

A Collection Of Various M-Fiction’s, Hentai-Fics, Smut-Fics. Chapters in this story will have its own contained story, and I will endeavour to post a new one up for everyone to read.

omnipotent · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Pyrrha The Cuckquean [RWBY]

Summary: An impromptu question from Yang about Jaune's training causes Pyrrha to blush and it leaves team RWBY curious about what's going on.

The girls discover that Crocea Mors isn't the only big sword that Jaune can wield.

Content Tags: Breeding, Cuckquean, Femdom, Maledom/Femsub, Large Cock, Large Breasts, Corruption, Submission, Voyeurism, No Logic


[Morning, Beacon cafeteria]

This Saturday morning was starting pretty well for team RWBY, as everything seemed to be going smoothly. Even better is that Blake didn't go on a wild goose chase about White Fang reappearances. The only weird thing about the day is that Pyrrha was the only one to be sitting with them whilst the rest of her team was nowhere to be seen. Yang felt curious as to why her teammates weren't there as usual so she asked the champion, "Yo Pyrrha! Where's your team at?"

Pyrrha answered her, "Ren and Nora wanted to go on a trip to Vale together for the whole day, and Jaune's preparing for some training at our dorm." She continued her breakfast as she said. Yang's eyebrows were raised, "Doesn't VB need to eat before training?" Most of her teammates were now listening in to their conversation, as nothing interesting was happening whatsoever.

Pyrrha laughed, "Oh he already had breakfast earlier." Ruby was shocked, was her best friend stupid or something? She asked the champion, "Why the heck is Jaune waking up so early on a Saturday!? Is this magical training so good that he has to wake up before 10 and prepare for it?!"

Pyrrha smiled eerily, it was clear to the team that she's planning something. She explained to her, "Well I can't tell you about the training since it's a secret between the two of us, but I assure you it's nothing you need to worry about." Weiss questioned her next, not caring for what she said, "Well if it's nothing to worry about then can we join in on the training? Not much would be happening today so I'm sure it'd be an enlightening experience for us."

Pyrrha shook her head, "I'm afraid not, it's something only Jaune can do so I'll have to decline." She quickly finished her meal, leaving the tray there to continue talking with them. Weiss however, wanting to get in on their training, pushed on, "Why? What does Jaune have that we don't? We're much better fighters than him anyway so wouldn't it be more worthwhile to train with us?"

Pyrrha closed her eyes and breathed a deep breath, as she prepared to talk her down, Yang cut her off as she said to the group, "Woah now, don't get your panties in a twist, ice queen. Isn't it obvious? Their 'training' is very strenuous and too much for you to handle. And if I had to guess it would make even them very tired, and it probably ends with Pyrrha on top of Jaune. And since their 'training' session starts in their dorm where no one would be bothering them, I'm sure you can guess what kind of training it is." Pyrrha's cheeks reddened as Yang continued her teasing, "It's the kind of training that would leave him yearning for more, and it just so happens that Ren and Nora would probably be out until sunset. So both of you lovebirds get to 'train' all day long."

Pyrrha squirmed slightly as Yang leaned towards her, "Am I right?" She whispered into her ears slowly. The woman stood up and left the cafeteria with a deep blush on her face and a slight limp. Yang satisfied that she's finally got to tease Pyrrha, starts fist-pumping the air. She then heard a cough come from her back, so turned back to her team, where Weiss was glaring at her. "What?" she asked, not understanding why she was glaring at her, it was all fun and games after all.

Weiss said to her, with her hand slapping the table, "What's wrong with you? I was trying to get to know Pyrrha's training schedule and comparing theirs to ours." Blake rolled her eyes, she just wanted to read the new ninjas of love book in peace, "You just want to see how they train so you can learn about their tactics and then force that on us."

Ruby joined in, hitting the table with her palm, "Yeah! And you're still so mean to Jaune. You need to apologize to him, Weiss." Weiss stuttered with a light blush on his face, "W-well Arc was pretty annoying with him constantly asking me out. You're telling me that I shouldn't have told him off?"

"Well, he hasn't asked you out since the dance last year, right? Shouldn't you have started being nice to him since last year?" Yang questioned, Weiss, in turn, sighed, trying to get them to talk about a different topic and not damage her ego any further, said to the team, "Regardless of the claim of me being rude to him, I think it's quite suspicious that Pyrrha and Arc have spent less time with us after the Vytal festival."

"Yeah!" Ruby shouted, "He hasn't even let me modify Crocea Mors for him yet! I'm just trying to help." She pouted, why does Jaune never let her get close to his sword? All she ever wanted was to turn it into a rail gun/boomerang. Yang smacked the table with her palm, mimicking what Weiss previously did, "Well that settles it, team RWBY, let's go stalk Pyrrha and see what's up with the both of them!"

Three of the four members stood from their chairs, with Yang pulling Blake up despite her resistance. The catgirl sighed, trying to get out of the situation yet again, "Why do I have to come with? Can't I just read my books in peace?" They gave her a blank stare, Ruby said to the catgirl in a plain tone, "Because we always follow after you when you go chase after the White Fang despite half the time they weren't even there?"

