
Chapter 104: Do You Know SS?

Sang Qian and Ji Chengzhou returned to the villa, and Chen Qiurong, worried about Ji Chengzhou's leg, phoned Li Xiujie to come over and conduct a thorough check-up.

Only when she was certain that his body showed no abnormalities and his legs were recovering well did the elder truly feel at ease.

Before leaving, she took Sang Qian's hand and said, "Live a good life with Chengzhou, and give Grandma a great-grandchild soon. Once you have a child at your side, no one in the Ji Family will dare to shake your position."

Was this her teaching her to secure her position through her child?

Having relations with Ji Chengzhou had been purely due to circumstances, how could she possibly have a child with him?

However, on the surface, Sang Qian still obediently nodded her head.

After Chen Qiurong left, just as Sang Qian was about to help Ji Chengzhou upstairs, Shen Ming informed them that Zhao Zhuo had arrived.

"Let him in."