A Collection Of Various M-Fiction’s, Hentai-Fics, Smut-Fics. Chapters in this story will have its own contained story, and I will endeavour to post a new one up for everyone to read.
Summary: Sae Niijima is under a tremendous amount of stress.
With the Phantom Thieves continuing to evade her, she's at the end of her rope and in desperate need of relief.
Thankfully, she has a very loyal little sister that's willing to be her "therapy cocksleeve" every night. It's the least she can do to keep her sister happy!
Summary 2: The Phantom Thieves have fallen, led to defeat by Makoto's admission of their guilt.
Now that Sae Niijima has been nearly entirely engulfed by her inner demons, a new chapter is beginning...one where Shadow Sae keeps the girls as bred pets and fucktoys for her amusement.
Today...she'll spend her evening having fun with nerdy little Futaba.
Sae: The night had been going great. Despite a stressful day, Makoto had been there, waiting, to help her unwind. Hell, even an accidental slip of a condom had given her the chance to fuck her cute baby sister raw and pump her so full of cum that the little slut was sure to get pregnant. Everything had been, at last, turning in Sae's favor for the day; until, of course, Makoto had dropped that … little tidbit of information. That little thing that suddenly made so so much makes sense. Makoto was a Phantom Thief. Makoto had … Makoto had been the reason for so much of her stress and frustration. But why was she telling her? Oh, no – Sae understood that. Makoto felt guilty. Makoto was choosing her, over her friends. And that meant a great deal … and gave a significant opportunity.
The next few months had been to Sae's advantage. Learning about the Phantom Thieves, biding her time in complete and utter anger with her little sister, while also slowly beginning to pick up what they were up to. The world was more corrupt than she understood – and she had chosen to turn it on its head. After all, the Phantom Thieves were a public phenomenon – people had their eyes on them. Why, then, would they expect anyone other than the thieves to have carried out the rather ruthless disappearances of the Boy Prince Goro Akechi, or the rumored-corrupt Masayoshi Shido? They were definitely in the Phantom Thieves line of sight – and the evidence would point to that, as far as Sae cared. She would do anything to win. And by anything, she meant … anything.
All it had taken was a little nudging with the department to give her a chance to 'rehabilitate' some of the members of the gang. Of course, she had no interest in actually rehabilitating them; they had some useful skills among them, not least of all being their tremendously tight bodies and own personal … quirks. Makoto, of course, was still Sae's favorite; her baby sister had set her on a path to power in a rather unprecedented way. That didn't mean the ability to scrub incriminating evidence from the internet, or the financial security to allow you to move around a bit more freely was … unwelcome.
And, so it had been another long day. A satisfying day of watching the remnants of the Phantom Thieves disappear for good. A subtle smirk danced on Sae's lips as she finally walked into her apartment. Ah, not the small one that she had been living in with Makoto before; the large penthouse had been acquired about a month prior, thanks to Haru's finances, and Sae had brought home a reward-- mostly for herself. A black dress; beautiful, elegant, that showed off her body rather well... and some wine. After all... victories were to be celebrated, were they not?
"Girls! I'm home!" Sae called with a patient smirk on her lips.
Girls: The months had indeed been good to Sae, and the woman's power and influence had grown tenfold even as her harem swelled underneath her. Not only in numbers, but by the pregnant bellies that were starting to show on every last one of them. In all, Sae had claimed not only her sister but Haru, Ann, and Futaba as well...and each one knew their place within their owner's life.
Makoto's role had been mostly unchanged - cook for her sister and be her stress relief when needed. At this point the girl was noticeably pregnant with her sister's child; her belly swollen and round with breasts that had grown to compliment it. As she was mostly made to roam naked around the apartment, it was easy for anyone to see just how bred she had become. Though now, as she helped to carry the burden of her sister, she had help.
Haru had been the easiest to break - a sweet thing that desperately wanted acceptance, whose parents were absent until their death. Her sweet poofy hair framed her bright smile and she wore a belly almost as big as Makoto's; the second to be seeded. She had served the purpose of bankrolling Sae's growing empire with the money her parents left behind, and she hadn't hesitated to turn over full control of their money to her new mistress. After she had cracked, it was all too easy to collect.
Futaba was the same as she ever was - a bit snide and bratty, but had come to acknowledge the ownership of Sae. Her belly wasn't quite as big as the others thanks to her natural slim body type, but she was just as bred as any of them. Where Sae's money and empire failed Futaba was the one that protected her; scouring the net, keeping her safe, and always controlling information.
Of them all, only Ann had remained mostly unbroken. Resistant to the end, the girl had been fitted with a leather mask with slots to breathe and a zipper for when she needed to be fed - either food or cock. The mask charmingly wore leather cat ears to remind everyone of her old role, and she was similarly forced into a suit that very much mirrored her persona of Panther. Only now, her breasts and pussy were always exposed, and the leather gripped her uncomfortably tight. Hanging free was a pregnant stomach just like the others, though of them all she resented it the most, and the fact that she was constantly covered in a mask meant she needed to be controlled and guided by a leash as she crawled on all fours.
