
Her Alpha or Mate

I felt that feeling of someone watching me and I knew it was my mate. I turned to see his back disappearing into the main building. I made my way to the building and saw the halls were empty. I looked around for a bit but didn’t see him. I gave up but then through the window of a classroom, I saw a flower on the table. I entered and picked it up. It was an Iris. “What is this doing here?” I stared at it. “Congratulations” I turned around to come face to face with him, with my mate. His hair as usual was blocking part of his face, but then he ran his hand through his hair, revealing all his facial features. He smiled at me, his teeth were pearly white. “I’ve waited for you for so long” he took a few steps forward but I took some backwards and bumped into the desk. “I’m with him now” “You know your destined to be with me” he held my head with both hands now, sparks erupting from both sides. He leaned in to kiss me but was yanked away into the wall. He growled at him. “She is mine!” My mate shook off the pain. “No, she is mine!” *** At first she was forced to be the mate of the Alpha's son but after saving her, she begins to develop feelings for the man all the while her destined mate surfaces as his enemy. Who will she choose in the end? Her new growing love? or the one she's destined to be with?

Fa_yeee · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ch. 1 - Unexpected Visitor

Choices… life's full of them. It throws decisions at you left and right and you must make a choice whether you like it or not. 'You can't have your cake and eat it too' my life reflects that expression.

I laid in bed about to drift away to the world of dreams when I felt movement beside me.

"Where are you going?" I asked the man that left the spot beside me.

"Sorry did I wake you?" he asked.

"No but where are you off to?"

"I'm not feeling too good so I'm going to check in with the pack doctor"

"In that case I'll go too" I made an attempt to get up.

"Wait! Don't trouble yourself I'll be fine on my own, go back to sleep, okay?"

He tucked me in and whispered "goodnight Ana" before walking out of room. I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep for a while now but couldn't.

"Maybe I should have followed him after all" I said to myself. I draped the covers over my head to help myself fall asleep faster.

After a while I heard the door to the  bed room open.

"Finally," I said but then a wonderful scent filled my nose and blocked out all my senses, it was the most amazing scent I've ever come across. I sat up letting the covers fall off to come face to face with a gun. My eyes trailed to the man holding the gun, his face was covered but I could tell and I knew he could too… he was my mate.

"Shit" I heard him curse.

"Who are you?" I asked reaching out to him.

"I…" he started but was interrupted when he came into the room.

"Ana?" he came back to the room and immediately he saw the gun pointed at me, he lunged himself at the intruder, the gun sliding across the floor.

"Ana get away from here!" I heard him say and I backed away from the two men clawing and exchanging blows.

I ran for the door and kicked something in the process. Looking down I saw the gun he used to aim at me and I took it. I looked backed at the two men, they were going to kill each other.

"Stop!" I yelled and the two men slowed down and stopped when they saw the gun pointed towards them.

"Ana?" he called getting off the floor and the intruder followed.

"Get away from him" I told the intruder pointing the gun at him.

He had his two hands held up in a surrender, his frame was dripping blood and his mask was half torn.

"Do it Ana"

He said behind me but when I looked at the intruder that I now knew was my mate and I couldn't do it.

"Do it or I will" he said again I tighten my grip on the gun and faced the man in front of me.


I pulled the trigger. Beside the man on the wall was a whole where the bullet hit.

"Run" I mouthed at him and he jumped through the window  breaking the glass in the process. He ran after him while I sat in the corner of the room with my knees to my chest.

"This can't be happening"


Few months ago, ~~~

"Ana you up?" I heard my mom calling my name from somewhere in the house "ANA!"

"I'm up" I yelled irritably from my bed.

"Get your lazy ass off that bed or you're going to be late for school"

"I'm up!" I yelled again.

I got ready for school and went to the kitchen to find a plate of waffles paired with berries and a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice.

"There's my birthday girl" my mom came and kissed me on the cheek.

"Mom!" I squealed in surprise.

"How did you sleep my darling?"

"It was good until you ruined it" I took a seat. "Where's dad?"

"Right behind you" he hugged me from behind and ruffled my hair.

"Dad I just combed it" I smiled while straightening it out.

My younger brother walked into the room.

"Happy birthday Ana" he handed me a present.

"A gift for me? Awn Mikey you shouldn't have" I ruffled his hair.

"Hey I just combed it" he whined and I giggled.

"I can't believe my girl is eighteen already" mom said.

"She can finally get her wolf" Mikey said "and her mate" he wriggled his eyebrows.

"Give yourself two more years you'll be right after me" I said to him.

"Enough chatting more eating or we'll be late" dad said grabbing a waffle and a cup of coffee.

After breakfast, my dad drove us to school.

"Later dude" I said to Mikey "yeah" he replied and we went our separate ways.

"Ana" a girl walked up to me "happy birthday" she brought out a small box. I opened it to find a charm bracelet.

"It's so pretty, thanks bell"

"You know I hate it when you call me that" Isabella pouted.

"Fine thank you Isa"

"That's more like it and I bought two so we'd match" she showed me hers.

"That's the bell, we better get to class" We walked hand-in-hand to our first period.


At lunch~~

Isa and I each grabbed a tray and went in line. "Have you heard? Alec broke up with Brooke" she started "you know what that means…"

"I do and it's not happening"

"Why not? You two would look cute together. You know he likes you"

I scoffed at her.

"He does" she walked off to our usual table. I followed too but a hand gripped my arm.

"Hey I need to talk to you" Alec pulled me aside.

Alec is also a wolf in my pack. Our dads know each other so we've hung out a lot since we were little. That is until he became popular and drifted away.

"Ooh" Isa said beside me. "About what?"

"I– dude" His friends clouded around him and I just walked away.

"What was that about?"

"Probably nothing" I shrugged.

"Didn't seem like nothing to me" she kept poking me about it.

I looked back to find him staring at me then he turned back. I just shrugged and went back to living my life.

After school I walked to the school gates. "Hey Ana" my brother called.

"Sup little man" I ruffled his hair.

  "Don't call me that when were in school in fact don't call me that ever" he said slapping my hand away. I just laughed and put him in a head lock ruffling the life out of his head.

We played around and joked as we walked back. The school separates High school and Middle school into two separate buildings so we only ever really speak before or after school.

At this point we were a few blocks away from our house.

We both stopped walking and looked at each other when we noticed a limo parked in front of our house and the extra two scents coming from inside.

They were other wolves in the house.

First Chapter~ i'll try to update as often as i can

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