
Hentai Collection

Some random smut stories I found. You might like some and not like others. Additional tags: NTR, Raceplay, S&M, Cuck [I DO NOT own/claim any of these stories] *I do not own this cover

Che3na · Anime & Comics
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248 Chs

White Invasion | 1 | [Original]

Summary: In the city of Barabis, an arabian fantasy town...

Our protagonist, gentle and peaceful, without an ounce of testoterone or virility in him, lives peacefully alongside his mother, his sister and his girlfriend, all three sex goddesses, with exaggerated thick arabian bodies.

Everything is for the best, until an ultra hung white mercenary appears in his carefree existence, and transforms the paradise of his life into hell ...

Tags: Raceplay, Netorare, hugecock, impregnation


[The Sister Chapter]

I have always loved night walks. They allow me to reflect in the calm of the night, to realize how privileged my life is. My name is Jamal, and I'm 20 years old. In Arabic, Jamal means "handsome", and without boasting, I wear my name. I have always been described as cute, charming ... in a feminine way. I am far from being a big and aggressive man, I am rather the one who tries to settle my problems diplomatically ... In the rare cases where I had to face troubles in my life. By my origins and my physique, I should have been the victim of bullying, but it was not the case. And yet, I'm sure that normally, a person like me would be the target of many mockeries : Although I was beautiful, I was especially delicate, a little fearful, feminine appearance ... Not to mention my tiny penis, and my total lack of body hair. Yes, I'm sure that i would have attracted jokes and laughter. And more than mockeries, i would probably even be dead… The world is full of wars, monsters, dragons, bandits and who know what else…

But here I am, all my life covered by my wonderful parents. My father, through his status and his money, gave us a secure life in a wealthy town. He is one of the most respectable tailors in the city, which allowed us to live in a place mainly occupied by Arabs, like us, protecting us from the racism, the judgment of others, wars and monsters.

Stationed on the left side of a river, the fortified little town of Barabis is home to mainly arabian people.

This city wasn't built by a river by accident, as it has ancient burial grounds, which is of great importance to the people of Barabis and its success.

The town itself looks majestic. With its wheat straw rooftops, marble walls and stunning canyon, Barabis has a mythical atmosphere.

The main attraction is the ancient forge, which was built hundreds years ago and designed by one of the greatest blacksmith of that time.

Barabis has a prosperous economy, which is mainly supported by blacksmithing, war and hunting. However, the biggest downside of the town lies in his lacks of people skilled in fighting, which is why we hire and arm mercenaries to protect us.

It is true that I have always found it sad that we are not able to defend ourselves, and that we are obliged to engage white fighters, blacks, Indians, all but Arabs ...

I always wanted to correct this, and become a great warrior to protect my city, and I spent many hours training to handle a sword, or trying to master the magic, but. .. Let's say I'm not good at it. In addition to the fact that I have no martial talent, I must admit that ... I'm not very brave ... I do not know, I try hard to harden myself, it is enough that I find myself in front of a vulgar goblin to tremble like a coward. In fact, I think it's the very fact of confronting someone or something that scares me.

The only three people able to defend themselves against monsters without the help of foreign mercenaries was precisely my little sister, a sorceress, my mother, a witch doctor, and my girlfriend, a huntress. But apart from them, all the inhabitants of Barabis, myself included, were totally dependent on the mercenaries.

And so, me, my father, my little sister, my mother, and my girlfriend live in a protected paradise, safe from all dangers. That was why I allowed myself to walk alone in the street in the middle of the night and it allowed me to pretend to be the protector of the city without much risk. Only surrounded by people like us, we were like sheep skipping in green meadows without fear that wolves come to bother us.