The four women rushed to meet their owner as soon as they heard her arrive, dropping to their knees before her in a perfect line. Haru and Futaba smiling away, Ann whimpering within her zipped-up mask, and Makoto bowing her head to her sister as she spoke.
"Welcome home, Sis." The only one that was allowed to call her that. "We missed you. How can we please you tonight?"
Sae: All in all, they were a good team. As far as Sae saw it, they were a better team than the Phantom Thieves had been. The vision was too small, too personal, for them; Sae wanted something better. She'd shape things, help people to have a better world … perhaps influenced by her a little. All she'd wanted in return was the four girls whom she had claimed in her path to domination, and that's all she needed. The loyal ones would be loyal to her forever. And Ann – ah, the Panther. She'd learn her place eventually, and as Sae was fond of reminding her, they had all the time in the world. No one would come looking for her. Not her parents, off in another country, not her school, due to her record … the only one who she'd not dragged down had been Makoto. The good girl deserved a future, deserved not to have anyone look at her like a criminal. Though considering how swollen her belly had become, it was entirely likely they would just look at her like a slut; not incorrect.
Sae stepped forward to the line of girls on their knees, reaching forward to gently pat Makoto on the cheek. "Thank you, Makoto. Today was an interesting day; the case is finally closed and the others are off to prison." Sae mused, calmly enough. "Today, I wish to celebrate... it will be quite a busy evening." She added, calmly enough and while she considered her prize, she kicked away her shoes and set aside her briefcase. "Futaba, you'll be joining me in my room for the moment. Bring your laptop." Even if she'd gotten around to fully breaking them, it wasn't like Sae didn't like their individuality or their quirks. Makoto's interest with the world, Haru's gardening, Futaba's work on the computer... even Ann's modeling got some time, though in a far seedier way than she'd have intended.
With that simple order, Sae stepped past the group – though she paid brief attention to Ann, dragging her fingers over the girl's swollen, knocked up belly; an amused smirk across her lips as she made her way towards her bedroom. Yes, tonight would be busy... and the first thing was her craving to change. Stripping down from her more business-oriented attire, she began to change into her new acquisition; it was … quite revealing. Fishnet lace revealed the entirety of her cleavage, the inside curves of her breasts; thin straps working at her shoulders, and one leg entirely revealed. It barely even hid her cock.
Girls: The line of girls knelt there, completely uncaring about the news that their old friends were going to prison. Hell, they hadn't even seen them for months, and certainly didn't care what happened to them. They were all happy and pregnant with enough cock to keep them constantly satisfied; why would they miss them for a second? Sure, Ann might've given a few pathetic whimpers at the news, but she was easy enough for Haru to tighten the leash and make her yelp herself into being quiet.
When Sae gave the order to Futaba, the girl beamed and nodded, giving a wide grin as her hands moved to cradle her small but still swollen belly. Futaba very much looked like the girl she used to be aside from that; her long red hair fell straight down her back, and she still wore knee-high socks with thick boots that she tromped around the apartment in. She even still wore her headphones at nearly all times, and her glasses were a constant so she could always see her mistress coming.
"Right away, Shadow Sae!" She spoke up, letting their mistress' true name drop from her lips. It had been the thing they were told to call her, and it certainly fits. Because Futaba was so eager to do as she was told, she missed the moment where Sae dressed into her new outfit. Her boots could be heard stomping through the halls as she worked towards her laptop, but Makoto and Haru merely watched their mistress dress with a smile and deepening cheeks. Once Sae was completely wearing her unique and sexy new outfit, Makoto was the first to speak up.
"You look wonderful, Sis." She admired her, folding her hands together and beaming. "The most beautiful woman in the world!"
"You're gorgeous!" Haru boasted and looked over to Ann. "Isn't she, Ann?! Isn't Shadow Sae gorgeous?!"
Even if Ann could see past her mask, she likely would've responded. All it did was earn her another yank of her leash, and a sudden uptick in Haru's surprisingly volatile mean streak.
"YOU'LL ANSWER WHEN SPOKEN TO, FUCKPIG!" It was still just adorable when she screamed vulgar threats in her cute, cute voice.
Sae: Shadow Sae. It gave an amusing uptick of her lips to hear that term. Goro had called her that when the tables had turned like he could see something in her; growing darkness that roared to the surface with each victory she'd claimed. It had been meant as an insult, she suspected; a jab towards the woman of the law about her nature and how she betrayed it. Instead, she wore it with pride; she served a better ideal from the shadows. Where was the problem with that? Sae smirked at the idea before focusing her attention on the others, once Futaba had stomped off. That one had been so uncertain of people at the start. She'd learned well. Haru, too.
"I thought the occasion required something special. A new me." Sae mused with a smile, reaching out to gently comb her fingers through that poofy fluff of Haru's hair, enjoying the way the once-meek heiress came out of her shell so easily in her service. "Ann's the jealous sort, isn't she? A model like her probably doesn't like to be shown up." Sae insisted with a throaty chuckle. "Ah, she does enjoy dress-up though, doesn't she? Just like a doll … Haru, you must have had a lot of dolls when you were younger, didn't you?" Sae smirked and looked down at Ann. "How about a new one? Until she's nice and satisfied, you can dress her up and take all sort of pictures with our adorable little panther."