Blake felt slight embarrassment and sighed, "Fair enough." She stood up and they quickly ran away from the table to stalk their friend. Leaving behind their plates for the staff to clean up. Most of the students already had enough time to get used to their antics and thus ignored them and went back to their breakfast.

[A few minutes later, Dorms]

Pyrrha had been walking around for a while now, and she knew about the four sets of eyes around the corners. It wouldn't take her long before she reached her room. She looked left and right to act as though she was clueless about what's been happening, fooling the four into thinking she had no idea that they'd been following her.

Knowing that team RWBY would be there watching her every movement, she entered the room, purposefully leaving the door slightly open just for them. She knelt in front of her bed, patiently waiting for her stud to get out of the showers. 'I wonder how Jaune would react to them' Pyrrha thought, knowing from past experiences he'd overreact on some things, especially that time when she got his childhood friend addicted to his cum. She got a heavy spanking and was told off pretty harshly, but luckily it was quite a salvageable situation.

Team RWBY meanwhile, were currently peeping to see what was going down in team JNPR's room. "What is Pyrrha doing?" Weiss questioned, utterly confused by the champion kneeling on the floor. "Waiting for vomit boy to come of course, is there anyone else that would be in this room?" Weiss didn't answer Yang, as she and the rest of her team wanted to see what happens next.

Not a minute later and the man in question left the bathroom. Calmly walking out with a towel covering his crotch. His wet hair was over his eyes as his muscles flexed every time he moved. Jaune breathed a deep breath in preparation, Pyrrha had told him that she had prepared four new girls to fuck, hopefully, it won't be someone from his childhood like three months ago, or worse, his sisters. He had to spank and pound her ass so hard she could barely walk for a week, but for some strange reason, she didn't seem to complain much.

"Damn, VB's got a nice body. Pyrrha's trained him well huh?" Yang whispered, "H-how lewd! Has he no shame?" Weiss bemoaned with a red blush over her face. Blake licked her lips, her hands wandered to her skirt, not as chiseled as Sun's was but at least he doesn't spend half his day in a gym. Ruby was drooling her best friend's stud body, imagining very lewd things.

He stood in front of the kneeling Pyrrha, she was completely mesmerized by the stud she helped create. "Strip." Such a simple word, yet she obeyed nonetheless, she had a show to put up. Pulling her top off revealing her red lacy bra before untying it. Her huge tits were on display for Jaune and RWBY.

"That lout, what does Arc think he's doing to Pyrrha? He's such a-" Weiss complained, "Shut up Ice Queen, not everyone's a prune-like you." Yang said as she continued to gaze at Jaune's adonis-like body. Weiss looked offended and was about to tear into Yang but luckily Blake slapped her wrist over her mouth.

"Shhh, We're watching them right now. Don't want to alert them now do we?" Blake whispered to Weiss. Though the heiress acted like she was complaining her eyes were focused on the dunce's crotch. That bulge was too big for a human, the textbooks in Atlas had shown her the average penis length, and that was not average. She had to keep her eye on it, to make sure that it wasn't fake of course, definitely not for any other reasons.

Jaune put his hands on his hips, pushing his crotch closer to Pyrrha's face. Pyrrha didn't need to be told what she needed to do and she leaned in and pulled the towel off. She shook her tits to make sure his attention was all on her. His two-foot schlong flung up and slapped her face before it lay over her head, she gave it a good whiff as her tongue began licking its underside.

"Now that's a katana~" Blake whispered with a faint blush forming on her face, it was clear to her team what she's thinking. Yang grinned, she knew she'd make the right choice when she decided to not rat him out to the authorities after learning his transcripts. Weiss meanwhile looked scandalous, though she was mesmerized by the size of his cock. Ruby felt as though she needed to join in on the 'training', her thighs squished against each other as a wet spot formed in her panties.

Jaune smiled, smearing pre cum all over her face before pressing his tip onto her lips. Pyrrha greedily lapped at his glans, gulping down his precum. He laughed, grabbed her ponytail, and then slammed his schlong inside her mouth.

Her neck bulged, his cock was as thick as her arms, yet she eagerly took it without any complaint. Jaune started to fuck her throat whilst pulling her hair. Giving Pyrrha the face fucking that she needed, her hands wandered below, as she started fingering herself silly.

"Oh god, if I had known about your crush earlier I would've started fucking you sooner. I could've made you mine when we were training all night last year." Jaune said out loud, team RWBY heard it and blushed, all of them wanted to join in, with one exception.

Weiss felt conflicted, she liked Neptune a lot, even if he kept on looking at other women she didn't mind. But Neptune was a boy, Jaune is a man. He's constantly asking her out had been annoying, but it was hard to keep thinking about it when the stud's big meaty cock was shown to her in all its glory. And the musk was so powerful, she felt a need to submit and apologize to him for being so unnecessarily mean to him.

