
Her Bulter is a Demon Lord

Yuka was always bullied by Her family, Other schoolgirls,... Everyone. She was desperate. She wanted to die. But... Yuka summoned a Demon Lord, accidentally. She got 3 wish from Demon Lord. Would that made Yuka happy.... Or unfortunate for Her? P/S: My English sometimes isn't very well. I hope you all sympathy for me. Thank you very very much ^^. Progress: 3 chaper or more/week I will try!!!

IamBadGuy · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 0: Trembled Yuka. The Beginning.

"The Nanakami Town's football team lost in the final match. Regrettably, after all the effort they tried, they still couldn't get the championship title, which they have been waiting for 25 years until now… "

A steady, expressionless female voice came from the screen of a mid-range PC.

That was a woman, the woman in the screen, the image of the woman clearly shown in 1080p resolution, a announcer had a short red hair, in contrast to her emotionless tone like a robot. It was strange, how could the appearance contrasted with the tone so much.


She was not important. She didn't worth our attention. Because no matter who she was, she was just an announcer in a computer screen in 1080p resolution, a character not worth the attention.

The person was important to us, was facing the announcer. Not face-to-face, of course. That person was facing the PC screen.

The distance from that person to the PC screen was 167 cm. A distance was too far from necessary to be good for eyes. That person was hugging a thick, closed blanket. As if that weren't enough, in that blanket, there was another blanket. It was thinner, but no less effective than the large blanket. Even so, that person was still trembling. The intensity of the trembly was extremely strong. Not as strong as when an alarm smartphone makes us wake up early in the morning, but stronger than the vibrations of a glass of water during a small earthquake.

Was today's weather cold?

No. Impossible. Today's weather was not cold.

According to weather forecast yesterday.

"Tomorrow will be a hot day," Yesterday's tomorrow, that was today. "The temperature can reach 40 °C. When you are going out on the street, be careful. Remember to bring a jacket, hat or umbrella ... Otherwise you will run the risk of fainting from heatstroke. That is very dangerous. "


Today was not a cold day.

Today is a very hot day. Temperatures can go up to 40 °C.

So what was the reason ??? Why was that person like that?

Did that person afraid? Maybe!?

The body of thatperson was suddenly startled. That person felt like a cold hand was moving gently on the back. Even though there were no hands. That was just illusion.

Unable to stand the feeling of frustration in the heart anymore, that person sobbed. The sound of hiccups began to sound from pale pink lips. The sound of these hiccups is so sweet and clear as opposed to the suffering from the face of an important person.

That person's face was not too white, but white enough for more than 25 people in that person's classroom of 40 people. Pale pink lips, as mentioned before. The shoulder-length black hair is typical of Asians. That person was a girl. A girl at the age of 17.

Her face was not an outstanding pretty face. That was a mediocre face as any other high school girl. Her only highlight is her skin, though it was not too white.

Her common Asian woman's eyes, dark brown pupils, looked at the screen. She stared deeply, not stopping even for a second. Of course she wasn't looking at the emotionless red-haired announcer.

She was waiting.

What she had been waiting for, she hoped, would not appear.

Her hope was mixed with sobs, becoming extremely painful and stuck.

But she stilled hold onto her hope.

God, please listen to my prayer.

Please don't let "that" happen. Please let everything be a dream, a nightmare.

She clasped her hands in prayer to an invisible Supreme Being. Her tears kept falling through each prayer. Her tears wet the blanket, and the bottom of the bed where she was sitting.

But, reality was always cruel.

Prayers, human desires was always cruelly broken and trampled by reality.

And, that cruel reality came to her. It destroyed her emotions.

That cruel reality is shown through the emotionless announcer girl, through the mid-range PC screen.

"Yes, we will conclude the sports news for now. Next up will be the criminal news, "

Her heart stopped beating when she heard the word "criminal". In fact, the announcer did not emphasize any words, her voice was still expressionless. But for her, she had the illusion that the word "criminal" was strongly emphasized.


The word was like a hot metal bar. It was inserted into her heart, painfully etching into the girl's breathing and emotions.

She trembled, she tried to calm herself.