Sae moved on to Makoto with a confident swagger and sway to her hips; reaching down to help her up and off of her knees. "You have been keeping them in line very well, as usual, Makoto." Sae settled her hand on her little sister's pregnant belly. "I'm quite proud of you, baby sister. I trust you finished your homework?" Ah, it was such a … normal routine. Makoto had been pulled out of school by Sae, but Sae had insisted the school continue to send lessons and books and homework – not that any of them mattered it was just to keep up appearances; she didn't care what the school thought of her little sister. She was brilliant and Sae's. All that mattered.
"I am going to drink, tonight. You should make dinner, for later; once I am done with Futaba."
Girls: Haru preened like a prized pet as Shadow Sae lavished attention on her, and she turned to kiss the older woman's hand as she was stroked. Haru had been an interesting case to be sure - desperate and gleeful for any attention paid to her, but also not jealous of the others. If anything, she seemed to relish being part of a family for the first time in her life. She had even accidentally called Shadow Sae "Mommy" a few times, but that was usually only in the midst of her most emotional moments...or when she was being fucked raw in her tight teenage ass.
"Ohh, thank you, Shadow Sae!" Haru beamed at the gift that was given to her and quickly turned to Ann. The girl she once called a friend was soon yanked forward with a leash once more as Haru rose to her feet, dragging behind her leather-bound slut as she made her way to her bedroom. "You heard her, CUMDUMP, I get to dress you up however I like! Finally, a use for all my clothes we brought over from home!" She giggled, padding faster as she drugs the pregnant Panther behind. "They'll be a bit too tight on your FAT SLUT ASS, but you'll just have to deal with it!"
After Haru walked away, Makoto was left as the sole focus of attention, and she sighed sweetly as her sister stroked her belly. Of all the girls she was afforded the most leeway, the only one that could touch their mistress of her own volition, the only one that ever had times where she could speak to her as something close to an equal. It was one such moment as Makoto leaned forward to kiss her sister's cheek, just like she had in the old days.
"My homework's done, and the house is clean, Sis." She smiled, and let her hand drop atop Sae's over her belly. "I'll make your favorite dinner tonight, Sis."
The food she'd prepare didn't matter - she knew her sister's favorite dinner involved her pregnant little sis under the table choking violently on cock.
Sae: The growth Haru had shown in the ways she treated Ann was always a delight to see. Sae had her disciplinary actions, but as it had come about, Haru was far better of a prison warden than she'd expected. Honestly, it was … fun. Not only that but satisfying. Direct results; always the best thing to see. Once they were gone, Sae's attention was focused entirely on Makoto. The one who'd started it all. They'd been fucking for so long now, Sae could hardly imagine a time where she wasn't drilling her sister. Condoms were forgotten afterthought unless Sae was using them for a specific purpose; usually as a form of punishment, in one way or another; like emptying them on Ann. That happened occasionally.
"You're a good girl, little sister. My favorite." Sae reminded her with a patient smile; leaning in and planting a rather tender kiss on the younger's lips; perhaps made a little less tender by hands clapping on her ass and squeezing at her cheeks, lifting and then dropping with a low chuckle. "My good girl..." Sae smiled before teasing another kiss to her lips before pulling away and regaining the colder edge to her personality, humming. "We have much to be done tonight. I have a meeting tomorrow that's going to be irritating, so I intend to enjoy tonight as much as I can. You nor any of the girls will be resting until I am satisfied; you will be the one keeping them going while I satisfy myself." She paused.
"...Ensure that Haru doesn't tire Ann too much." With that, Sae made her way to her bedroom to meet up with Futaba.
Girls: Makoto smiled at her sister's words and the warm hands roaming her body, always happy to let herself become a plaything of the older woman. The slaps to her ass, the affectionate kisses, all made Makoto feel like the most important girl in her sister's life. After all, she was...at least after Sae herself. The words of favoritism rang in Makoto's heart and she sighed sweetly when her sister left to go tend to Futaba, leaving her alone to manage the others. With a content sigh she made her way towards Haru's room, just to make sure she wasn't trying to fit four dildo's into the girl's pussy...again.
In Sae's room, Futaba was sitting at the foot of the bed with her legs crossed and her laptop already open. She was naked save for the knee socks, boots, and glasses, and sitting on both of her small breasts was a silver ring pierced through each nipple. It had been her idea - she wanted to look edgier and more exciting for her mistress and had surprised her with them a month ago. Even now they hung there as a reminder of how Sae's whores always wanted to make her smile by defiling themselves.
"Shadow Sae." Futaba looked up from her computer, still tapping away as she spoke. "Was there something you need me to take care of? Is the new district attorney giving you a hard time again? Well, we can take care of that. Make sure he has a lot of...questionable transfers to his bank account, kekeke…" The girl gave a wicked little chuckle, her glasses flashing as they count the nearby light. "Or do you just want to know how Ann's PornHub channel is doing? She's almost at five hundred thousand subscribers!" She paused and glanced down again. "DeepSkeeter says 'bitch needs to stop all that whining ho sounds like she being raped.'"