Ruby was panting, her father, big sister, and uncle Qrow hadn't told her what sex was, but for whatever reason, she felt drawn to the scene. She began reimagining herself in Pyrrha's position, face fucked like a bitch in heat and then treated like a doll. She wasn't even sure if she was prepared for something that big!

Yang grinned like a maniac, her attraction to Jaune started when he first met her and didn't ogle at her boobs immediately. Even if she did catch him doing that once or twice throughout the year, who hasn't been staring at her tits? Jaune was easily one of the most reliable and kind people in Beacon. And this new confident Jaune was as hot as his old adorkable self.

Blake had a heart in her eyes, watching the stud having his way with Pyrrha was so incredibly addicting. It reminded her of book 7, chapter 16 of Ninjas of love, where the MC had his way with a princess from a foreign kingdom. Technically, she was the princess of Menagerie, and Jaune… isn't exactly the most agile of people. Blake was already licking her lips, she wanted some thick milk in her stomach already.

Moving away from the lusting RWBY gals, Pyrrha had cummed twice already from the brutal face fucking. A puddle of her juices formed under her kneecaps, and she only just started to deepthroat Jaune's monster cock. His nutsack had slammed into her throat and chest repeatedly, leaving ball gunk all over her top. Choking noises reached the voyeurs, who blushed with lewd thoughts in their minds, some even having their fingers rubbing their cooches.

Jaune was approaching his limit, as he fucked Pyrrha's throat for another three minutes, and when he finally came. Pulling her head into his crotch as hard as he could, he unloaded gallons of cum into Pyrrha's body. Her stomach was utterly filled to the brim with his semen, bloating her body to a size she was all too used to. Eventually, her stomach couldn't take all his load and it caused her asshole to spurt his cum.

Team RWBY was now leaning over the door, with their fingers fingering clits. "That's unnatural, he must've used some performance enhancement drugs so he could entice us," Weiss muttered, still in disbelief as more and more cum shot out from Pyrrha's rectum, covering the floor surrounding the two with his seed.

Blake quickly refuted her claim, "Do you think Jaune's someone who would take drugs? And even if he did how would he know about us watching him fuck her throat to seduce us?" She was salivating from the fact Jaune pumped out so much thick cum from his cock, she felt like she was in heat. Weiss had nothing to refute her, as she felt dizzy just comprehending his cock pounding inside her.

As Jaune pulled his cock out of Pyrrha's maw, he spurted some last couple shots over Pyrrha's front, before she lay down on her back. Jaune's cock was still as hard as he was when he started, with it wobbling due to its immense size. Pyrrha was in a somewhat cumdrunk state, she laid down on the floor spurting cum from both ends, twitching as she fingered her pussy as hard as she could. Loving every second of this moment as they should reveal themselves any second now~

"I'll give you a minute's rest. When time is up we'll continue this until six, then we gotta start cleaning up before Ren and Nora come back." Jaune said as he grabbed a bottle of water and drank its entire content. Sweat dribbled from his chiseled body which shined his exterior majestically like an angel.

Most of team RWBY had enough with watching Jaune face fucking Pyrrha and planned to let them do their thing in peace. Just five more minutes, they thought, unbeknownst to the older girls however, Ruby got a bit too excited, she pushed the door open to surprise Jaune. The other girls did not suspect Ruby to even do such a thing and fell forwards one after the other. Pressing the young rose into the floor as they collapsed one over another, leaving Ruby squirming under the combined weight of Weiss, Blake, and Yang.

Jaune was shocked, team RWBY was like his sisters from another mother, so seeing that Pyrrha had meant them when she said that she brought him some new sluts had snapped him out of his previous attitude. "R-Rwby! What are you doing here?" He tried to cover up his monster cock, but to no avail. Yang, who was on top of her teammates, asked, "Woah, that was hot! When were you such a stud, Jaune?"

Jaune answered her awkwardly as he grabbed a bed sheet and threw it over his boner, but to no effect as he was simply too big to cover up. "Well uh, it started when I was thinking of jerking off since no one was around. And suddenly Pyrrha just slammed the door open and shut it and before I knew it we were having sex. So I guess that's where things started?"

The other members of team RWBY got up from the pile, and as they did they were struck by Jaune's musky cock in close range. Hearts appeared in Ruby and Blake's eyes utterly mesmerized by his cock, the two dark-haired girls wanted some milk in their bodies. Weiss's legs were trembling as she came from just a whiff of it, she almost fainted when she imagined being filled up like Pyrrha was. Yang smirked, clearly enjoying what she saw as she walked towards the door and locked it shut, reminiscent of his first night with Pyrrha.

"Um, what are you guys doing?" Jaune asked as his cock shook, it was eager to breed new holes despite its user being slightly reluctant in doing so. "Isn't it obvious?" Blake and Yang asked as they started to strip their clothes off while Pyrrha was still lying on the sides.

Jaune gulped, his cock was throbbing powerfully watching as their clothes flew across the room. Yang laughed as her massive mammaries and toned abs were revealed, Blake's Bellabooty and her thick thighs were revealed to him in their naked glory.

