
Lady Luck

Leslie's P.O.V.

I don't see why we have to eat out?"I ask Damien as we got out of the car in front of a very luxurious looking restaurant Damien decided it was time to make our first official appearance as a couple in public by going to a very public and popular restaurant frequented by the high class and the rich.

“I know but I think it's time to shut the mouths of those vipers, don't you think?. Besides Morgan went through great length to prepare a gift for you, you should be there at the unvieling.”  He says as he adjusts his tux taking my hands in his as we enter into the restaurant.

We were welcomed by the host,

As we stepped in. The looks on everyone face was priceless as they stared at my swollen stomach with Damien by my side. As we moved inside I then spot Vivian sitting by the table we were directed to, our eyes locking on each others. She then glides over to us with a sore look on her face.

“I see you're back, she says”Saucily