She simply raised a hand to humbly request a high-five from her mistress.
Sae: Sae stepped into her room and gazed down at Futaba. The girl had certainly successfully surprised Sae many times, along with the others-- but Futaba was always special in her forwardness. Yes, Sae suspected it had something to do with how much time she'd spent on the computer, and the sorts of things she'd find her way into were always troubling … if also incredibly hot. So, Sae gave her all the time she needed or craved in front of the laptop. Even when they were fucking, Futaba was permitted to remain on her computer... not that she could focus on it much when Sae was going to work.
"Ah, if only 'DeepSkeeter' knew what was happening with Ann." Sae joked, dryly and comfortably gave Futaba a high five as she made her way onto the bed. "The District Attorney has learned his lesson, I believe. The commission investigating Shido's role briefly questioned me today, but I only had to answer truthfully. I've no idea where the man is now." Sae smirked. "Though I do believe it's somewhere in the vicinity of hell." Sae chuckled and slowly sat on the bed next to Futaba; reaching over and hooking a finger into that silver ring and then giving a sharp tug on it. "Yes, I believe I wanted to know more about how people are responding to our … fun. Your digging into my new bosses' affair and posting all of those pictures of her was quite genius." Sae praised her comfortably.
She settled aside her dress, cock throbbing into view. "I believe for your dutiful work, Futaba, I'm going to let you choose how I fuck you tonight." Which was code for 'you can suggest something, but I'm going to fuck you as hard as I possibly can, however, I want and you'll like it regardless, but it was a nice thought'.
Futaba: Futaba watched her mistress with outright adoration, eyes shining behind her glasses as Sae moved to sit down beside her. Just like Haru, Futaba had mommy issues aplenty...though she hadn't dropped the word as Haru had, it was very clear that she looked at Sae as more than just a mistress. She was a guardian, a provider, and someone she always wanted to impress. Being told how smart, how resourceful, and how cute she was were the keys to Futaba's heart. The girl had a pretty big ego considering she was a pregnant fuckpet, but she always bowed her head to the one that deserved it most.
"...ah!" Futaba trembled as she felt the ring tugged, and her fingers smashed down on the keys to a point where a long line of "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" appeared in her response to DeepSkeeter. When her mistress finally made the proposal; however, Futaba's eyes went wide and her throat tightened, overcome by potential. "That...you mean that, Shadow Sae?!" Even if it wasn't a guarantee, even being made the offer was more than she usually got. Her mistress must've been in a very good mood! "Uh, just a second! I...I got something for this!"
She tabbed to her desktop, went straight to a folder labeled "Definitely Not Hentai" and opened it up before ravenously searching. As she flipped through pictures she mused to herself, speaking softly as her eyes narrowed.
"...no, not that, you're not a giantess...no, not that one either, you don't have tentacles...no...no...sheesh, I need to organize these…" As she flicked through graphic art-based pornography it was always a sign of what was on the girl's mind; or at least, what she kept herself busy with when Sae wasn't around. "...geez, if I only had a penis this one would be fun. Uh...oh, here it is!" She quickly jerked her laptop up into her hands, turning it to face Sae.
A skinny girl, just like Futaba, fucked in a full-nelson position straight in her ass. Her pussy filled with toys, and a look of frantic desire on her face.
"Here's what I want!" Futaba called it out like she was pointing at a Christmas present. "Can I have skinny_ahegao_slut43.PNG?!"
Sae: Sae was certainly amused by Futaba's typoing at the tug on the ring, but the girl's follow-up was definitely what surprised her. Of course, she had something she would want, but the fact that she had a bit of graphic support … well, Sae suspected she could find a way to oblige the girl. Unsurprisingly, Futaba had a bit of an … eclectic taste, but it was nothing she disapproved of. In fact, unlike Futaba's own family, Sae very much encouraged her tendencies. "I see..." Sae hummed before smirking. Yes, while she certainly took good care of Futaba-- perhaps not KIND care, though that had changed after the girl's successful breaking-- Sae had always had a firm hand. Futaba had earned her reward.
The woman pulled away and moved to the closet with a sway to her hips and bit her lip, thinking for a moment before reaching out and pulling out the toy chest. Ah, yes-- a rather … well organized, an extensive amount of toys in the chest itself – as she began to look for something in … particular. Ah-- after a bit, Sae found what she was looking for. Three toys; two stock-standard dildos of decent size, as well as a vibrating, bunny-eared dildo. If Futaba tried to get all three in, she was going to be rather … full.
Along with that, Sae pulled along the bottoms of a string bikini with her and a long tie; a particularly fun idea in mind to secure the toys through the rings on Futaba's nipples. Especially with the vibrating dildo, this would cause them to tug on her quite well. "I believe I can oblige that." Sae gave a teasing grin and pressed a hand to Futaba's head in a gently pat. "Now, off the bed and spread your legs like the eager whore you are, Futaba. I will give you..." Sae gave a wry smile and rolled her eyes.