"You overestimate yourself, lover boy, I'm sure I and Blake can take you easily. Ruby and Weiss can just watch on the sidelines." Yang boasted as the two approached him with their bodacious bodies on display. The two of them twerked their stacked bodies around as they came closer to him, and Jaune was hypnotized by their bouncing bodies. Fuck, at this rate he wouldn't be able to control himself, they're not ready for the Arc cock at its full potential yet!

Yang was on his right whilst Blake was on his left. The differences between the two couldn't be more apart. Yang had long flowing blonde hair, a beautiful smile, a pair of mountainous tits, and the finest abs he'd ever seen. Blake meanwhile had smooth black hair, cut cat ears, a perfectly round ass, and one of the thickest thighs he'd ever witnessed. And the two were united in one goal, to get as much Jaune's cum inside their wombs. They pushed him down onto the bed and grabbed the bed sheet covering his cock and threw it aside. His throbbing two-foot schlong pointed in between their faces, already producing quality precum before they even started.

Ruby gawked at them, how dare they think they were better than her? She was fun-sized and had a perfect perky body. She would do a better job than the both of them, even if she was a virgin, she'd liked him since they first met after all. And she was going to show off her womanly ways to those oversized hussies trying to steal her Jaune. She quickly took off her clothes and joined the slutty duo.

Weiss was kneeling on a puddle of her squirt, she watched as her two thick teammates approached the stud that she had ignored since they met, and oh how she regretted it. With much contemplation, she would take her clothes off and join in with her team, though much like Ruby she didn't quite know what to do. She sat on the floor next to Ruby, as she grabbed one of his head-sized nutsacks and lifted it, it was heavy, obviously filled with thick juicy cum that she'd imagined what it would feel like.

Yang looked at Blake, who nodded and lowered their heads onto his cock tip, Jaune could feel their breaths on his shaft. Blake took the initiative, her mouth sucked onto his glans, swallowing all the precum he spurted out. Yang meanwhile plopped her massive tits on his cock and gave him a boob job, her tongue still slopping on his dick, lapping up any pre cum that leaked from Blake's mouth.

Ruby and Weiss didn't want to be left out, but they were inexperienced on the topic. Ruby and Weiss argued back and forth before they felt a hand pulling their hair, turning around they saw Pyrrha with a manic grin on her face. The champion had recovered from the brutal face fucking, she asked the two. "How about you two let me help?"

The redheaded champion pushed the two's face right into Jaune's nutsack, the musk radiating from it made the both of them salivate from the smell. Pyrrha ordered the two, "Start licking his nutsack, sluts." Ruby and Weiss obeyed her command and lapped away at his balls, filling their mouths with ball gunk. Pyrrha meanwhile sat behind them, she didn't need to hold their hair anymore as they took initiative and started slobbering his nutsack. She spread her legs and shoved her fingers deep inside her pussy as she watched the team of four pleasure her boyfriend. She panted, "Mmm… you better like them Jaune~" Pyrrha enjoyed watching Jaune breed other women, especially to those skanks that were mean to him. Their attitudes changed so fast when met with a hung cock.

Jaune moaned, this was one of the best blowjobs he received throughout Beacon. He rubbed Blake and Yang's heads, before pushing them away from his monster cock. Lines of precum connected his cock tip and the cat girl's maw, both of them disappointed from being separated from their stud's schlong. Jaune quickly swapped their positions, with Blake being the one licking his shaft and jerking his base whilst Yang sucked his dick, with her breast laying on top of Blake's cat ears as she gobbled up delicious pre cum from the source.

Ruby and Weiss meanwhile were doing a very good job licking his nutsack they were probably the best ball lickers he ever had. He would be giving them head pats by now was it not for him being preoccupied with Blake and Yang. Jaune felt like he was already on the verge of cumming, faster than he ever did as well. Four women using their mouths to get him off is better than one doing it all by herself he supposed, he shouted to the four, "Fuck I'm gonna cum! Get on the floor and get blasted!"

Team RWBY quickly got onto the floor and knelt in front of Jaune with much hesitation. With Pyrrha in the middle of the pack as they watched Jaune hastily jerk his throbbing cock. A couple of seconds later he unloaded, cum splattered all over them, their pale skin drenched in his seed. Their mouths were being filled up with his seed, hastily swallowing as much as they could so they could go for seconds. After a few minutes of cumming, Jaune fell back onto his bed, panting for breath as he readied himself for the imminent breeding session.

The group of five immediately began lapping up any traces or his cum, with the group soon contemplating who goes first. "I've had him for months by now, you girls can go first." Pyrrha relented, eager to watch her boyfriend. Yang made her first move with the other four watching, Her tight ass lightly plopped over his testicles, his massive cock spearing up to the middle of her breasts. She smirked, she didn't know if she could take this much cock inside of her, but she was eager to test it out.

Jaune laid there on his bed patiently, waiting for Yang to make her move. When Yang finally stood, her pussy lips pressed against his cock tip. Yang took it rather slowly, moving a couple of centimeters down every once in a while, eventually reaching the halfway point as she rode up and down, slobbering his cock with her juices. Suddenly Yang felt two powerful hands gripped onto her hips, looking down, Jaune had a smirk on his face.