And our neighbourhood, since it was inhabited only by Arabs like me at the very limited sex drive, was perfect for women to dress as freely as they wished without risking to awaken desire in the local men ... And they use that chance to their heart's content! Starting with my adorable little sister, Sana, who at only 18, wandered the streets very lightly dressed, almost naked! Indeed, she often only placed pellets on her young breasts in full growth, and a small bandage on her pink slit, leaving all the rest of her body more appetizing than a fruit wall in the sight of all. In a normal neighborhood, a young girl with such a delicious body, with her fresh pink skin and sweet smell of blooming girl, would not have been alone for long ... Her tits were huge, two big watermelon-sized cushions. I was completely fascinated by her luscious, excessively feminine body, and when she was around I couldn't stop staring at her.

I mean, how a 18 years old girl can have a body like that? Step after step, I would behold her immense tits, as big as cantaloupes, bouncing and shaking like crazy, literally overflowing her huge bra. With my mouth dangling open, I would contemplate all that flesh bouncing up and down...The lips of her little pussy were often swollen with desire, because of puberty, I suppose. However, Sana did not consciously seek to attract male desire, it was only the innocence of a pure girl for whom modesty was a nebulous concept. She also had a little boyfriend, but it was more cute than anything.

But for our family, none of that was worrying. Knowing that the neighborhood was attended only by Arabs, people without aggression or sexual desire, Sana could dress as she wished without risk.

Like i said before, my sister was of the few people native to the city able to defend themselves against monsters. Sana was a witch, she was born with abilities they don't need to study, and can use more readily than other Magicians. People like her are are often much less versatile than other magic-users, being limited to a smaller or much more tightly-themed pool of spells. Commonly, their powers manifest at adolescence, and in her case, hers appeared very recently. Sana was incredibly happy, and so was i… I was also maybe a little jealous. Just a little.

My mother, Shaynez show no more modesty than her daughter. Wide hips, thin waist, explosive and fleshy curves, my mother's physique was incredible, but her breasts were the 8th wonder of the world: gargantuan, spherical, stuffed, soft and so viscous, despite her age, they were overflowing like balloons. I once stole one of her bras during my teenage years, for pure curiosity, and found she had a cup size of 36J! One of my mother's favorite outfits was her ultra-mini-shorts, which were simply unable to cover her huge buttocks, so they were left outside so everyone could see them. Ironically, her very provocative outfits are not at all fitting with her sweet and motherly personality. My mother has always dearly loved me and my sister, and form with my father a loving and model couple.

My mom was probably the reason of the apparition of the magic powers of Sana, because she was the only witch doctor of the town. A witch doctor is a version of the Cleric flavored with a more nature-worshiping side. If my father is the best tailor of the town, my mom is the one is the one at keeps all the inhabitants of the city in good health.

My girlfriend, Sakina, for her part is far from the sweetness of my sister and my mother. Same age as me, Sakina is much more assertive than me, has no problem unlike me to be agressive, and to oppose others, and to fight for what she believes ... Maybe that's why I fell in love with her. On the other hand, his clothing is as sexual as that of my mother: She was beyond sexy, beyond beauty - her angelic face and her full lips, her breasts exploding inside her bra... Two orbs the size of a basketball hung heavily on his belly button. Her buttocks are big and chubby, so plump that it was hard not to notice them. She usually just went out in minikini, small pieces of fabric that were struggling to contain her ocean of flesh ... We love each other tenderly, passionately. She's the one who decide things, but she always listen to me, and respect me very much.

Sakina is a huntress, skilled at surviving in the wild. Hunters may be lumped in with Fighters or Rogues but more often than not are a separate tree of classes all their own. Archery is generally their favored skill, and Sakina, like her parents before they passed away, never leave her bow.

These three women form the meaning of my life, my joy, my goal. My goal is to protect them, and to make sure that our life together is as perfect as it always has been ... Yes, that's why I like night walks. I realize all this, and it makes me happy. And i would even happier if i learned to fight my cowardice ... Yes, if my sister, my mother and my girlfriend managed to learn how to fight, and to protect our city, I would probably get there ... One day.

