
Her Alpha, His Queen

"Pack your bags. We're moving." Delilah couldn't count how many times she's moved in her life. It seemed like her mother probably wanted to travel the world. Her father had left them because of her mother's infidelity. It was hard to make friends due to the constant relocation. Her plan was to lie low and make a few acquaintances till she graduates and goes to college. Things take an interesting turn as she meets a gorgeous seemingly normal boy, Harley Kingston, who awoke feelings she's never known before in her. Perhaps it was a sign that life would be normal for her? Not everything is as it seems. Turns out the reason for her father's absence wasn't at all what she was led to believe. Turns out Harley was not a regular boy after all... and he was set on making her his. She is the heir to the throne of a kingdom of problematic weretigers. Things get more complicated as her not-so-lovable grandparents declare themselves sworn enemies of her kind. The fate of a world she thought only exists in books rests on her shoulders. Good thing Delilah Villin isn't one to back down from challenges.

ThatWriter_Rayo · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

"Delilah! So good to see you again!" Grandmother said in a tone she probably hoped was cheerful.


I gave her a bright fake smile and opened the car door. Mum got out of the car and I waited for her to reach her parents before getting up. I closed the door and huffed.

"Andromeda dear, it's been a while." Grandfather said, pulling Mum into stiff a hug. Mum reluctantly hugged him back.

"Good to see you again, Father, Mother. Please come with me."

She led them into our home and I followed. I would have loved to go straight into my room and shut the door but I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving Mum with them.

Mum led them to our living room and had them seated.

"How was the trip?" She asked politely.

"A bit tiring." Grandfather replied dismissively. He was absentmindedly eyeing our centre table.

Grandmother tutted. "Honestly, Andromeda, you still haven't learnt that you're meant to serve your visitors refreshments before small talk?"

Mum apologised and left for the kitchen.

Grandmother looked over at me. "No wonder you ended up this way. If I raised you, you would have been a proper lady and not wear these rags. Your mother can be so ill-mannered." She then closed her eyes and placed her hand daintily on her forehead as if thinking about her own daughter gave her a migraine. "Sometimes, she just..." She trailed off.

I glared at her. "She just what?"

She opened her eyes and raised her eyebrow. "Defending your mummy, are you?" The condescending way she said "mummy" made me want to throttle her. "As expected."

"Maria, enough." Grandfather snapped.

She glared balefully at him but she thankfully kept her mouth shut.

Mum came back with a tray holding a teapot and some cups. She poured out some tea for her parents. Grandmother smiled and accepted the cup, acting like she didn't just talk trash about her. Grandfather took his cup without looking at Mum or even thanking her.

Mum still kept a polite face on. I don't know how she does it, really.

She took her seat. "Not to be rude but why the visit?"

Grandfather finally looked at her. He narrowed his eyes. "Why not the visit?" He then turned his gaze to me. "Unless you're hiding something...?"

To most people, it would seem like Mum's expression didn't change but I've known her for almost 16 years now. She stiffened slightly.

She chuckled. "Hiding what? Like I could hide anything from you two."

Grandfather stared at me for a few more seconds before returning his attention to his tea.

What was that all about?

I studied him closely. The light wrinkles at the corners of his eyes complimented his green eyes well. He was quite handsome. If he wasn't so cold, I might have liked him.

I turned to Mum, hoping to communicate my confusion to her. She gave me a look that said 'later'.

Grandmother announced after her tea that they would be leaving the next morning. Mum led them to the guest room they would be staying in and I followed.

"Andromeda." Grandfather called. "We need to talk. Later."

He then shut the door in our face and soon after began speaking in hushed tones with Grandmother.

These guys are sus.

Mum pulled me away from the door. She must have guessed that I was going to eavesdrop on the conversation.

I let her drag me to her bedroom. She locked the door and I sat on her bed. She frowned.

"You're supposed to wait till I give you permission to si-"

"Yeah, yeah." I cut her off. "Now, what's was that all about?"

"What?" Mum asked innocently. I glared at her. "Oh alright. My parents aren't fond of me. You know that."

"Yeah but it seems worse." I argued. "Grandmother was super rude when you left to get tea..."

Curiosity sparkled in Mum's eyes. "What did she say?"

"Unimportant." I said dismissively. I didn't want to hurt Mum's feelings.

Mum sighed and sat next to me. "It was about me, wasn't it?"

I just nodded.

Mum rubbed her left wrist tiredly. "My parents are mad at me for cheating. They've been mad for years... What happened today... Well, I don't know how to explain it. Maybe they've found something else to despise me for."

"Like what?"

"I don't know."

Mum was trying to look neutral but I could tell she was sad. Her parents might be jerks but they were still her parents. It hurt her that they loathed her.

