
Her Cold Beast And His Dark Beauty

Pishka. Your typical sad and a little depressed, South African girl, moves to America. She has to adapt to this ghost town she moved into. Being a loner should be the worst-case scenario, right? No! Things only get worse when she meets this guy who keeps appearing at the school gate every day after school. Jacob. Your typical nice guy. His past life is literally not sunshine and rainbows. Waiting eight years just to find his mate and mind you he has no idea what gender they are. But now he found 'her'... Not for long, since he has to deal with his "past life's" karma. He also needs to find a way to patch things up with his mate and protect his pack from 'Red' His and Her decision will make or break the lives of the people around them Something ominous is approaching the ghost town and cannot be altered due to the writings of fate. It's purpose can't be changed but it's course can be. More truths are told, allowing a red sting to show its ugly head. But Death can be such a romance wrecker, ask Romeo and Juliet they can tell you that bit for sure. Note: Arty will try to fix it or explain it to you. Also, this book isn't perfect, so critics, please lay down your likes and dislikes - be direct if you're gonna curse THE BOOK Though I for one do not support any type of violence toward any living creature (excl. the bugs in my house), there will be plenty... If you take offence, drop the book, cause we all have our traumas. Some of us have become numb to it, so we tend to not show concern when others experience the same thing or are more expressive - it's a defence mechanism, okay! Love, Arty-san

Lolee_2003 · Horror
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85 Chs


Third POV

Jacob opens the door with five bags filled with food. Kyle nowhere to be seen, the rest of the house seems to still be asleep. That is until Carlos comes running down the stairs in a flash but thanks to Jacob being a hybrid he can tell. He ignores the little man as he doesn't have the time or patience to deal with him. He leisurely avoids a kick and few punches as he makes his way to the kitchen without missing a beat. Or having the bags torn from the incoming blows. Ming and Charles try to stop Carlos but his too strong for them. The group enter the kitchen in the most bizarre way. Soon Carlos stops attacking, only cause his mates are blocking him from trying to hit Jacob with their bodies. He doesn't want to hurt them, thus he holds back his anger

Jacob: Good morning to you too

Carlos: Stop acting and tell me where she is! What did you do to her?!

Jacob pauses and looks at Carlos confused but mostly irritated by his words