But recently, my nocturnal walks are troubled by one of the most singular. He is an old man, a foreign mercenary as we often see in this town, whom I had never seen until recently. Only visible at night, planted in front of my house, what surprised me in him was the fact that he was not arab nor black but White. He was fat, heavy, but yet I had never seen a man as silent and furtive as he was.

One night, which I would probably remember all my life, I came face to face, and this for the first time since the beginning of my night walks, with a monster.

It was almost the first time I'd seen one so close, and I did not understand how he'd managed to infiltrate the city.

His two smoldering eyes stared at me with an agonizing spite, and a clamor surges from its crooked mouth as if it were a battle cry.

Six curved horns adorns its massive head, which itself is as pale as the abyss itself. An intense heat escapes the creature's tilted nostrils set within a meager nose.

Its massive head sits atop a compact, stringy body. Plated of steel have merged with flesh, perhaps the remnants of an encounter in a different world.

The creature bolted toward me, its two legs elegantly carry its cursed body with a terrorizing energy.

It was needless to say that I was terrified. I had drawn my good old sword that I still wear, but I was shaking too well to handle it. But suddenly, when death seemed to open my arms,

the white appeared as if by magic, and cut the monster in half in a thunder of blood.

As I tried to regain my senses, and my savior sheathed his Indian sword, which was called "Talwar", I realized that he had actually used magic:

That fat white guy was, in fact, a nightblade. Occasionally, Rogue-types will specialize in magic or powers that augment their stealth, and when they do, those powers generally feature paleness, shadows or the occult as themes. That's why he is so stealthy despite his obesity ... He was phenomenally powerful, even a being as weak as me could realize it. If I was at least half as strong as him, I could protect my city ...

Dismissing this unattainable idea from my mind, I took advantage of the proximity of my savior to better look at him.

Before being a human, it was first a beast. A human animal. Physically ... He's repulsive. More than that, even. His features are completely twisted, as if passed through the mixer. And as if that was not enough, he is hairy like a bear and he stinks death! I never smelled something so foul. It was a smell not only bad but also ... very virile, so masculine indeed that I found it disgusting. But the worst in that guy, as I stared at his briefs, I understood it even without a word being spoken. This man was hung like a Clydesdale. Even beneath his briefs, the outline of his soaking wet dick was visible. It reaches out and reaches out to the backdrop of the world. The white old man was unimaginably huge. Franky, if I had to summarize it, I'd say he's the total opposite of me. He is Ugly while I'm handsome, he is very manly while I'm effeminate, he is old while I'm young, He is White while I'm Arab, he is hairy while I'm hairless ... And considering how he looked at the girls' rooms on the top floor of my house, his sex drive was way above mine.

« You're okay ? » the White asked hoarsely.

« Yes ... Thank you for saving me. How come a monster could go so far in the city? »

The white ignored my question.

« You ... Are you a mercenary hired by the city? »

« Yes, but I would like to settle here. The life of a mercenary, although lucrative, is sometimes very hard, as you could see. I'm getting old, almost 70 years old ... And this city is perfect for me. Rich, populated with Arabs ... »

« Do you like our people? » I asked, wanting to befriend him.

« No, I love your women. They are big sluts with big sexual needs. Well, that should not interest you. Arab men are devoid of virility. »

Shocked by the words of the nightblade, I dared not say anything.

« Look, I just insulted your people, and you're silent ... so I'm right. In short, if you want to do me a favor, answer this question: Are there any women available in the area? »

« ... »

« Answer me, do not you have a sister, a mother, a girlfriend? »

« Yes, but they are all taken ... »

« Not for long » he retorted sinisterly like a wolf in a sheepfold.

What did he mean by that? But I do not worry ... The town is safe, no?


The happy, sweet voice of my sister rings through the house and I smile happily. I stand up and head to the living room to see her giggling happily.

"What's up, Sana?" I ask. She bursts into a delighted squeal and she runs to give me a large hug. She spins around, showing me a bow in her hair.

"Do you like my new bow?" she asks excitedly, childlike in how eagerly she waits for my response.

