
As If She Was The One

Anastasia woke up very early that morning so she could take her father to the hospital for a check-up. After which she would go to the orphanage before going over to her father's company. She had her day planned out.

She quickly freshened up and went to her parent's room but there was no one there. She was surprised and a little panicked. As soon as she came out of the room, she looked downstairs and saw her parents sitting on the couch. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mum, dad! You nearly gave me a bigger fright than last night!" Anastasia said as she walked up to her parents.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I just wanted to sit here for a while before the doctor comes" Her father replied, beckoning her for a morning kiss.

Anastasia grinned at her father. Whenever she was at home, her father never forgets to give her a morning kiss. She walked up to him and gave him her cheek.

"Mom, are you still jealous?" Anastasia teased her mother.

"I have long outgrown my jealousy right from the moment you were born" Celine replied, smiling at her daughter.

"Mom, you mean dad had been doing this since I was born?" Anastasia asked.

"Right from that morning you were born, he gave you your first kiss to welcome you to our world. That same moment, he called you our morningstar. He never stopped giving you these morning kisses except when you…" her mother explained but stopped at the last sentence when her husband touched her.

"Except when, mom? Dad, why are you suddenly becoming romantic towards mother?" Anastasia queried her father for making her mother confused.

"Young lady, she is my wife! I can be romantic towards her as I want!" Her father said, feigning seriousness.

"And she is my mother! I can… I can… oh dad! You are so mean! I don't even know what to say anymore!" Anastasia complained, pouting.

The family of three burst into laughter.

Not long after, their family doctor came to check on him.

"Uncle Edd! Thank you for coming so early" Anastasia beamed at the doctor.

"You don't need to thank me. You need to admonish this stubborn father of yours to be careful with his health" Doctor Edd said, glaring at James.

"Don't worry, Uncle Edd. I will always be here to take care of him" Anastasia reassured the family doctor.

Doctor Edd smiled at her before he started his treatment. He had been the family doctor for a very long time and he knew the only thing that could cause James to collapse was stress and overthinking. He hopes everything is settled as soon as possible.

As soon as the doctor was done with her father, Anastasia made an excuse to her parents before leaving.

She was eager to see the orphanage and hopefully, she might find answers over there.

Anastasia entered her car and drove away. While she was driving, she brought out her phone so she could follow the directions.

She had driven more than two hours before she finally got close to the place. She suddenly started feeling nervous. The road to the place looked like there was no house around it. She started wondering why she will be remembering a place like this.

After driving for hours, Anastasia finally got to the end of the road. She saw a very big building with huge trees behind it and the ambiance was so peaceful and calming. She looked at what was written on the gate and she was shocked to see it was an orphanage home.

She parked the car and came out of it, she stood outside and started looking around the orphanage home. She looked around and started wondering why a lot of things about her are related to this place.

Just after the big gate, there was an entrance leading to another smaller building and it looked as though it was someone's birthday.

Anastasia wondered who could be the person that has the same birth date as her in this orphanage. The person must have come to celebrate with the children here because the place looked so sophisticated. Only a wealthy family can afford such a place.

As she was in thought, she looked up at the entrance and a handsome face appeared before her. She looked at the familiar face with emerald green eyes and lashes thicker than hers. High cheekbones with a straight nose that highlight his striking beauty and a perfect body build filled with masculinity.

What the heck! Why was she drooling over that arrogant pervert that she met at the mall? Seeing him working as a light technician, she decided to mock him.

"Pffft! I never knew you were just a light technician and you have the guts to act pompous?" She said, crossing her hands across her chest and wearing a condescending expression.

The man looked down at Anastasia before ignoring her. He looked like he had no time to argue with her. But Anastasia wasn't ready to give up.

"Instead of acting arrogant, you can just apologize and I will get you a nicer job," Anastasia said, grinning.

The man stopped working before replying to her." Apologize? For what?"

"You know the reason," Anastasia said, her face turning red from embarrassment. She remembered how their mouths touched each other.

"Why would I apologize for a mistake that affected both of us? You also kissed me. Aren't you also going to take responsibility for it?" He asked, raising his eyes

Anastasia was shameless at his shamelessness. And just as she turned to leave, she saw a little girl who was running behind a boy of around ten years. Her voice was filled with sorrow as she talked to the boy.

It looks like the boy was being adopted by another family and he was leaving.

"Brother! Brother! Don't leave!" The little girl cried as the boy was trying to walk away.

"I am not leaving, Leila. I just want to get you some candy. Just wait for me, okay?" The boy told the little crying girl.

"You promise? Are you coming back?" The little girl asked, looking at the boy with hope.

" Yes. I promise. Now, go inside and wait for me," he said, smiling at the girl.

Feeling reassured, the little girl grinned widely before running back into the orphanage.

Something rushed into Anastasia's head and she suddenly felt a very sharp pain in her head. She tried to control it but it was becoming worse. She started hearing voices in her head. Voices of a little girl crying profusely as if she was the one.

" Arrrrrrggg!," She screamed, holding her head as she started falling to the ground.