I inched closer to her and placed my hand on hers. "You might have done something bad in the past but if they still hate you for it now even though you've been trying to make amends, then they aren't worth the effort."

"I suppose so."

"And" Saying things like this was really out of my comfort zone. "I love you."

"Oh, Delilah." Mum hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. She clung to me and I didn't try to pull away. I sensed she needed some sort of comfort and I was going to give it to her.

We stayed like that for a minute. We could have stayed like that for longer but I had something else on my mind.

"Mum?" I whispered, trying not to abruptly break the silence.

"Yes, dear?"

"What did Grandfather mean what he said? About hiding something?"

Mum sighed. "It's unimportant."

I pulled away from the embrace. "It's not unimportant, Mum. He was looking at me."

Mum looked reluctant to speak. She snuck a glance at me before looking down at her hands. "Well, my parents have a hobby. I think it's silly. They believe in the supernatural and it's ridiculous."

I raised an eyebrow. "Supernatural? Like ghosts? Demons?"

Mum chuckled. "No. Like werewolves, vampires... That kind of supernatural."

'Oh' was all I said. You'd think adults should be more mature.

"Besides, I believe ghosts and demons are mostly termed as paranormal beings."

I rolled my eyes. Mum laughed lightly.

"They also think this town has a lot of supernaturals."

"Hmmnn." I frowned. "What does that have to do with me?"

When I heard no reply, I turned to Mum. She looked like she was thinking of what to say.


She looked up at me. She searched my eyes for something. I was having a feeling that whatever she was going to say next was a lie.

"Teens love to explore. They might think you've found something that you don't want to share, especially with them."

Well, if I found something, I definitely wouldn't share it with them.

"Why would they even jump to that conclusion?" I mused.

Mum shrugged. "Who knows? I stopped trying to understand them."

"Eh." I shrugged the thought off. Those jerks don't deserve a space in my head. "So, what do you wanna do?"

Mum amusedly raised her eyebrow at me. "What about homework?"

"Don't have any." I replied happily.


I playfully stuck my tongue out at her.

"Alright then. Help me out in the kitchen." Mum decided.

I huffed in mock tiredness. "Ah yes. We need to prepare food for those miserable demons."

Mum jokingly slapped my arm. "They're my parents, Dee. Be polite."

We both left her room and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I immediately planted my derriere on the counter.

"Lazy." Mum joked.

"What do you wanna make for them?" I asked. "We don't want them whining more than they already do."

"Hmmnn. Maybe something with beef." Mum suggested. "Father loves beef."

I scrunched up my nose. "I was thinking of just giving them bread and jam."

Mum laughed. "You can be so mean at times."

"That's Delilah Villin for you." I replied cheekily.

Mum smiled heartily. "Yeah. Just like your father. Except for the time..." She trailed off. Her smile dimmed.

"What time?" I asked in concern.

Mum shook her head. "It's nothing. Forget about it." She then walked to the refrigerator.

I decided to let it go. Who ever my dad is is history, I guess.

"How about taco salad?" Mum piped up after a while, disrupting my thoughts.

I perked up. "Yay."

Mum smiled again. "Okay, so let's start-" She glanced at the clock. "Oof. I think it's too early to start."

"I suppose. Let's grab some snacks and hang out in the living room."

I grabbed a bag of chips and some ketchup in a bowl. Mum tutted.


"Oh come on!"


We headed back to the living room and settled on the couch. I put the bag on my lap while Mum took the ketchup. I rested my head on her shoulders as Mum grabbed the TV remote.

"What do you wanna watch?" Mom asked softly.

"I dunno." I mumbled, rubbing my clad feet on our plush rug.

Mum glanced down at my feet and exclaimed. "Goodness!"

I jumped. "What?" I asked, startled.

"You still have your school clothes on and I still have my work clothes on."

I gave her a look that said 'really'.

"Let's go change."

She can be so dramatic at times.

We took our snacks back to the kitchen and went off to go change.

I got into an oversized grey shirt and comfy shorts. The cool weather didn't bother me much so I didn't bother to bundle up.

I returned to the living room and sat on the couch. Mum came back some time after and sat beside me. She reclaimed the remote and turned on the TV.

She fiddled with the remote for a bit before finally making up her mind.

I looked at the TV. Rush Hour came on. I so love this movie.

"Yay." I cheered, settling comfortably on the couch.

Mum chuckled. "It is an old movie..."

"But it's awesome! I love Carter."

We watched the movie contentedly, with me providing commentary at funny parts and Mum laughing at my antics. It's the little moments like this with my mum I cherish the most. Sometimes, I wish my dad was with us. Mum tries to hide it but I know she thinks about him. She refused to date or get into a relationship and honestly, I don't mind. As long as she's as happy as she can be, I'm happy too.

We were about to start Rush Hour 3 when someone suddenly stood in front of the TV.