"Skinny_ahegao_slut43.PNG. For you being so good."
Futaba: The noise that came from Futaba was difficult to describe, but it was one of abject delight as she clamored off the bed. She folded up her laptop and set it on the nearby dresser - she wouldn't be able to frag any jerks while she was getting full-nelson fucked! With a smile, the girl stood up as tall as she could and spread her legs as she was ordered. She was the shortest of the girls by far, but the fact that her boots were so thigh made her just a hair taller than Haru. That height was artificial though, and it was going to become obvious once the fun began.
"Thank you so much, Shadow Sae!" Futaba beamed, her eyes shining gleefully as her hands moved to support the small weight of her pregnant tummy. She eyed the toys that were soon to be inserted in her, and she had goosebumps marking up and down her arms. Nothing made her quite so happy as being used as her 'mistress' fucksleeve, but that was something that all of the girls could agree on. "You're the best! Living here is the best thing that ever happened to me!"
Granted, Futaba hadn't enjoyed a particularly good life, but it was still a compliment.
The girl shivered as she pondered just what was to come, and once more gazed down to where her mistress' cock hid below her dress. She knew the weight of it well - it was a tough fit even for her pussy, but her ass? Usually, when Sae claimed it, Futaba didn't get out of bed the next day...and this was probably going to be a repeat performance. That's fine; Ann didn't mind carrying her meals on her back as she crawled to deliver them!
Sae: Sae, toys in hand, made her way closer to Futaba; leaning in and kissing her on the forehead. "Anything for one of my girls, Futaba. I'll always take care of you." Sae reminded her. "I'll keep you safe..." From anyone else, anyway. From Sae was a different story entirely – not that any of the girls but Ann saw it that way. First, the bunny ear; Sae didn't take it easy, simply pushing and prying that thing in, wriggling it until it was nice and firmly wedged inside of the adorable nerdy redhead. Without waiting for the others, she turned it on-- beginning to allow it to wriggle and writhe against the youngest of her girls, humming softly. The wetter she was, the easier it would be to get the others now.
"Hold on tight," Sae whispered playfully and then began to push in the second of the dildos. Futaba's body was the smallest, which meant it had taken quite a bit of stretching her to make this possible, though Sae had delighted in ensuring the process would be nice and easy. The vibrating dildo inside of her pushed and prodded, shifting around the other dildo once it was firmly inside – only for Sae to begin adding the third without allowing the first two to properly settle against one another, giving it a bit of an uncomfortable stretch as she went. The entire goal was to get all three writhing and wriggling inside of her with the vibe, and then for Sae to tie the bottoms. She looped the longer ends through the nipple wrings than strung it down against the dildos; didn't want them falling out, after all. And, with each push of the vibrating rabbit-eared dildo, it would tug on the strings and yank on her nipples.
Sae was satisfied with the view, to say the least, humming softly. She moved over to the bedside and got a nearly-spent bottle of lube, studying it before holding it out to Futaba. "You'll use your hand to apply it to me." Well, the lube wasn't going to stop her from being sore in the morning … not to mention, Futaba would get to pick how 'rough' she wanted it based on how much lube they used.
Futaba: Futaba's young, thin body was a plaything for the older woman...just like all of them were. Her tender pussy didn't handle anymore or any fewer toys than her friend's, but the simple fact was that she was the smallest, tightest, and had the most trouble coping with such a heavy payload of vibrating pleasure. Even the smallest of them was enough to make her knees weak, and she only barely managed to keep standing as her mistress plowed toy after toy inside of her. When she was permitted to hold on she wrapped her hands around Sae's arms, but even then the support only lasted for so long and Sae started to walk away.
From her position across the room, Futaba was a cute, pathetic sight. Her nipple rings pulled down the strap connecting them to the buzzing vibrators, and every breath seemed to pull at both ends and make her quiver with submissive pressure. Her glasses were askew, her headphones were slightly shifted on her head, and even one of her socks had slid down her thigh to crest around her knee. And when Sae gave her the order, she gulped nervously from the distance separating them.
"S...Shoulda picked...something easier…" She murmured half-jokingly and started to pad her way over one tiny step at a time. Shew knew that picking something easy wouldn't of worked anyway - it would've just been an excuse for her mistress to find her way of violating her. As Futaba continued to walk the muted sound of buzzing continued to erupt from her nethers, just as she left tiny drops of her own slick, rich juice on the carpet. Too bad Ann wasn't around to lick it up. Finally, she made her way over to her mistress, took the bottle of lube, and gave her hand a tiny squirt. "H...Here goes...I'll lube it up nice and good, Shadow Sa-auuuuueeee!" A wave of pleasure ran through her as the dildos inside clattered together, and in a moment of weakness, she dropped the bottle of lube. Thankfully it didn't spill much, but now she was left with only a few beads of it in her palm - hardly enough to give her mistress' cock the best lather.
