
Chapter 38: Out of the dark.

"Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."

-Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Arsala's POV

All through the entire day I have been prepping myself up, trying to think of how best to tell Imran about my past.

How best to tell him about my nightmare and why I have a reflex action to push him away every time he tries to kiss me or hold me.

I'm not telling him about my past because I want pity. I'm telling because he deserve an explanation as to why his wife wouldn't let him come close to her.

He has been locked up in his study all afternoon, working I guess. Walking down the staircase, I made my way to the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen I find the cook Lilly making dinner.

"Good evening Mrs!" Noticing my presence she greets me.

"Evening Lilly....." I walk over to where she stood to have a look at what she is making.

"This looks yum......" The aroma of the Mac and cheese fills my nostrils.