"Calm down Yuka…" Yuka, that was her name. "Everything has not been completely verified yet. Maybe, "The word" Maybe "came up weakly. It was like, when she said a simple word like "Maybe", that was when she didn't have any vitality. "... Everything was just be a nightmare."

Yuka's distorted lips tried to create a smile, a proof that everything would be all right. But contrary to her wish, that distorted smile seemed to said that everything would not be all right.

Yuka, nervous, watched every move of the red-haired announcer's mouth.

"... A horrifying murders happened at Ryuuseikou High School ..."

Yuka wanted to fall when she heard that familiar name, Ryuuseikou.

That was the name of her school. That was where "that" happens.

Everything will be fine… It's all just coincidence.

Yuka trembled. She confused herself with fake encouragement.

Without hesitation, the announcer continued. Although she was talking about a horrifying murders, her face was extremely calm.

"Four female students were killed. After identifying them, we learn that their names are Kirishima Yuriko, Tsukuba Manabi, Ritsuno Hanabi and Tatsumi Chihiro. All of them were found in various locations in the Ryuuseikou school in the frightening situations ... "

Yuka became desperate. The thing she feared the most had come true.

All is reality, without any lies. Everything in front of her eyes was reality. A harsh reality.

Kirishima Yuriko. A poor girl was beheaded. The girl's head and body were about 5 cm apart. Yuriko's head and body was discovered at the East Gate of Ryuuseikou School.

Tsukuba Manabi. A girl was hung at the west gate of Ryuuseikou High School. Her hands were hung over two gate posts, which were opposite each other. Each of her arms had deep, long, painful incisions. Manabi died from losing too much blood.

Ritsuno Hanabi. Discovered in the women's restroom. Her body lay face down on the porch, in Hanabi's left hand was her heart. In the place of her heart, the unlucky girl's left breast was a void filled with blood and flesh.

Tatsumi Chihiro. Discovered in the classroom of class 2-C, Tatsumi's class. Her body was placed in a sitting, sitting position at her desk. On the table were Chihiro's eyes and tongue.

Horrifying images continuously appeared in Yuka's mind. They was like scenes from a haunting horror movie, the difference between them and the movie's was, they was real.

The information about the death, location, and pictures of the victim was confidential information. Apart from the police, and the people involved, no one is entitled to know, including the media, students and teachers in the school.

So why did Yuka know about them? Why was Yuka so scare of them?

Was Yuka related to the deaths of these four schoolgirls?

The answer was, yes.

Her bedroom's door slowly opened. The dry "Keeet" sound of the door's oil shortage seemed to signal that something bad was going to happen. An omen.

Nightmare had appeared.

"Is that great?" Nightmares said, male voice, extremely cold and full of evil. "That your wish, right?"

Yuka was silent, she did not answer. She was scared. Her body trembled.

Yuka didn't want to believe in the existence of Nightmare. Yuka wanted to deny the reality in front of her. But, that was not possible.

Footsteps rang out. They turned towards Yuka.

At the same time as the sound of footsteps stopped, an arm was wrapped around her shoulder. It was a long, strong arm. Yuka panicked, her back was cold.

"Hey, dear Yuka, I'm asking you, aren't I? Why don't you answer? "

A gentle smile appeared at the corner of the Nightmare's lips.

Don't be fooled by that kindness. Whispered Yuka. He is a devil.

The face of Nightmare was extremely handsome. White skin, sharp eyes, high nose, and strong lips. The most prominent feature on Nightmare's face was his hair. It was flaming red hair, red as blood and fire.

Nightmare was wearing a black suit, which made him look extremely noble and seductive. Looking at him, Yuka had the feeling that he was the high-ranking butler in the old Western love stories.

He was not Yuka's friend. He was also not a relative or family of Yuka.

"Hmmm, are you so shocked that affects your brain?" Nightmares looking at Yuka puzzled. "Humans are weak. After all, I don't know humans very well either. " He muttered.

Yuka continued to tremble. She sat silently next to Nightmare.

"Hey, Yuka, do you remember me? What's my name? " Nightmare stood in front of Yuka, smiling meekly, questioning.

