
Her Alpha Mates

"She was meant to be shared by the Alpha Brothers." When Myra is granted a wish from the moon goddess, she gives the moon goddess a long list of qualities she'd like in her mate. The moon goddess knows only one way to fulfil Myra's long list of wishes- by pairing her with the Alpha brothers. The same Alpha brothers who have been hunting for her for years. Hunter and Mateo King. The Alpha brothers are said to be ruthless Alphas. Their name strikes fear in other Alphas. No one who has ever gotten on their bad side has survived to tell the tale except a notorious hacker- Myra Woods. But what happens when they find out the notorious hacker is their fated mate? ~ 18 + only This is a dark romance book with very intense scenes. Please read with caution.

AnnaBlazer · Urban
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16 Chs



It wasn't the first time I had seen Mateo King. I had seen numerous pictures of him in various places. I knew what the man looked like and sounded like. I knew everything about the man, but despite all my knowledge and intel, nothing could have prepared me for the revelation that I was his mate.

My wolf was over the moon to finally meet our mate, but the only thing I felt while looking at him was dread. This was not what I had asked for. He was not what I wanted. In my wildest dreams, I could have never imagined that I'd get paired with none other than Mateo Hunter.

The man whom I hated fiercely. The man who was the reason for many people's suffering. All I had asked for was a kind and nurturing mate who'd love me no matter what. But the man sitting closer to me and gazing at me was anything but kind and nurturing.

He was a ruthless beast. And he was my mate. I was doomed.

I should've seen this coming when I asked the moon goddess for a mate. Back then, I had suspected there must have been a catch somewhere, something I had been missing. Now, I could see what she did. This was terrible.

Why did she do this to me? What did I do to deserve such a terrible fate? Why did such things always happen to me?

All I wanted was a mate, but I got a monster. All I needed was someone to love me, but the man before me was only capable of destruction and ruin. I could never be with someone like him.

"What is your name?" he asked me, his gaze intensely possessive. I swallowed hard and tore my eyes away. I needed to leave. Otherwise, I was afraid I'd end up doing something stupid. I needed some time to think. I wasn't prepared for this situation, but I should've known.

I should've seen this coming. How did I miss such a thing? My wolf already knew this was going to happen. That's why she had been acting up lately. I should've paid more attention to her.

"Where's Fidel?" I snapped, leaning back to create as much space between us as possible. I needed to get away from him- I couldn't stay here for another minute. His eyes darkened with rage when I mentioned Fidel, and his nostrils flared.

"Are you with him?" he asked- no, scratch that, he demanded to know as if I owed him an answer.

"It doesn't matter," I snapped, taking my purse and leaving. But I should've thought it out well because the way Mateo looked at me, it was clear that he wouldn't leave me alone anytime soon.

"Lady, stop." He tried, but I was determined. I stormed towards the exit, leaving him behind. But before I could exit, he grabbed my arm and tugged me behind. I hissed as soon as my back pressed against his front, and he wrapped an arm around me.

"You aren't going anywhere until we talk," He declared, dragging me back. I wanted to fight him, but I knew it'd be futile. I could feel all his muscles pressed against my back. I wouldn't win against him. Talking about muscles, feeling my body pressed against his was an instant distraction. His intoxicating scent and my wolf's eagerness to jump him weren't helping me either.

I gave him a threatening look as he took me to one of the private meeting rooms of the hotel. As soon as he released me, I ensured to put as much distance between us as possible.

It was for my best. I couldn't afford to get distracted at that moment. He locked the door and turned to me, eyes blazing with desire and possessiveness. My wolf started pacing inside me, wanting to get closer to him and kiss him and claim him and...

I blocked her out before she could make it worse and glared at him.

"I know I interrupted you and Fidel, but you must have figured out why I got you here," He spoke, his voice smooth and businesslike. I should've hated it immediately, but I felt butterflies in my stomach. A part of me imagined how he'd sound like whispering sweet nothings in my ear. I snapped out of the thought before it could get more heated.

In response, I crossed my arms on my chest and sharpened my glare.

"I was here on a date with my boyfriend," I said, even though Fidel wasn't my boyfriend. A part of me wanted to see him jealous, and oh, did he instantly look like he was going to murder Fidel.

"Boyfriend," He muttered, disdain in his voice. "I didn't know he was seeing someone,"

"Well, now that you know, you should let me out," I pressed.

"We are not done talking yet," He said, pouring me a drink before setting it in front of me and taking the seat opposite me.

"I'm not interested in talking further," I told him, ignoring the drink and glaring at him. He didn't touch his drink either. Instead, he watched me with his scrutinising gaze, taking in every single detail about me.

I had been stared at numerous times before, but it never made me feel anything like he was making me feel. Under his gaze, I felt like a unique specimen being studied. He looked at me like I was the most important thing on this planet, and I didn't like how good it made me feel.

I should've hated how he focused his attention on me single-mindedly, but I loved it too much. I tried to remind myself that I shouldn't feel this way.

"Is it serious with Fidel?" he asked, and I noticed his jaw seemed tense.

"Maybe it is," I shrugged. I might as well be endangering Fidel, but internally, I was enjoying this. "It's a personal matter, and you shouldn't interfere—"

"Fidel works for me, and you're my mate. I have to interrupt," He stated, his voice stern. I cocked an eyebrow at him and glanced around, taking in the room. There was no way I could leave this room without him blocking me physically.

I couldn't beat him physically, but I could always talk my way out of it. I needed to act. I needed to put on a show for him, enough to distract him while keeping my emotions in check.

I acted stunned by what he told me.

"Oh," I breathed, "What is your name?" I asked even though I knew the answer. Something flickered in his eyes, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter aggressively. I ignored them and focused on him, maintaining my aloofness.

"I'm Mateo King," he answered, his tone firm and proud. His gaze was intense with interest.

"Mateo," I tested his name, oddly liking the sound of it. His eyes softened and flickered to my lips. I sucked in a breath, imagining him kissing me.

Fuck. No. Focus Myra. Fucking focus.

"I'm Myra," I introduced myself and quickly added, " I'm with Fidel. He is going to propose to me tonight,"

Haha, Myra is up to no good. Pray for our boy Fidel. Do you think Mateo would put him in a grave? Comment and let me know your thoughts.

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