

Writer's POV

Ray's mansion....! 4:50pm...!


Total silence! Footsteps pacing to and fro is heard..the clock ticking sound accompanies the footsteps.

Ray watches anxiously as the pack doctor does different check ups on Stacey... it's been almost one hour since she passed out and have not open her eyes.

Josh, Dylan and Jessy are also in the room... Josh and Dylan watching the doctor's every move just as Ray is.

The tension in the room is too much, everyone is impatiently waiting for the doctor's report.

Ray grabs the doctor's hand as he sees him unbuttoning Stacey's blouse.

He growls warningly at the doctor.

"What audacity! Do you instead to ogle over my mate?!"

The doctor's eyes grows wide as fear is clearly seen in his eyes... ogling over an alpha mate is a crime he doesn't wish to commit.

"N-no, Alpha.... "

"Nonsense!" Ray cuts him off and glares at him. "How is my mate?! Why is she not waking up yet?!"

The doctor couldn't speak, his lips are quivering in fear...he bows his head and doesn't dare to look Ray in the eyes.


"I'm... n-not done checking her....." He stumbles in his words.

"Then hurry up!" He pushes the doctor back towards the bed.

The doctor quickly starts again without trying to unbutton Stacey's blouse this time.

"I want you to find out why she passed out in ten minutes or I'll kill you!"

"Y-yes, Alpha!" The doctor replies in a shaky voice.

There's a few minutes of silence as the doctor is solely focused on Stacey.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Ray's mom rushes in with worry written all over her.

"Stacey!" She calls.

She halts when she sees Stacey laying on the bed, she turns to Ray and grabs his hands.

Meanwhile, Josh, Dylan, Jessy and the doctor bows slightly and greets her.

"Your majesty!"

She simply wave them and turns to Ray.

"Ray, what's wrong with Stacey? I heard she passed out in the woods, what happened?" She asked in a worried tone.

Like a mother whose daughter is in great danger. Ray signals her to bring her voice down.

"We don't know why she passed out yet, we're just waiting for the doctor's report!"

She nods and turns to the doctor, watching him anxiously just like the others.

Soon the doctor packed up his medical kit and stands up.

"How is she?" Ray's mom asked.

"Your majesty, the princess is just tired from using too much strength... also, the silver she came in contact with took a toil on her!"

Everyone's eyes move to Stacey's unconscious body with a frown on their foreheads.

"What do you mean?" Joshua asked.

"I mean, she tried to fight off the effects of the silver by holding onto it longer than she ought to... she's just shifted and her werewolf gene isn't as strong as everyone else... If she continues coming in contact with silver and overusing her strength... I'm afraid she won't be able to shift ever again.. her wolf gene will remain silent and she'll be just like human!"

Ray's frown deepens and he walk towards the bed, he sits next to Stacey and takes her right hand in his.

"So you mean, Stacey can't fight? She shouldn't fight?" Dylan asked.

"She can, but her strength is limited... like she's not a full werewolf!"

"What do you mean?" Ray's mom asked.

"I can't really explain it but she's not a full blood werewolf..."

"Could she be a vampire?" Jessy gasped.

"No, she's not a vampire but I don't know what she is!"

Then there's silence, everyone looking at Stacey with a deep frown.

Ray sighs.

"My mate needs some alone time!" Was all he said.

His mom nods and usher everyone out... Josh reluctantly walks out.

Now it's just Ray and Stacey in the room. Ray wipes some sweat off her head.

"Baby, why do you always make me worry?" He said to himself.

Meanwhile, Kira has successfully manage to make it out of the pack... she's bleeding heavily.

A car is already waiting for her right at the pack's border, she quickly gets in and they drives off.

A few minutes in the drive, a man wearing a black suit, with a shoulder length hair... a cigarette in his hand... he's sitting at the back seat.

He clears his throat and speaks.

"Kira, you failed me!"

"I'm sorry, sire....."

"You know I hate sorries!" He interrupts her.

His voice calm but you can feel the anger laced in his words.

Kira shuts up immediately.

She stares out the window with a clenched jaw, her plan was perfect but Monica ruined it.

"I heard the hunter's son is dead!" He states.

"Yes, sire!"

"And who killed him?"

"Alpha's mate!"

He pause and frown deeply.

"He was killed by a female?!"

"Yes, sire!"

He inhaled deeply and throws his head back on the seat.

"I guess using those hunters was a big mistake from me!"

A frown appears on his forehead, he clenched his jaw and balled his fist,...but he quickly straighten the frown lines.

"Frowning doesn't look good on me" he paused. "We'll visit that stupid hunter later...useless people don't work for me!"

Kira feels her heart beat increase at that statement, she wonders what her boss have in store for the hunter.

And what fate will be fall her.

Stacey's POV

"Long live our queen! Long live our queen! Long live our queen!"

I hear a group of people chanting, I curiously walk towards them and I'm shocked by what I saw.

They're bowing down to a statue, worshiping it with great reference.

"Long live our queen!" They continue to chant.

I look around them, they're all strangers.. I don't know any of them. I tap a lady that is closest to me.

I bends slightly and whisper in her ear.

"What are you all doing?"

"We're worshipping our queen!" Was her only reply before she continues worshiping the statue again.

I raised my head and take a closer look at the statue... I gasp and opens my eyes widely.

"Why do you have my statue here?" I blurt out loudly.

They stopped worshipping and turns to me, they look at me and back at the statue.

"It's our queen!" Of them yells.

Judging from their reaction, I can tell they are about to capture me. I shake my head and takes slow steps backwards.

"I'm not your queen!"

Then I turn around and make a run for it.. they begin to chase after me.

I keep running.. running.. running.. running.. running and they keep chasing after me.

My eyes snaps open and I breath heavily, I quickly sit up and look around.

I sighed deeply when I realize I'm in Ray's room and on Ray's bed...that means I'm saved from those people

"Thank goodness"I said mentally.

I can't have some strange people worshipping me and calling me their queen.

Wait...how did I get back to Ray's room?

Last I remember, I was in the woods watching Ray fight with Jason and his men!

They held Tay down with silver chains and I went to save him, then I....

I gasped loudly.

"I'm a murderer" I exclaims mentally. "I killed Jason!"

I shake my head. No! That can't be..wait, I should ask Karen.

"Scar" I called but she didn't reply.

Could she be sleeping? Wait, does she even sleep?

"Karen" I called again but she still doesn't reply me.

Right, she must be sleeping! I'll talk to her later.

My throat suddenly felt dry, I reach for a glass of water on the nightstand and gulps it down.

Ray doesn't seem to be in the room, I panic and quickly hop off the bed.

"Ray?" I called him through our mind link.

"Baby? You're awake?" He answers instantly.

I smile and relax a bit.

"Where are you?"

"Kitchen, I'm....."

I tone him off and rush downstairs towards the kitchen, I wanna know if he's really there or just lying to me.

He's really in there, with an apron around his neck...his back faces me as he focus on whatever he's cooking.

"Baby, I know you're here!" He said.

I run to him and jump on his back... I wrap my arms tightly around his shoulders.

"Ah!" I puffed out some air. "You're safe!"