Yuka didn't want to answer. But when she looked into his sharp eyes, where the red pupils were reflecting her, Yuka was scared. She had a feeling that, if she didn't answer this question, she would have no other chance.

"You ... You are Belvian. That is your name." Yuka's voice was weak and trembling.

"Great." Belvian rejoiced. "So, you remember my name. So who am I? "

Another question arised. And, an answer would need to be voiced.

"You are a Demon Lord who I have summoned…."

Yuka gave an unbelievable answer. She would also find it hard to believe if she wasn't involved.

Demon? Did something like that really exist?

Yes, they did exist. Yuka summoned demon. More than that, Yuka summoned a Demon Lord, the highest title of the demon race.

"So you remember everything… I can say, you don't have any problem. So, why don't you answer my previous question, Yuka? "

Belvian's smile vanished, his eyes were cold, in stark contrast to their fiery red color.

Yuka swore that, she felt a lot of blades were coming towards her neck.

She firmly believed that she only needed one mistake, her little neck would be gone, her head would fall to the icy floor.

"Because… I'm too tired today. Maybe, due to so many things happening at once, it makes me feel extremely tired ... "

Yuka replied, a part of her answer is the truth.

When Belvian heard that, his smile returned.

"So that's it." After that, the smile once again disappeared. The replacement was a worried face of the Demon Lord. "However, like that, it's dangerous. You could get sick, dear Yuka. "

Yuka weakly nodded.

Belvian threw the blankets that Yuka was clutching onto the floor.

Quickly, Belvian picked up Yuka with his strong arms. Seeing the image of the two now was like a prince and a princess in fairy tales. Although this image had a problem, that was Princess Yuka' face had a complicated expression.

"Let's go down to the dining room, I've already prepared dinner there." Belvian's smile still on his lips. He spoke nobly. This way of talking of him can stir the hearts of so many girls.

"Thank you." Yuka said coldly. She wouldn't be fooled by his smile and nobility easily.

"You haven't answered my question yet, Yuka." Belvian spoke as his steps reached the side of the stairs leading down to the first floor.

For a moment, Yuka became dazed, she didn't understand what Belvian was talking about.

"You forget it really quickly, dear Yuka. My question was, that was your wish, right? "

Horrifying images of Yuriko, Manabi, Hanabi and Chihiro's deaths quickly appeared in Yuka's mind.

Yuka hesitated, her heart ached, then replied. "That was not my wish. I never wish for such terrible things. "

"..." Belvian fell silent for a few seconds. "You're wrong, Yuka." He spoke. "That was your wish. Whatever the outcome, that was your wish. "

Yuka was unable to reply. She was silent, tears stinging her eyes.

When the two got to the front of the kitchen, Belvian put her down. He stretched straight, his hand on his chest.

"We went to the dining room, my Princess."

Yuka didn't respond, her hand reached out and opened the kitchen door.

The aroma of the dish radiates out. Yuka's stomach growled from hunger.

Yuka slowly walked over to the dining room's big table, where dinner was already set.

That was a sumptuous dinner. Yuka wondered if Velvian made them himself, or did he use his magic.

She sat down, sniffed and assessed the dishes.

They looked delicious. Yuka thought.

Yuka started to eat, she could no longer control her hunger.

Yuka ate, drank, then ate again. She didn't want to be concerned with everything around her.

She tried to forget the presence of the Demon Lord, Belvian.

She tried to forget the two corpses that were hanging in the corners of the room. Those corpses used to be her father and mother.

She ate. She wanted to forget everything.

"I look forward to your remaining two wishes."

Belvian stood beside, said. His smile is evil.

That's right… Even if Yuka tried to forget it, one thing was always exist.

Yuka had only two wishes left.


If this is a horror movie. At this point, the story of Yuka and Belvian has come to an end. An open and tragic ending.

But for now, for both of them, Yuka and Belvian, their story has just begun.


This is my first story. I'm very very very nervous!!!

Hope you all fun with this story. ^^

Ah! Hope you all comment and rate my story.

Thank you very very very much.

Arigatou gozaimasu!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IamBadGuycreators' thoughts