Sae: "You know that easy certainly wouldn't be the most fun." Sae whispered, playfully; amused by the matter in all of this; because Futaba was certainly having a harder time with being stuffed full of toys that certainly were going to make her life harder. A self-satisfied smirk crossed the former Prosecutor's lips, gently teasing fingers through that beautiful, long red hair; and giving a steady smirk that only grew as the bottle dropped to the floor. "That will do for you." Sae insisted, calmly enough; tilting her head down to gesture to those small, thin, wiry fingers of hers. And the few beads of lube that had found their way into her palm.
There was so little and Sae wasn't going to let a little thing like 'accidentally dropping' the bottle interfere with their fun; she shoved it aside with her foot and reached down to take hold of Futaba's wrist and pull it up, pushing the girl's hand to her cock. It was … thick. Hot, throbbing – and on top of that, a bead of precum formed at the tip of her cock and drooled down in a long, sticky string … and right against Futaba's cheek. Warm, sticky as ever. Sae was going to have a fun time with that, to say the least. Finally, she let out a low sigh and combed fingers through her hair, nodding.
"I'm going to spread you. I'm going to make you ache … but the good news is, you get to rub it in the face of the other girls how much I'm doing for you. Showing them that I think you're good enough not to need that much stretching ahead of time... you're rather tough, for such a small thing, after all." Sae mused with a lopsided, confident grin.
Futaba: Futaba swallowed nervously as soon as she realized that those few beads of lube were all she was going to get - it was a rather natural reaction, considering the respective sizes of the cock in question and the hole that was about to get stuffed. She was a bit afraid and already regretting her decision to get fucked in the ass - why did she have to be so obsessed with hentai?! It had gotten her into nothing but trouble! Still, she did exactly as her mistress directed her, smearing lube back and forth across that thick and throbbing cock as best as she was able.
Still, Sae's words did a lot to quell her fears. She was right that it was something she'd be able to hold over the others; maybe not the queen harem slut Makoto, but Ann and Haru. And Futaba was a cocky little thing when it came down to it. She smiled a bit and hung on to her mistress' hips as she pulled herself up to her feet, only barely able to get there with those toys still buzzing in her pussy. She was still clearly afraid as any sensible girl would be, but...she had always been good at finding her bravery.
"Shadow Sae, I love you more than anything." She whispered and took a deep swallow to help steady her nerves. Her hands lowered down to her pregnant belly, cradling it fondly to show the special fondness she had for the older woman. After all, she wouldn't let just any older woman knock her up and turn her into a hacking fuckslave! "...please use my ass? Bend me in half like in the picture? I…" She glanced to her nearby laptop, resting on the nightstand. "I can record it, Shadow Sae! And maybe we can make Haru and Ann watch it? And...and Makoto too, if she wants. I want to show all of them how much I love you!"
Sae: Sae's smirk was calm. Controlled. Utterly and completely prepared for what was coming next, as much as Futaba seemed to be absolutely and utterly excited for a good run that the two hadn't properly had in a bit. Sae had been managing her business, of course, which kept her distracted 'til she was ready; and now that it was finally time to give herself into a bit more fun, it was fine to let loose and give in to the confidence that she had felt growing in her since she'd learned the truth about Makoto. After all, it hadn't been an easy start – but as time went on, the world began to grow brighter, more controllable. While Sae had come to see things with more shades of grey, there was no doubt that she still felt … pleased, with how things had turned out. Shadow Sae, indeed – the woman behind the curtain.
Sae gently combed her fingers through Futaba's hair once she stood, setting a hand on the girl's belly. Yes. They all had their uses, but first and foremost, they were breeding stock pigs for her to ram her cock into and seed as she saw fit. She was only disappointed there hadn't been more of them for her to take. "I will certainly use you as I see fit, Futaba. But I believe you should record it; it would be quite the show one evening." Sae mused and smiled; 'rewarding' the girl's eagerness with allowing her to rub it in the face of her … competition. "And if Haru decides to fuck Ann to it, I believe it could be fun to record that and put that on Ann's channel." She teased.
She reached over to set up the laptop-- she had a little bit of knowledge of such things, of course, and they'd recorded quite a bit before, so she needed to know how to do at least this much. And finally, she obliged Futaba; she reached over and gripped the girl by the hips; shifting around to stand behind her. "Don't worry about making noise, Futaba," Sae murmured, softly. "If you aren't screaming in pleasure, I'll be very disappointed." A wicked smirk and what appeared to be a flicker of golden yellow in her eyes betrayed the darkness that had taken root in her … but it was all for a good purpose. Right?
Her hands eased down from Futaba's hips to her knees, and all at once, Sae scooped the smaller pregnant girl up off of her feet; allowing her arms to draw up and comfortably supporting Futaba's weight. The dildos were very clearly visible through the fabric of the bottoms holding them in and without giving pause, she crossed her arms behind Futaba's head and began to lower the girl. It took a bit of adjusting and sliding, prodding to find her target – but soon, the thick head of her prick lined up against the tight ring, and beginning to lower Futaba. Slowly, to start-- inching her down, bit by bit... and then she intentionally relaxed her arms to force Futaba to take more than she was likely ready for, on that barely-lubed cock.
