

Haya is 18. She is originally from Pretoria and is moving to Cape town to attend University. Her parents think she will be studying medicine but she enrolled there to study Media, a course her father is totally against. Follow her journey as she seeks acceptance from her father and gets to deal with past experiences that left her completely shattered.

Basetsana_Mabusela · Teen
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49 Chs

Chapter 24: Overseas

Jahin's POV

I stayed at my uncle's penthouse for about awhole week until I received a call informing me to come to the police station in Pretoria to speak to the officers who were handling my father's case.

I got there and found my mom sitting on one of the benches next to the reception. She saw me and immediately stood up then rushed to hug me. She started crying, she looked like a mess and I did not like seeing my mother like that because of a selfish prick who does not even care about her wellbeing.

"Son where have you been? you almost killed your father! tell me now what exactly happened Jahin." my mother asked when suddenly a deep male's voice disrupted her.

"No son you do not have to explain anything, we have all the evidence. The good news is that your father has been detained, he is charged with attempted murder and severe emotional abuse charges." a tall dark skinned officer approached us.

I felt so revealed that my dad was finally where he belongs, I looked over at my mom who cried out in pain when she heard the news but I made sure to comfort her until she managed to gather herself.

"Follow me." the officer instructed my mother and I.

We walked through the hallway of the police station until he opened a door that led us into his office. He politely asked my mom and I to take a seat.

"Hey I am officer Johnson and I am the one in charge of your case. I am concerned about the both of you because your mother's reports came back from the psychiatrist who examined her few days back. The reports state that your mom is in no position to take care of a teenage boy, she needs to go to a home where she will be well taken care of until she is well enough to go out into the world and start fending for herself." the officer got straight to the point and although I did decide to leave home. I did not like the thought of me being unable to live with my mom being final.

"What?! No please do not take away my Jahin from me, how will I live without my son? Please officer do not do this!" my mom got up from the chair, kneeled down on the floor and started begging the poor officer.

"I am sorry Mrs Stewart but that is the only way of doing things by the law, we are not saying he can not come visit you. We are just saying that you guys can not live together until you are well." Officer Johnson replied. He stood up from his seat and started helping my mom up from the floor then unto her seat.

"So what is going to happen to me?" I asked in curiosity.

"We got a call from your uncle Matthew Michaelson who offered to adopt you. You will have to move to Florida in the United States Jahin." Officer Johnson replied.

I could not believe that I was going to leave my mom alone here. A lot was going through my mind but the person I mostly thought about was Haya. I have been off social media totally, I switched my phone off and I do not even know where it is. She must be really worried about me, she must be very hurt and confused but I had to do this sooner than later. I am moving all the way to the United States now, I might never even see her again. I should give her a chance to move on with her life.

"Jahin son? do you agree with anything Mr Johnson is saying?" my mom turn to look at me with a sad face and teary eyes.

"We do not have a choice mom, I will make sure to ask uncle to find you the best private home for depressed people and I will check up on you every single day. I can not bare to see you like this anymore mother." I said standing my mother up to embrace her tightly.

1 month later

My mom got checked into an amazing private home for people with depression and anxiety. I came to check up on her while I waited for my uncle to send me a private jet that was going to take me to Florida.

My mom officially divorced my father, she did a lot better and she even looked a lot better. She was surrounded by people who understood her so starting her healing process was a lot easier. I just loved seeing her finally leading a life that she herself is creating. I said my goodbyes and promised to continously check up on her while I am in Florida. She was actually very excited that her son was going to live in America and going to lead a life that promises him a better future while being raised by her darling cousin.

I finally moved to Florida, I got enrolled into a private high school where I studied along side my cousin. We were both doing our last year in high school and it was very fun because he was around. I lived the life I never imagined myself living, girls would throw themselves at us and as much as none of them were able to replace Haya, I had physical needs.

We finished our high school and luckily got into Harvard. My cousin studied business management like his father since he was the next in line to take over the family businesses, I studied art and film.

We had a reputation to live up to since we were both Michaelson's so pretty much our whole collage life was boring. We managed to get our degrees after 3 years, the same year I got my degree...uncle helped me fund the art house I own in Cape town since I wanted to come back to South Africa.

My mom and I lost contact during the years I was studying in Harvard. Well I still had her numbers but I just felt like I was reminding her of her sad past. She got married again, got blessed with 2 beautiful daughters. She moved to Hatfield in Pretoria with her somewhat rich new husband. I hired a private investigator to dig into his past and he came out clean.

I drive by my mother's new home sometimes when I miss her but I never really get it. I have not even met my half sisters and most of the time when my mom calls me I give the phone to my assistant to inform her that I am back in Florida.

This has been my life ever since I left everything behind, it is not easy even though I am filthy rich. I hide my sorrows by overworking myself, Samuel calls me Machine.

Present day

Haya finally got out of the airport instead of getting herself a cab she just stood there. It seems like she is waiting for someone, I wonder who it is because I do not recall Haya having family in Cape town.