Suddenly, Yang's world flipped. One moment she was riding the sexiest man in Beacon, the next she was laying on her back. Her thighs squeezed by his powerful hands while her breasts squished together as Jaune had pressed them next to her head. His cock was deeper inside of her, hitting the buxom blonde as deep as he could.

Jaune thrust into Yang ferociously, his cock splitting her into two as she came again and again from the breeding. Fuck, this was too much for Yang, she held onto his shoulders as she stared into Jaune's eyes. He lowered his face and began kissing her, exchanging saliva as her mountainous breasts were pressed against his herculean chest.

When Jaune pulled away for breath, he looked incredibly aroused, he pulled away further, allowing her legs to squeeze his hips. His hands went to knead her tits, it twisted and turned as he commanded them with his powerful fingers. After a few minutes of the rough breeding, Jaune pressed his fingers onto her nipples.

Yang screamed, her legs used extra force to push him closer with some success. Jaune mused as he fucked, "Oh? Are your nipples sensitive?" He moved his fingers to pinch them, Yang screamed, "Yes! It feels so good! Keep doing what you're doing, stud!"

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Pyrrha watched as Jaune successfully tamed Yang, easily the most abrasive of their group. The other RWBY girls licked their lips, imagining what Jaune could do to them. Jaune was like a big brother to Ruby, and seeing her big brother and sister fuck made her feel things, especially when they looked so similar. Weiss gasped, Jaune was being so rough with Yang, and she wanted him to degrade her rich Atlesian pussy with his big stallion cock. Blake drooled, she fantasized about being treated as a Faunus pet, with her human master constantly berating her and then punishing her for her misdeeds. Whilst the three were having their fantasies, Pyrrha began to crawl towards the two blondes, planning to join in on the fun.

Yang was in a state of nirvana, Jaune's monster cock was breeding her pussy, and his nutsack spanked her ass cheeks, whilst his fingers were playing with her nipples. Suddenly, she twitched yet again, instead of the regular clapping of his nutsack, she felt a tongue rimming her asshole. Pyrrha was there, with Jaune's testicles over her head as she licked Yang's ass, with pre cum splattering over her face occasionally. She moaned loudly, not caring for whoever might've heard, it was all too much for Yang Xiao Long.

It was also this time when Jaune came, releasing his seed inside of her as he slammed his lips down on hers. His fingers twisted her nipples even harder as he held onto them. His rock-hard abs prevented her stomach from bloating too much, and thus most of his load ejected all over Pyrrha's face. Eventually, his load overflowed and created a pile around Pyrrha's knees as she diligently tongued Yang's asshole.

The other three were tense, unsure of what to do as Yang tightened her thighs grip on Jaune before they collapsed on the bed. The two of them had stopped moving with Pyrrha's head pulling out of her ass cheeks and starting to lap up the cum on her face. Jaune's cock shined a white light, his balls slowly expanding, filling up with more and more cum.

All of a sudden, Jaune rose from the bed, spraying thick, viscous Arc cum all over Yang. He turned around with his still hard cock that was covered in his semen. He marched towards the kneeling RWBY sluts, their eyes focused on his massive cock, hoping that he would pick them to breed next.

Jaune however turned to the girl on the right, to a certain cat girl. He grabbed a handful of her long, black hair and shoved his monster cock inside her mouth. He ravished her throat, the cum that stuck to his cock was slowly replaced by her saliva as he continued fucking her face. Her eyes rolled up and she held onto his legs for balance, her thighs tightened, she had just squirted from a rough face fucking by a human, not even Adam, the self-proclaimed 'bull' could do that.

Jaune pulled his cock out of her mouth, slapping his dick on her face, spurting pre over her back. Her mouth was filled with his pre cum as well, she chewed the thick liquid for a while as she savored its taste, before swallowing the delicious juice, she opened her empty mouth to show it to her human master, who laughed as he grabbed her wide hips and lifted her.

He flung her over his shoulder and walked towards his bed with Yang still lying flat. Jaune laid his pet on top of her partner with her backside facing him. He smirked, what an ass this was, Jaune thought as he roughly slapped it. Very much enjoyed the sound of her moans coming from her mouth and the jiggling cheeks that shook in response to his spank. By the time he was done with her, her ass was as red as a tomato.

Blake was incredibly nervous, and Jaune knew it. Here she was on all fours whilst her partner Yang was beneath her with their breasts pressing together and their lips inches away. Jaune didn't care about her plight, as he spread her thick ass cheeks wide, revealing a tight asshole hidden from her thick cheeks. Giving out a light laugh, he pressed his glans against her asshole, Blake shuddered as he started entering it.

She moaned, that hole was sacred, no man has ever been there before, and it was incredibly tight, Jaune had to use up all his willpower to not moan right then and there. That's just how powerful Blake's ass was, and she was enjoying the pleasure of his cock tip inside of her. What a big fucking cock~ she drooled as she felt him moving deeper slowly. On the four-inch mark Jaune felt comfortable to penetrate deeper, Blake was panting as her cat ears flickered in excitement, he was already deeper than Adam ever got to.