Futaba: Futaba preened as the mistress agreed to her idea to record it all, and stood tall and happy as Sae set it up. She was delighted to show that she could handle more than Ann and Haru, even if it was still a bit hard to stand up completely straight thanks to the constant pulling of the rings on her nipples. When Sae moved back to join her Futaba allowed her body to be the older woman's toy to manipulate into position, willingly sliding into Sae's lap and letting the other thread her arms around her knees and behind her head. She realized very quickly that this position... was going to be rough. The more Sae bent her the tighter those dildos vibrated inside of her pussy and the more her thighs shuddered with pleasure, and that was even before Sae lifted her light frame to prepare fucking her in the ass.
Still, Futaba was a proud one, and as Shadow Sae pushed the tip of her cock against the teenager's tight little ass, Futaba lifted her hands and flashed double peace signs to the camera, speaking in a clear, crisp voice as the moment came.
"My...my name's Futaba…" She introduced herself, knowing full well the day would come that someone outside of their harem would see it. "Watch...watch me be my owner's happy little fucksleeve!"
And with that, she descended by Sae's motion, and her ass was filled with an agonizing amount of cock. Instantly she screamed, though it wasn't the yell of pleasure Sae had demanded...at least, not yet. The lube was only barely enough and the girl's little hole ached from that first hard impact, and she knew it would only get harder and more violent. Already tears were collecting at the corners of her eyes, but she fought them back as her ass was forced to stretch around that enormous meat.
"I'm...I'm so happy…" She whimpered to the camera, still flashing the peace signs. "...that I can be Shadow Sae's pregnant slut cumdump…!"
Sae: It was true that Sae had contemplated making a full channel for all of her lovely little whores to be shown to the world, and that it was going to be quite a bit of work to make sure that all of her delightful pregnant sluts were presentable. Hm. They'd need a good name to go with them, wouldn't they? Nothing too on the nose, though Sae briefly considered something about her little Phantom Sluts. It was a bit too obvious, but it was a fun idea, all the same … Sae's lips quirked up in a half-smirk and she squeezed firmly at Futaba's thighs. "My, you're such a good girl, Futaba. Going so out of your way to properly introduce yourself to the world, and to show them all that you are owned..." Sae smirked and tilted her head to kiss gently at the girl's shoulder.
No, Sae was fine with the first scream being a pain. That it hurt; and despite that, she was happy. Happy to ache, to be filled by the woman who had so fully claimed her life; the full-nelson that she'd been placed in would be aching for Sae, at some point for certain, but until then, Sae relaxed her grip again and forced gravity to do her work for her-- allowing the girl to drag just a bit more down her cock; nearly three-fourths of the way down the conquering cock. That would bend her and twist her even further, along with the other three sluts who'd found their way into Sae's 'employ'. Service. Whatever you'd call it.
Sae's grip tightened, noticeably; she didn't want Futaba moving anywhere, now. Her hips jerked up as she crammed what was left of that unyieldingly thick rod inside of her youngest treasure's ass, roughly hammering into her and slowly enclosing her hands around Futaba's throat, with her thumbs gripping roughly into the hollow. "There... gasp and groan and cry for them to see you because nothing is sexier … than when you lose control." Futaba was a confident, cocky little fuckpig. Sae enjoyed pushing her to the point where nothing else mattered.
Futaba: If Shadow Sae wanted her to lose control, then it was exactly what Futaba would do. Not that she needed that order, considering the hands on her throat and the massive cock filling her ass. Though Sae couldn't quite see her young lover's face she could certainly tell by the tears rolling across her fingers that she was crying by now; forced by the strain of her legs up and over her head, the massive cock penetrating deep in her ass, and now the lusty shame of being so completely on display. Like many of the girls there was still a little voice inside of her that wanted to resist, but...it got softer all the time, and Futaba's had nearly been fucked out of her. Maybe this was finally the night that the last shred of shame vanished - she wasn't using it much anyway.
She howled, she screamed and she groaned up until she felt her mistress' thumbs push to the hollow of her throat, and she coughed violently despite the grip. It didn't take long before the drool to join her tears across her mistress' fingers, and sure enough, the camera caught it all. From the buzzing vibrators stuffed in her pussy, the sight of that enormous length plunging deep into her tight teen ass, and even the hands that now rose yet again, forcing trembling fingers to flash the double peace signs.
She'd be every bit Sae's hentai whore, happy to be immortalized in the film the filthy things she would do for her. Though her ass ached and she knew she wouldn't be walking in the morning, though her knees were so sore she could scream, though her pussy was vibrating in wild spasms that she couldn't hope to control, she was happy. Happy to be Shadow Sae's whore. Happy to be owned. Happy to be pregnant with a tiny belly that bounced every time her mistress thrust up into her. Even happy to have her nipples burning from the rings laced through them, pulled as they were to their connecting point on the vibrators stuffed within her.
Every part of Futaba was owned by Sae at that moment, even her breath with those hands around her throat. And still, Futaba was nothing but willing.