"Hey!" I snapped.

"Well, hello to you too, darling." Drawled the irritating voice of my dear dear grandmother. "Urgh. Are those chips? Really, Andromeda?"

Mum sighed irritatedly but kept quiet.

"I wanted the chips." I said defensively.

"She is your mother. She's supposed to control you not eat rubbish and watch trashy movies with you." Grandmother argued.

She did not just diss Rush Hour.

"My apologies, Mother." Mum said quietly.

Grandmother smiled in satisfaction. She walked to the couch and forced herself between Mum and me.

"My dears," She started. "I don't hate you both. You should know that."

I almost snorted. Mum just stared at her hands.

"There just are some things so important- oh well." She caressed Mum's chin. Mum looked into her eyes. She smiled at Mum and turned to me. "Delilah dear..." She caressed my chin too. She was being affectionate but I couldn't shake the sinister vibes she gave me. Something in her eyes was... ominous?

She removed her hands and hugged herself. "I honestly don't know why you moved to this dreadful place." She said distastefully. "So cold."

Mum turned off the TV. "Mother, we're having taco salad for dinner. Are you fine with that?"

Grandmother waved her hands. "It will do. You serve some good wine with that, okay?"

Mum nodded and left the living room. I of course followed her. I followed her outside to our backyard pool. She sat at the edge and I followed suit. I looked at her. Her head was down.

"How are you feeling?" I asked quietly.

Mum just shrugged. "I'm okay... I just... I guess I've always wanted my parents attention and love... I wish what she said was genuine... But I know it's not and it hurts..." Her voice shook. "I-I..."

I pulled her into a hug. She buried her face in my neck. This was normal. Mum was more emotional when her parents are around and they were acting stranger so I expected this. I'm just glad they're leaving tomorrow.

After some moments of comfortable silence, Mum spoke.

"I didn't even ask you, how was your first day as a sophomore?"

I shrugged. "Average. Some new students as juniors and- oh, Seth is never taking me to school again, Mum."

Mum chuckled lightly. "Why not?"

"He keeps trying to get me to date him despite me telling him no several times. And today, he acted really weird when I refused again."

"Why don't you want to give him a chance?" Mum asked. "He's nice."

"I'm not attracted to him... And if we date and it doesn't work out, it might affect our friendship. He's the only friend I've got."

"Make new friends."

"It's not that easy." I mumbled. I suddenly remembered Whipped Cream and his friends. "Speaking of friends..."

I told her about Whipped Cream, his strangeness and his friends, trying not to miss out any detail.

Mom straightened up from the hug. She listened attentively and waited for me to finish before speaking. "You felt sparks when he touched you?"

"Yeah." I confirmed. "It was weird but I... I liked it. It made me feel all funny and fuzzy inside."

Mum frowned. "What did you say his full name was again? His real name, not the silly nickname you gave him."

I pouted. "Whipped Cream is a great nickname. I think his name is Harley. I don't know his surname."

Mum bit her lip, lost in thought.

"What?" I asked. "Do you know him?"

"Not at all." She replied. "Oh well. Just be careful around him, okay?"

I stared at her, puzzled. What's with today and weirdness? "Okay, Mum."

"Alright, let's go make dinner."


Dinner was good. My grandparents loved it. I wasn't given wine but I didn't mind. I like my water just fine. Occasionally, Grandmother would whine about the temperature. We were able to finish dinner and dessert in peace, though.

We all went to the living room to hang afterwards. Grandmother had the news on. Not interested. I turned my attention to my phone, ready to face Candy Crush again.

I was making some progress in the game when Grandfather cleared his throat. "Andromeda, your mother and I have something to discuss with you."

Mum frowned slightly. "Alright. What is it?"

Grandfather jerked his head at me. "Not with her around. Go to your room, Delilah, and sleep."


I was about to retort when I caught Mum's eye. She gave me a look that said 'just go'.

I huffed indignantly. "You'll be okay?"

Mum smiled genuinely. "Of course."

"Okay Mum."

I eyed my grandparents as if telling them I would deal with them if they hurt Mum. Grandfather eyed me back in amusement. Grandmother rolled her eyes.

I walked out of the living room but quietly snuck into the dinning room. I was planning on eavesdropping. Suddenly, Grandfather's stern voice boomed.

"Go to your room, Delilah."

I almost hit my head on the wall I was hiding behind in shock. I ran all the way to my room and shut the door.

Well, that was an embarrassing fail.

I tried to complete my Candy Crush level. I failed. I'm probably gonna have to use boosters. Oh well.

I need new games on my phone that won't make me feel stupid.

I placed my phone on my bed and lay down, getting ready to sleep. I wonder what they were talking about down there. Guess I'll have to find out from Mum.

Supernaturals? Oh please... But what if they did exist?

What if they did?