

Stacey's POV

Alpha's mansion....!

"Stavey, darling, that was so courageous of you!" Aunt (Ray's mom) praises me.

Ray first brought me over to his parents' mansion to chat with his mom, before heading to his father's office.

We're currently talking about the incident that happened at the woods... and aunt has being showering me with compliments since I arrived.

"You save Ray and that's something I didn't expect you could do"

"Aunt, I simply couldn't bear to see Ray in pain, so I just did what I could to help" I said.

"Don't be so modest!"

I smiled.

"Aunt, I believe Ray would do the same thing if it was me trapped like that!"

I bet he'd even do more than hanging Jason on a tree. He'd tear Jason from limp to limp... he'll make sure they all die a painful death.

"Ray is so lucky to have you, Stacey!"

"Aunt, I'm the lucky one!" I replied.

Aunt shakes her head at my response and laughs.

"Such a polite girl"

A yawn escapes my lips and my eyes involuntarily search for a wall clock... It's 8:56pm.

Why is Ray not back yet? We have school tomorrow and we are supposed to get an early rest.

"Are you feeling sleepy?" Aunt asked.

I nod and yawn again.

"Oh, give me a second, I'll mind-link Ray and get him here"

I shake my head and gets up.

"No, aunt, I'll go to him myself!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, aunt, the king's office is not far from here!"

She stays silent and eyes me doubtfully... I can tell she doesn't want me to go alone.

"Should I send one of the guards with you?"

"No, no, no, aunt, I can go alone"

I didn't wait for her reply, I rush out quickly before she'll starts talking again.

I continue yawning tiredly... I can't wait to hit the bed, I'll so sleep like a baby.

King's office....!

I reach out to knock on the door but what I heard from inside, left my hand hanging.

"It is written in the prophecy that a female child will be born and will be paired with the king of wolves whose death will bring eternal peace between the witches, vampires and werewolves... she's a witch born in a wolf's family...in order to save her, her mate will pay a big price... which is a life for a life!" I hear a voice say.

A life for a life? Is this guy saying something about death?!

A prophecy child?Paired with the king of wolves? Are they talking about Ray's dad?

No, it can't be him. Wait! It can't be....

Is that supposed to be Ray?!

Are they talking about Ray and I? But I'm not a witch, I'm a werewolf!

Or does it mean I'm not Ray's real mate?!

"You said she wasn't supposed to be a wolf, then why did she have her shift already?" Ray asked.

"Because I wanted to change her destiny, I thought waking up her wolf gene will help her escape the prophecy...but what happened in the woods today prove that the prophecy must happen!"

What happened in the woods.., that means they're talking about me! I'm the prophecy child and Ray's gonna die?

No! What nonsense are they talking about?!

I wanted to barge in ... but I decided to just listen more.

"She's the queen of witches!"

Queen of witches?!

"Yes, but she reincarnated in the prince's mate.. which will be the cause of the great war...the witches will want their queen back but the wolves won't let it happen.. who's gonna be their queen if they let it happen... that's gonna be the cause of the great war!"

I'm gonna cause a great war? Does this guy knows what he's talking about? How can I be the queen of witches when I'm not a witch?

They've said some other things that I didn't pay attention to because I was lost in my thoughts.

"The Alpha prince's mate is a witch!"

This got me, I couldn't hold back anymore.. I need proper explanation.

I push the door open without knocking.

"I'm a witch?!" I asked.

They keeps quiet and turns their gaze towards me... there's only three people in the office, Ray, his dad and a weird looking guy.

Ray's dad signals the guy to step out. He bows slightly at Ray and his dad, then steps out.