
Hentai Journeys

With his father out of the picture, Tristain stays with his sexy mother and his two beautiful sisters. He has never had good looks or charisma, so he often got rejected by girls. He would get bullied regularly, it was safe to say that his life was terrible and wasn't going anywhere. Until he found a card with a naked woman on it. He picks it up and it disappeared in white light. [Hentai System Obtained] "What in the?!" Now Tristan's then boring life has turned into one of enjoying any woman he pleases.

TruePlug · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Taken Over

The lights went out, but somehow Tristan could still see. He saw the horrified Kyle in front of him trying to mumble a negotiation. But something that confused Tristan was who was taking over his body?

"Lisa, what did he do to you?" The deep demonic voice asked.

"He licked face, fondled my boobs, and licked in between my legs," She said with hate behind her voice.

"Hmmm, seems like you don't value your tongue or your hands, you wouldn't mind if I took them, right?" Tristan asked which shot dear through Kyle's body.

"Wait! no! we can talk this through. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, you've gotta believe me!" Kyle said with his voice trembling and cracking. It was obvious that he was scared.

"What do you think, Lisa?" Tristan asked because he wanted to hear what she was going to say. Either way, he was going to take his tongue and hands.

"Someone like him doesn't deserve to live!" Lisa said coldly which shock Kyle.

"Lisa? What are you saying? I've given you so much and you repay me like this?" Kyle asked as it seemed his heart was broken into a million pieces.

"You fucking sicko, I never asked you to do those things, then you tried to rape me, then going to ask for my forgiveness? I hope you rot in hell!" Lisa said completely shattering his heart.

"I like this side of you," Tristan said which made Lisa blush.

Tristan walked over to Kyle and grabbed his hair. His hands became claws as he slowly cut off his tongue which made Kyle scream out In pain. Any normal girl would cover their eyes or start crying, but Lisa was trying her best to see Tristan do it. She even had a smile on her face.

After Kyle's tongue was cut off, Tristan created a small flame and put it against the wound to stop the bleeding. Kyle was crying in pain as he tried to stop Tristan, but he was far too weak to do anything.

"Lisa seems like your eager to watch. Do you want to see it?" Tristan asked as he looked over to Lisa.

"How did you- I mean yes!" Lisa said excitedly.

Tristan turned on the light for Lisa to see a bloody mouth Kyle with tears streaming down his face. The helpless look on his face made her smile, seeing someone be torture was amusing to Lisa. She even laughed when she saw his tongue on the floor.

"Plweae hewp me!" Kyle said as he knew what was coming next and could only dread it.

"I despise people like you. Hurt other than beg for mercy when you on the line," Tristan said as he had gotten an idea.

"You know what, I think I should do to you what you were going to do to her, doesn't that sound nice?" Tristan said as Kyle looked at him with true fear in his eyes.

'You'll what?!" Tristan said inside his mind to whoever was controlling him.

'Oh? you can still speak? I thought when I took over you would've been put to sleep, but I should've known better you're stronger than that,' The demon voice said back to Tristan in his head.

'Who are you?' Tristan asked.

'Isn't it obvious? I'm you but your demon side. When you got the system I was awakened inside of you, but I've been in hell for thousands of years,' The demonic voice said.

'Remind me again why you want to booty blast him?' Tristan asked concerned for his mental health.

'In hell, there are both men and woman and either way goes. And, this boy right here was my type back in hell when the sinner came,' The voice said. Even if Tristan couldn't see him, he could tell he was smiling.

'Ok, how about we don't do that?' Tristan said before getting cut off.

'Why? What changes if you do it with a guy? you get the same results,' The voice said sounding confused on why he was against it.

'Because of we do that were no better than him and I don't like guys,' Tristan said.

'I'm a demon, you expect me to be good? That's for the angels who take walks and read books in heaven,' The voice said.

'Ok, look, what if we do it with Lisa? Will you not booty blat him?' Tristan said bringing up his last resort.

'If he had gone any further would you have let us do it?' The voice asked leaving Tristan silent without an answer.

"Now, let's remove these hands," The deep demonic voice said as he twisted Kyle's hand until it broke.

"Wait, you can break his hands, but don't remove them I don't want his blood on my carpet," Lisa said sounding a bit disappointed.

"Fine," The deep voice said as he broke his other hand and let him go.

Kyle came crying out of her room and everyone was either laughing a creeped out. Eventually, he was kicked out with no way to the hospital.

Just as Kyle was kicked out, Cole came from the garage looking tired. Followed behind him was the girl that was at the door when they showed up.

"We should do it again sometime," She said as she kissed him on the cheek and went back to partying.

"That felt amazing. It would be a shame if she has something because I did not use this condom that Tristan gave me. Speaking of Tristan, where is he?" Cole asked looking around to see if he spots Tristan.

After a few minutes of looking, he gives up and starts partying.


When Kyle left the room, Tristan regained control over his body again. That's when he heard a familiar voice in his head; "You better keep the end of your deal,".

" I'm sorry you had to see that," Tristan said confused about the smile on her face.

"No, it's fine, it was entertaining, to say the least!" She said happily

"You enjoyed it?" Tristan asked getting attached to this side of Lisa that she probably would never show to anyone.

"Yeah, it was nice seeing a sick bastard get what they deserved," She said with no remorse behind her voice.

"Again, I'm sorry I came so late," Tristan said as he let out a breath.

"It's ok, I'm going to take a shower now, you can stay or go back to the party," Lisa said as she went into the bathroom.

Tristan sat on her bed and turned on the tv, he then took out his phone and called Cole.

"Hello?" Tristan said.

"Where are you?" Cole said.

"I'm with Lisa, are you still at the party? The music seems quiet," Tristan asked.

"Yeah, I went outside because it was loud and I wouldn't be able to hear you," Cole said.

"Call me when you're ready to go and did you do it?" Tristan asked.

"You already know what happened!" Cole said.

"Did you use the condom I gave you?" Tristan asked.

"Ugh, yeah," Cole said.

"Of course you didn't. You best hope you didn't catch anything," Tristan said.

"Me either, but ill call you when I'm ready, ok?" Cole said.

"Ok," Tristan said before hanging up the phone.

After fifteen minutes, the shower stopped, and out stepped Lisa who had her hair in a ponytail and only a towel on. Tristan could only admire how good she looked.

She then dropped her towel showing off her white skin, curves, and her beautiful body. She went to her closet to grab some clothes, but he would be a madman if he let her put on any clothes.

He walked up behind her and put his hands around her waist and his head on her shoulder.

"Do you have to put on clothes?" Tristan asked running his hand along her flat stomach.

"Why? What do you want to do?" She asked as she turned around to face him.

He looked deep into her eyes then laid his lips upon hers. Giving her a deep intimate kiss, when the kiss broke a saliva trail came from their mouth as they were using tongue.

"Does that answer your question?" Tristan asked.

I know I just came back but some financial things happened and updates won't be as frequent because I will be working on Werewolf Chronicles as a source of income to support my family.

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