In the twelve-inch mark, Jaune groaned, spanking her ass in an attempt to control himself. Blake meanwhile vibrated, shaking back and forth as her asshole tightened around his cock. She bit her lip, it was going to be a brand new feeling she knew that was going to be enjoyable.

Reaching the sixteen-inch mark, Blake's mask started to crack. She started moaning louder, her fists closed, holding onto the bed sheets in an attempt to maintain control. Jaune meanwhile started to use more force in his spanking, as her Bellabooty had enticed him into punishing it harder. After a grueling three minutes of tightening holes and throbbing cocks, Jaune finally hilted his twenty-four-inch cock inside her ass.

Blake had put up a permanent ahegao face in response. It reached so deep! With her front held up by Yang's tits, she moved her hands to touch the bulge in her stomach. She was shocked to find it so deep inside her, it reached as far as her breasts were. She could become a cock puppet if Jaune wanted to, and that was hot. The thought alone made her cum, as she shook her ass to entice her human master to spank it.

And he did, an aura enhanced strike was launched, and the audible smack could be heard from the outside. Blake came again from the spank, it hurt so much, and it was so much rougher than Adam had with her. His human hands kneaded her thicc Faunus ass, twisting, squeezing, and pulling her doughy ass cheeks as he pleased. She endured the pain, all for her human stud.

Jaune slowly pulled back, much to Blake's dismay, suddenly, he rammed right back into her when he was halfway out. Her ass pressed harshly against his hips. She moaned again, squirting her juices over his nutsack as her eyes had hearts in them. She was left panting as she laid down on Yang's sizable tits before Jaune started thrusting. She moaned every time he moved, as his pounding got faster her moans got louder.

Jaune slammed his cock inside her with lightning speeds, his left hand held onto her hips whilst his right slapped and backhanded her ass cheeks with aura-powered strikes. Unimaginable levels of pleasure were released onto her, and she couldn't control herself. Cumming over and over again, her master was so cruel and so hot. Her tongue rolled out of her maw as spit landed all over Yang's face.

"Mmmmm… What's going on?" Yang asked as she felt her tits rocking back and forth as she opened her eyes. Only to see a starry-eyed Blake with her breasts squishing against hers. Her head was in between the cat girl's arms as her tongue rolled out, cat ears flickering faster than she'd ever thought possible. Looking up she saw Jaune rapidly pounding her backside with immense strength, she could feel the power behind his thrusts as the bed shook every time he reached deep inside of her.

Why couldn't he have fucked her like this? Yang thought, she did love Jaune, but there's no chance that she'll let him fuck her partner harder than he did him. Jaune stopped his spankings, instead, he grabbed Blake's hips with both hands and he sheathed his monster cock deep inside her. Yang could hear the sounds of grumbling as his cock started spewing out massive amounts of cum, the tidal wave flowed out of her stud's dick and into Blake's rectum.

Blake's stomach pressed against hers, Yang could feel the weight of Jaune's cum in them. Jaune didn't stop pounding, however, still giving his cat slut an anal thrashing as he continued to unload his seed inside her. Blake could feel his cum traveling up her throat, not wanting to spew cum all over Yang's hair and potentially get beat up for it, she quickly lowered her head and kissed the brawler. The girl in question was shocked but didn't resist as their tongues exchanged saliva, an incredibly hot sight for Jaune as he could feel his balls churning even more cum.

Eventually, his seed traveled to Blake's mouth, the tidal wave flooding into Yang's maw. She didn't have the time to swallow it and instead, it overflowed from her nostrils. Blake was in a similar state as it began to flow from her nostrils, but in the end his cum spewed all in between them. It would take another minute before Jaune finally stopped cumming and thrusting.

He was left panting, he lifted his hands and spanked Blake's Bellabooty for the last time using as much strength as he could muster. Though not as loud as the one before, it still created a ripple through the surface. As he slowly pulled out, Pyrrha had assisted and laid his head over her rather thick thighs. His cum spewed all over the bed as Jaune's cock wasn't there to clog it up anymore. Blake still spewing cum from her mouth as Yang had begun swallowing any semen she could get her hands on.

Pyrrha took her scroll out, and noticed that Jaune's aura was still at 96% and growing, guess he's just tired. Jaune's aura shines through his skin, sweat covered his muscular body as it healed the stress of his body. Ruby and Weiss were salivating over the stud's muscles, as well as his still rock-hard cock and head-sized nutsack that were filling up after losing most of its mass when he blasted his load into Blake's ass.

It would take him three minutes before he regained his strength; however, Pyrrha decided to spend the time to start deepthroating his cock, slurping up all the cum covering his throbbing dick. When Pyrrha pulled her mouth away she kissed his tip before pushing him into the two partners. Ruby and Weiss looked at each other's eyes nervously, wondering who should be going next.

