti. I was completely confused as his act of kneeling down to a wolf.

''Long live my Alpha.'' Archie said with his head bowed down.


The wolf stood on its legs and it seemed to even be taller Archie.

I covered my mouth at the shock that was about escaping it, as I watched the furs on the wolf begin to move inside his pores as and his flesh became visible.

I was speechless and shocked.I had read of the transformation of wolves to their human form, but I had never witnessed or heard of one.

The wolf that once stood in front of me, was now transformed into a full grown man in a royal attair.