At least...as willing as one could be, considering all that had already happened to her.
Sae: Futaba had been the most difficult to break. Ann still hadn't fully broken, of course, but that hadn't meant she was particularly difficult; Sae enjoyed her resistance a bit because, ultimately, she was the least useful to Sae. She had nothing to truly contribute outside of a few unwilling holes for her to use for her benefit. Futaba meant quite a bit to her; both as a sort of PR person and tech support to resolve any … unexpected problems. With Futaba, oh-so-willingly losing herself to Sae's overwhelming control of the situation and she'd be damned if she hadn't enjoyed seeing the girl falling those last little bits. Haru had craved affection and attention, and Makoto … well, that one had surrendered herself almost willingly to Sae, at the end of it all. Futaba had been a struggle, one she'd had to break by her own hands – and the fruit of her efforts bounced with that swollen belly. Atrophy.
Sae was pleased beyond it mattering. After all, taking something, making it truly belong to you, leaving your mark on someone – she'd come to realize it was the only thing that truly mattered. This was a real victory; the kind of Victory no one could ever take from her. The four girls were her trophies, and no matter how good they thought they were, no thief could steal what she'd made for herself.
Her cock roughly crammed its way inside of Futaba's ass with each passing rough beat; every thrust in was paired with a hard grip of fingers to force a gasping choke from Futaba and then relaxing to give her air on the drag out, only to repeat the procedure with diligent precision, smirking. "Yes... ah … Futaba Sakura. You'll be … my eager little hentai slut, that's what you crave, isn't it? All those … pictures … you want nothing more than to show everyone how eager you are … to be them, for me. Even those with you … your … 'companions'... you want to be better than them. Prove that you're better, and I'll give you more." She punctuated it with a hard thrust as she fed Futaba's ego; turning her resistance into pride, aiming to drive her further into that complete mindset of being an utter cock-craving slut.
Futaba: She didn't have far to go, and Sae was easily enough to drive her to that point. Futaba's kneesock-clad legs bounced up and down with every thrust, just as her pregnant belly swung each time her ass was crammed full of Sae's cock. A bred little fuckpig just like Ann, just like Haru, and just like Sae's own little sister. The older woman's debauchery was shameless and vile, and Futaba was just another teenage whore caught up in it all. She screamed in wild pleasure as her ass was claimed with vigorous and violent thrusts, until finally the buzzing, the fucking, the outright submission of it all forced her into a sudden series of spasms.
She was cumming for certain - loudly, wildly, and without restraint. The buzzing vibrators in her pussy clattered together and one of them even ejected from her, flying across the room and knocking against Sae's dresser. It was accompanied by a wide, hot squirt of nectar that arced over the edge of the bed and made a splashing mess. Normally Futaba would be worried terribly about making such a mess, but she was too far gone in that moment, too much the slave to her pleasure.
She couldn't speak, could barely breathe, and her bound, well-fucked body became a trembling flesh doll made for her mistress' delight. Her shriek filled the room as her glasses bounced from her face, and she indeed made that ahegaeo face she had sought after - though long after the point she could appreciate it. By the very end of it, her arms had slumped down to her sides and her body merely twitched as it went limp.
Fucked into unconsciousness - again. It seemed to happen to Futaba a lot. The harder she was claimed the more her little body overloaded, from the pain, the pleasure, the pressure...the desire to be the best pregnant whore in the house. Though her head bobbed forward and she drooled across her pierced tits, though her eyes were closed and her mind sleeping...her ass was still tight, still warm, and still a fine place to dump a dominant load of cum.
Sae: Oh, Sae was sure that while Futaba would despise herself for not having gotten to consciously experience her ahegao, she would certainly appreciate the fact that they had recorded it. Still, with her completely and utterly fucked out of the realm of the living (so to speak), Sae was left with a warm hole to satisfy herself and was equally sure that while Futaba would be happy to see herself in the camera, she'd be utterly disappointed if she wasn't left with an assfull of cum to wake up and feel leaking from her. So, Sae obliged. She thrust and bucked and drove her hips more harshly than she had before into the unconscious, limp form in her arms and drove herself to an unprecedented edge and fuck if it didn't feel good.
Her first orgasm of the night was always a large load – yes, she tended to cum quite a bit, but this was – significant. The thick mess of creamy spunk spilling out in copious amounts inside of Futaba's ass. Sae didn't bother to pull out or leave her painted as she might have done if the girl was conscious, instead just giving her a nice, warm load for her to rest with. Sae was confident that it would be preferable to be coated in the mess and, at last, she eased her hands from Futaba's throat and carefully unlaced her arms from the younger girl. Tentatively laying her on her back on the bed, pulling the sex toys out of her pussy, and leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. Sae remained a moment, just watching over the girl before smirking. At times she could be cruel and harsh, but at others, she was a kind mistress who loved her whores. She loved having them, at the very minimum.
She stepped over and turned off the laptop, pulling her dress back around to mask her cock. There was still quite a night ahead of her, and three more girls to spend her time with.