"I love it! It looks very cute on you."

"Oh, yes! I was hoping you'd like it…" she says, smiling up at me.

"What about your boyfriend?" I ask teasingly, "you'll marry him one day, won't you?"

"No!" she cries out, pouting adorably as she looks up at me with her large, cute eyes. "the only boy I will ever marry is you, Jamal!"

"Don't be silly!" I laugh, even as warmth blossoms through my chest at her sweet, naïve words.

"Go for a walk with me," she says, tugging at my hand, "it's such a beautiful day out!"

The adorable face of my little sister easily convinces me and I nod, much to her delight. We head out the door as she starts to chatter about her day.

As we walk down the street, sweet Sana's youthful body glows with radiance beneath the sun. Her delicate, beautiful curves and fat tits serve as a wonderful sight to the eyes as she joyfully makes her way through the streets. Her perky ass and small, slender figure are beautiful indeed. Even just by walking behind her, I can see her tremendously large breasts swelling out over the sides of her figure, two large melons for such a slender young girl, bouncing at every step she takes. Her wide hips sit below a slender waist, well-formed for a young girl her age. They swing as she walks, making her ass bounce and jiggle alongside her fat tits.

While I'm having a lot of fun chatting and taking a walk with my cute little sister, A squeal in the mist, a flash of lightning, and suddenly me and my sister were challenged by a peculiar organism of sin and grime. A squeal thunders jaillit from its skeletal mouth in a show of force.

A slim, skeletal ridge adorns its wide head, which itself is mostly hidden below a hood. Thick snot escapes the creature's angular nostrils set within a drooping nose.

Its wide head sits atop a towering, powerful body. Shadowy curls coil around its torso, the creature takes joy in your questioning eyes.

The creature advances toward me, four gigantic wings extend themselves fully. Jagged bones, and violent flames stretch upward as if just waking up. The creature steps closer, it becomes more and more menacing, and its eyes stare intently into mine.

That's enough to make me totally frightened, incapable of the slightest movement. I tried in vain to fight my numbness, tell me that I had to protect my sister Sana as I always dreamed to do, but ... My body just refused to move.

But suddenly, a rough, red flash of particles shot towards the monster, and hit him in the head.

It was my sister who, showing courage I had always missed, had used her magic to protect me ... While it had to be the opposite.

"Go away, big brother, run! I hold him back!" said my brave little sister.

Even if I had wanted it, I could not have run away. My legs seemed heavy as granite, and this heaviness only got worse when I realized that the demon had been only slightly annoyed by the magical attack of Sana.

Not losing courage, Sana tried again to use her flamboyant spell, but she did not need it.

Just like the last time, the monster was cut in two by the blade of a sword that was not unknown to me.

The White mercenary, because it was him, had just appeared from nothingness to save the day, like the good nightblade he was.

It was with a little pain that I noticed the admiration with which Sana looked at the old big white ... Pain that soon turned into incomprehension while, the white approaching us, she began to blush, her crotch becoming oddly wet ...

I smelled the air, and realized that the white was now close enough to us so that we could smell his manly and nauseating smell.

The second we pass by the disgusting man, everything starts to change. Sana lets out a gasp as we pass by the fat, old man. I stare in shock as she suddenly lets out a moan. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and her cute, pink nipples immediately swell up into stiff points, sticking out obscenely from behind her pasties. Not only that: I watch as slick starts to slide down her legs as her young, tight body seizes up in lust. I can see her pretty pink pussy twitching as she moans louder and louder, the smell of an aroused young girl starting to fill the air.

"What's going on?" I cry out.

"It's a natural reaction," the old White man suddenly says, stepping forwards. "It's the first time in her life has she ever been in the presence of a real alpha male. The men in this neighbourhood aren't real men, you see. They lack testosterone. They aren't real men. Her reaction is only natural."

The more the disgusting old man steps closer to Sana, the more vivid her reaction becomes. She squirms around as more slick pours down her thigh.