The two were too late to assess the situation, however, as Jaune was already in front of them, his schlong bobbing up and down and ready to fuck. From Jaune's point of view, the two were separated left from right by his massive dick. And like the girls, he was quite indecisive too. Both of them were perfectly fine as they were, yet he found it hard to choose either one, but did he have to choose one though?

Unable to make the decision, he settled with the simplest choice he could make, taking them both at the same time. With one girl on either side of his shoulders, he looked to Pyrrha, who let him use her. He threw Weiss down first, the girl landing on her back as she yelped, Ruby followed next, lying on top of the slightly pissed-off Weiss. As they prepared to mount a complaint, he quickly jumped onto the bed and grabbed Ruby's hips, and lifted, pushing his cock in between their stomach. This shut them up, as they felt the heat his monster cock exhumed, they found it hard to resist rubbing their bodies around it.

Ruby turned her head around and looked to Jaune eagerly, same with Weiss, as Pyrrha went up behind him and whispered something to his ears. He nodded with some red hues on his cheeks as he pushed his cock in between them as much as he could. They could see the two-foot schlong reaching across their breasts, leaking precum from its tip over Weiss's chest, the warm liquid pooling up over her neck.

They fidgeted, rubbing his cock with their bodies to entice him to fuck them first. Jaune started thrusting, groaning as he did so. His nutsack slammed against Weiss's pussy, whilst he spurted pre cum over their faces. After a while, he slowly pulled away from them, he then pulled himself back so he could line his cock against one of their pussies.

His glans pressed against Ruby's cooch, smearing some pre cum over it as she moaned, the younger of the two smirked as she stared right into Weiss's eyes. She looked ready to boast her victory over her before she felt him move away from her pussy. She snapped her head towards Jaune, looking as though he betrayed her. Jaune pressed his glans on Weiss's pussy, she moaned, her chest raised as her nipples hardened, her legs twitched as she spluttered something about her father being pissed.

Jaune breathed in a deep breath before he slammed his cock in her fully. Her stomach bulged against Ruby's as she rubbed her body over, massaging his dick through Weiss's stomach. He starts to fuck her heavily, coring her out with his cock as he shoved his fingers into Ruby's pussy, both girls moaned loudly as they squirted all over his crotch.

It wouldn't take long before he decided to switch, pulling his cock out, he flipped them around with Weiss now on top. He started pounding Ruby, her surprisingly thick ass shook around as he fucked her pussy. Weiss meanwhile was disappointed with the lack of cock inside her, so Jaune repaid her by fisting her ass. Ruby l moaned excitedly as she felt his schlong slam into her tight hole, she came immediately when Jaune slammed his cock inside her.

This continued for a dozen minutes, with him switching their places every few thrusts as they both turned into a moaning mess. Pyrrha meanwhile whispered into Jaune's ears, telling him to fuck them harder and faster. He soon found himself on the verge of cumming, and when he did he slammed his cock inside Weiss as hard as he could, Shooting one shot of semen inside her before pulling out and shooting the other load in Ruby's pussy.

A few minutes later, Jaune pulled his cock out of both of them. Their wombs were cum filled and their pussies well-bred. They panted hard as Ruby laid on top of Weiss, energy fucked out of their bodies as his cum leaked from their cooch and pooled outwards. He sighed, finally breeding all four of them as he felt Pyrrha's breast press on his back, she whispered to him, "See? You enjoy this don't you?"

Jaune turned around and grabbed her tits, making her moan he said, "Yeah, I did. But first I need to punish you, for not telling me beforehand." Pyrrha giggled as she lay on the ground on one side, lifting her leg up and over her head and saying to him. "Well it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it?" It wouldn't, but Jaune didn't feel the need to answer as he pounced on her, fucking her sideways with his monster cock. She moaned louder this time, oh how she wished Ozpin had given her the offer earlier, she could've had Jaune for much much longer.

Yang and Blake were sitting on Jaune's bed, the both of them having watched as he bred Ruby and Weiss at the same time. And here they are watching Pyrrha getting the same treatment as their team did. Yang asked, "I think I heard Jaune say something about stopping after 6 pm, what time is it now Blakey?" Blake checked her phone, before answering, "11 am." Both of them grinned, getting fucked like this for another seven hours? This was going to be fun.

Pyrrha's legs were hooked over Jaune's back, pulling him closer to her as he pounded her pussy. Her tits squished against her lover's chest, their tongues battled as he looked at her with desire. Yesssss, this was exactly what she needed right now, a big hunky stud to satisfy and relieve her of stress whenever she wanted to.

And he fucked her with so much passion as well! It reminded her that in the end, Jaune belonged to her even when she masturbated to him fucking other women. He never fucked anyone else as hard as he did with her, and it shows as Pyrrha could see his semblance in action, destroying her pussy as he did earlier in the morning. He never used that when he was with team RWBY or anyone else that's because they didn't deserve it, only SHE who owns him that deserves this wonderful fucking.

