
Chapter 6: Rude brat vs Crazy woman

Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.

- George R.R. Martin

Arsala's POV

Though I hate this pool party, I can't do anything except wait till I find Maryam in the crowd. Which of course hasn't been an easy task. I can't find her, she has been gone for the past 45 minutes. To top it she isn't picking up my calls.

I found a little corner to sit and rest my feet. I'm a bit pressed but don't know my way around. I notice a girl walking pass me.

"Excuse me!" I quickly stood up and walk towards her. She looks my way.

"Um.....I could you please direct me to the restroom..."

"Okay....walk straight and take two left turns." She instructs.

"Thank you so much." I smile warmly at her.

"You're welcome." She smile back at me before walking off.

I followed her directions though I think I made a wrong turn somewhere. luckily I met a group of ladies who helped me out.

I had already let out the pressure off my bladder. So I splash cold water on my face before leaving the restroom. It helped clear my head a bit.

I was back at the pool area when I realize I left my phone on the restroom sink. Its must have been when I splash some water on my face.

I quickly walk back to the restroom, praying my phone is still there. The moment I swing the restroom door open, my eyes met with a very unpleasant scene.

"Oh shi......." I quickly use my hands to cover my mouth.

Too late, the almost naked couple heard my voice and look my way.

"I'm so sorry......." My eyes land on him making me leave my sentence midway.


I stood glued to the floor, staring at him. I and Imran met only twice but this time things feel different. It has nothing to do with circumstances under which I just met him. Instead its him who feels different.

"I just need my phone but I'd come back for it." I quickly excuse myself, giving them some privacy.

I stood outside wishing I could erase what I just saw from my mind. That isn't Imran......

After some minute the door creaks open, she walks out of the restroom room. Her lipstick smudge across her face and her hair looking like a bird nest. Imran walked out right after her, the only thing out of place in him is his hair, it looks messy.

Ignoring them both I walk into the restroom to get my phone. Luckily my phone was still on the sink, where I left it. I pick it up and press the power button, my phone screen lights up and a notification pop up. 28 missed calls from Haider, I'm as good as dead when I get home today.

Hey, I'm out with Maryam I would be back in the next thirty minutes.

I sent a quick text to Haider and switch off my phone before he drains out my phone battery with calls.

I swing the restroom door open, only to find Imran standing by the door with his hands in the air about to knock on the door. He drop his hands by his side.

"Um......can we talk?" He ask massaging his neck nervously.

I look around but the girl he was just with is no where in sight. I'm already pissed off because I can't find Maryam and I need to head back home.

The last thing I need is a conversation with Imran, which I'm certain will end with him doing something to get under my skin, getting me more pissed off than I already am.

"I have other important things to do." I walked out of the restroom, moving towards the pool area. I could hear footsteps behind me.

"Why........." He grab my wrist and pull me closer to him before I could ask why he is trailing behind me.

"Let go off me." I demand, boldly staring into his eyes.

"You seem to love invading my personal space, don't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" He raise a brow at me. He is clueless, he is holding me by the wrist against my will and he is clueless. Whoa, just whoa.

"Let go of my wrist darn it." I repetitively tap his hand holding my wrist. Thankfully, he quickly let go.

"What are you doing here........"

"Oh, I had no idea I owe you an explanation about my whereabouts." Sarcasm lace through my voice.


"Stop asking me silly question."

Before he say anything, I was already walking towards the pool area. Pushing through wet and sticky bodies, looking for Maryam but no hope still.

"So much for being my personal chauffer." I mumble out in frustration.

What I would do to find myself in my bed, laying on it with the cover wrap around me. Today really wasn't my day the universe is against me. I can't find Maryam, I think I should just call Haider to come get me. No that's a bad idea, he is pissed off right now.......

"Hey...." Someone taps my shoulder.

"What the....!!" I panic a bit.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." The girl who gave me directions to the restroom earlier apologize in an apologetic tone.

"Its okay."I place my hand on my chest trying to ease my escalated heartbeat.

"Here!" She hand me a bottle water.

I'm not one to take things from strangers but that water looks tempting. I also feel tired from walking around just to find Maryam.

"Thank you." I took the water and gulp down a large quantity.

"I'm Noelle and........?" Leaving her sentence midway, I notice her attention is elsewhere.

She wave then gesture for someone I think is behind me to come over.

I turn, standing side by side with her to see who she just asked to come over. Why is this Noelle girl asking the rude brat to come over? I'm trying to avoid the him.

"Why do you keep disappearing every time?" She asks frowning at him.

"I had a little something to take care of." He took a sip from whatever he has in the red plastic cup he is holding.

"Well William was looking everywhere for you not too long ago."

"Where is he?" Imran asks looking around the crowd.

"You........." Noelle face palm herself. "I'm so sorry I did not acquaint you two!"

"Imran this is.......um........I still don't know her name....."


"Arsala." Imran interrupts me before I could finish.

"You know her?" She asks looking between the both of us.

"Yup!!" Imran took another sip from his cup.

"Remember I told you about the crazy lady who loves getting angry at me...."

"Yeah I remember!"

Did this rude brat just refer to me as crazy?

"That's her!" He looking towards me.

I feel like plugging out his eyeballs.

"Um...." The buzzing sound of her phone interrupts her.

"I need to go!" Noelle speaks with her eyes glued to her phone screen.

"It was nice meeting you Arsala." She smile warmly at me.

"Same here." I smile back at her.

"Try not to get under her skin." She pats Imran by the shoulder before excusing herself.

After Noelle left we stood staring at each other like we were having a staring contest.

"Why are you so bitter?" Imran ask before I could walk away from him avoiding all possible arguments.

"I'm not bitter." I frown a bit.

Where did he get that from?

"I know enough to say you are." He press on.

"No you don't."

If this is another attempt of his to ruin my day again. Its sad to say but its actually working.

"Just admit it you are bitter!" He tone bears so much boldness.

"You're the one who has always been rude towards me since day one. You're either trying to ruin my mood or piss me off........"

"Its not my fault you don't find my personality pleasing." He interrupt me.

"What is....."

"You're bitter cupcake..."

"We've met twice and you think two encounters is enough to figure me out. Trust me I'm much more complicated." I force a smile at him.

"You're not complicated, you're just bitter......."

The second those words escaped his lips, I lost it.

"Don't act like you know me, because you don't and you never will!!" I snatch the red plastic cup he was holding from him and empty the content on his shirt.

"I'm not bitter, I'm mad!!" I grumpily walk out of the pool area.

I'm so furious right now. I'm alone in a pool party I totally hate, I can't find Maryam. Imran did what he knew how to do best, get under my skin and push me to the wall. All it took was one look for Imran to judge me and call me bitter.

It wasn't until I use my hand to wipe my tears away before I notice tears were escaping my eyes. Its funny how the word of a stranger hurt so much. I really need to head home, I can't call an Uber driver because I don't have my credit card on me.


I can't face him now and he is my only hope to get home. I turn my phone back on and called his number, he picks up instantly.

"Where are you?" He ask coldly.

"The club house......" He hangs up on me before I could say anything else.

Pacing back and forth the parking lot. Thinking about everything that happened. Why does Imran make me so mad all I want to do is hit or kick something?

Yet I worry about him when he gets injured. My caring personality always gets the best of me.

The hooting sound coming from Haider's car pull me out of my thoughts. I walk over to him and got into the car. I put on my seatbelt and stare at anywhere except him. I notice him gripping the steering wheel so tight, he is pissed off. I have a lot of explaining to do.