"But… but… love is more important than anything!" Sana cries out, even as she starts to drool from arousal, "sex isn't that important as long as you have love in a relationship."

"You can think that, but you'll never truly be satisfied by Arab men," the White says. "Arab women have strong sexual urges that can't be fulfilled by Arab cock."

"But…" Sana starts to say, even as more juices run down her thigh.

"I'll be your boyfriend. I'll satisfy all your sexual desires with my fat cock… I'll give you pleasure like no other man you know can. I can make you come on my cock and again all night, as much as you like. Fifty orgasms a night or more. Pleasure like never before, from a real man."

I gape in shock. Was this disgusting old White man asking my cute little sister out right in front of me? With such crude language too, talking about having sex with my innocent Sana! But the White's manly presence and dominant aura intimidates me and I dare not say anything. Instead I keep my mouth shut and watch as Sana struggles.

"I can't!" Sana stutters, but I see her swallow as her eyes start to go to the front of the White's pants. "I….I…"

She's distracted by the swollen bulge in the White's guy pants. I thought it was large before but now it was becoming monstrous, pressing against the front of his pants, so thick and wide and obscene. I watch as Sana's mouth drops open as she swallows, staring at his bulge.

"I…..I can't betray Jamal!" Sana finally says weakly.

The White doesn't reply. Instead he steps forwards and takes her wide, cute hips in his fat, ugly hands. His skin look so pale and wrinkled against the fresh, untouched skin of my young sister. I watch in horror as the White guy starts to tap Sana's pussy with his cock. Despite still being clothed, the girth and length of his swollen, erect dick was so large it jut out from his pants like a pillar, standing thick and stiff as he slaps it repeatedly against the little bandage that hides my sister's pussy. He then slaps his dick against Sana's huge, fat tits, making them jiggle at every hard impact. It was like I was not even there! As if my presence had no impact on how this White man wanted to treat my little sister!

"AHH!" Sana moans with bliss, squirming in the White's strong hold as her eyes start to roll backwards from pleasure. It's obvious that she's in a cloud of pure bliss but she still looks like she's trying to resist his harassment.

"J-JAMAL!" Sana cries out to me, embarrassment flushing her cheeks a pale pink even as she moans from pleasure, "Jamal, help…."

But I feel like I'm frozen to the spot. The dominance that the White man radiates as he so confidently has his way with my sweet young sister… his thick, manly cock and his masculine smell… it all intimidated me too much and so I only stare helplessly as my cute little sister starts to have her first orgasm ever from that large, fat White cock tapping against her fresh young pussy and fat tits. How useless I was, watching my sister get violated right in front of me! But the presence of the man was too dominating, too masculine for me to even try and attempt anything… his masculine smell, his aura… I could only stand there helplessly, eyes wide open as Sana starts to orgasm from that smelly White cock violating her body.

"I'M CUMMINNGGGGGGGG!!!!!" Sama screams loudly and thrashes around in pure, blissful pleasure as a gigantic orgasm rips through her body. Her naked skin is glinting with sweat from the force of her orgasm. She falls limp but the thick, fat arms of the White man holds her up through her orgasm. She's breathless, her tongue hanging out in pure bliss as her eyes roll back from the sheer force of her orgasm, forming a face of pure pleasure as her first orgasm completely overtakes her senses. Even after she stops shaking her face is stuck in orgasmic bliss.

"If you became my girlfriend, I can give you this pleasure day and night," The White says as Sana is still breathless and her brain is obviously still clouded with pleasure. Then he steps away, leaving my little sister swaying on the pavement, and he disappears into the distance without even a second look at me, as if I wasn't an important person in this situation!

"Sana!" I cry out, rushing to her side. She's sweaty and her skin is heated, her pink pussy puffy and still leaking with juices. She blinks quickly and looks at me. The cloudy look disappears from her eyes and she looks at me with despair.

"I'm sorry!" she cries out.