His cock gloriously tore through her pussy like he did yesterday and the day before. And she just loves how Jaune's semblance always heals his lover's pussies so he can destroy them over and over again. Her hands strongly grip onto his shoulders as he starts firing his load into her. Pyrrha whilst on her orgasm high starts to remember where it all began.

Ever since she accepted the offer from Ozpin and took half of the maiden's power from a few months ago, she was changed. Luckily for her, she could still feel herself in control of her body after the fusion, though Amber was still in her head, telling her about her past experiences. After a few hours, however, she began to feel urges. Urges to get her holes filled, to get bred like a good little slut, and to claim her man.

After a week of their fusion, she pounced on Jaune when Ren and Nora had decided to stay in a hotel for a night when they stayed at the Vytal festival a bit too long. And boy was it was the best decision she ever made, and that was because Jaune was the most hung person she'd ever seen. Nothing from Amber's memories could compare, no man or animal could even compare to Jaune.

After a few days of fucking Jaune whenever possible, Amber had officially 'died', when her soul started merging with her own. Luckily it seemed as though Pyrrha had retained herself, though Amber did pass down a few kinks to her. Thankfully she was still disgusted at the thought of gangbangs and cheating, but she did realize a fetish she never thought that she would be into.

It all began with Cinder, the ravennette somehow found out that Amber had died, so she tried to arrange a plot to kill Pyrrha, steal the maiden powers and run away. And she decided to start by making him think that she was Pyrrha. Cinder got the pounding of her lifetime, and Pyrrha had walked in on them. The semblance Emerald used on Jaune stopped the second she entered the room, and when he realized he immediately pulled out of Cinder and apologized to his girlfriend with tears in his eyes.

She understood what had happened, after all, two other people had seen things that were not quite there. So instead she encouraged him to continue fucking Cinder in her name. She grabbed her two accomplices Emerald and Neo and forced them to watch as their boss was moaning his name. The night ended with all three women having their holes bred by him and Mercury's bionics ripped from his legs, and she loved it! The three sluts loved it too, as they got a tattoo of Jaune's symbol over their wombs, admitted their submission to her boyfriend, and told Pyrrha all of their secrets.

Those three were naughty sluts it seems, and naughty sluts don't deserve to get their holes filled with Arc cum. They got back oral fucking rights when they killed Adam and caused a civil war in the Valean White Fang theatre. Then they got back anal sex rights when they told Ozpin all of their secrets and handed over Mercury, who was sent to prison. Eventually, after a few months of groveling Pyrrha had graciously allowed them to be fucked in their tight and wet pussies. Provided if they let her film Jaune breeding them throughout the night.

Jaune had been clueless about what had been happening in the shadows. Pyrrha being suddenly very assertive was weird, but he got over it surprisingly easily. What wasn't very cool was that Pyrrha's been trying to get him to fuck every woman who's been mean to him. He wasn't very comfortable with cheating on his girlfriend after the Cinder incident, even if she wanted him to. Though after a while he relented, he wasn't one to give up good pussy and piss his girlfriend off after all. Though the kinks of some girls were really weird, that was just a story for another time, however.

[Hours later]

Jaune slammed his cock inside Yang for the final time today, his seed filling her overused hole again and again. She barely had the energy to moan again, the rest of the people in the room were in worse shape.

Pyrrha had been fucked more times than any of them had been in the orgy, she was also the most proactive of the group. Playing with the girls as they were getting fucked or when they were watching. It was simply that she had done a lot without resting much, thus tiring her out just thirty minutes ago.

Blake's arms and legs were pulled over her head, with tight rope holding them together. Her belly still filled with plentiful amounts of cum as it clogged up the entrance, limited leaking. Jaune had taken the time to write some demeaning words on her cum filled stomach as requested by Blake.

Ruby napped soundly on a bed, she was knocked out early in comparison to the others. Her body was utterly drenched in Jaune's semen, cum bubbled from her mouth as she had fantasized about continuously getting bred by her big brother as he left her to breed her big sister.

Weiss lied on the floor and her back, eyes rolled up and tongue rolled out of her jaw. Cum spurted from all of her holes as she had let him do so. However, unlike the others, Jaune forced her to stop as her aura was reaching the red.

Back to Yang, she was utterly outclassed, her attempts to undermine Jaune's dominance had failed miserably, and he had, in turn, punished her harder than she ever expected him to do. He pulled her hair and came all over it. Not like she could do anything about it, as the moment she tried to punch him for it so he pressed her down and treated her like an animal.

He pulled out of her, she laid on the floor with her massive mammaries still as supple as he remembered when he quickly stood with a slight stumble. Yang laid there silently, with Jaune breathing in and out. He analyzed his surroundings, all five girls in various stages of cock drunkenness. He went into the showers, which luckily they hadn't fucked there yet, he quickly took a heavy shower, rinsing him of the smell of sex.

Ren and Nora said they were coming back at 9:30 PM, and he was sure the time he entered the showers was 5:43 PM when they were done. Meaning they had three hours and forty-seven minutes to clean this mess up. He exhaled deeply as the hot water poured on his muscular body, there was a lot of work to do.