"It's okay, it's my fault," I say sullenly, because it's true. It was pathetic for me to stand there, remain frozen by my cowardice as that disgusting old man took my sister's innocence right in front of me…

I return from my refreshing nocturnal walk, my daily routine relieving some of the stress that built up from what happened that morning. However, I realize something is wrong as soon as I enter the house: there's a new pair of shoes at the entryway. Men's shoes, as well, belonging not to me nor my father… I step around them, confused. Perhaps mother had a guest over? I slowly walk up the stairs and go into the hallway, a strange sort of dread filling my stomach. I glance at Sana's bedroom door- and I stiffen in shock. In front of her open door were clothes. Men's clothes, to be exact, thrown haphazardly around the ground. Another uncomfortable feeling twists my stomach. Something is wrong. It's only then do I become aware of a strange noise. It sounds like a creaking bed, squeaking sounds that reach my ears through her open doorway. And then a second noise: it sounded like moaning and grunting. The dread that built up slowly turns to fear and I swallow, breathing steadily as I walk towards the open door, dreading what I will see in her bedroom.

I immediately freeze in shock, my mouth hanging open in pure surprise as I take in what's happening right in front of me through the wide open doorway.

The fat, hairy back of the disgusting old White man is hunched over the bed, his pale skin shining with sweat and grease. Pinned beneath him was my sweet little sister Sana! Her slender body was pushed into the bed by his large, pale body. Her thin, creamy legs are spread open wide to accommodate the fat, old body of the old White man. The contrast between his pale, wrinkled skin and her youthful pale skin looked monstrous. From where I stand, I can see her young pink pussy stretched wide obscenely by his ridiculously large cock. Every time his saggy hips thrust forwards into her small body, her thighs shaking with orgasmic pleasure as his dick stretches her small hole out, his thick, swollen balls slapping against her soft skin. At every powerful thrust, Sana's large cow tits bounce and shake, nipples stiff from pleasure. The room reeks of sex and the potent, masculine smell of the White man, making my stomach turn as the odour fills my nose.

"Do you like what I'm doing to you? Hm? Do you like the feeling of my thick wide White cock stretching out your young, pink pussy? Spreading your legs wide open for a man you don't even know, fucking him so eagerly on your cute little bed when you're only eighteen years old. Do you like it?"

"N..no.." Sana tries to say, still trying to deny her bliss even as every movement from the old White makes her legs shiver with delight. Undeterred, the White quickly picks up the pace, his hips thrusting forwards with even more vigor, speeding up as he pushes even faster into my little sister's pussy. He reaches forwards to grab her large, fat tits, squeezing them hard and making her moan even more with pleasure. I watch my sister start to orgasm, the same blissful expression taking over her face. Her pink pussy clenches tight in pleasure before I see her start to squirt, spraying her juices all over her wet pussy and his thick, invading cock.

"I'M CUMMINGGGG!!!!!!!" She screams, her face once more distorting into pleasure: her eyes cross and roll back into her head, drooping with bliss as her tongue hangs out of her mouth, a small dribble of drool sliding out of her pink lips. "YES, YES I LIKE IT A LOT!!" she admits in the high of her climax, "I-I've wanted to do it since I saw you but I didn't want Jamal to think I was a little whore…"

I swallow from where I'm standing. What should I do? I know I should rush in and pull that disgusting, fat old White off my little sister… but the more I see the sweaty, manly body thrust into my sister's slender, young body the more I'm paralysed to the spot… I'm useless. I'm too cowardly to even move, let alone rush in and stop this ridiculousness like I should do! And so I just stare helplessly as that fat old man has his way with my adorable little Sana.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" The White asks, still thrusting into her and making her gasp with pleasure.

"Yes, yes I do…" she moans, "He's an Arab.. he's very sweet to me…"

"Do you have sex?"

"I want to, but he never lasts long!" she cries out, "he comes too quickly so I never get much pleasure…"

"Hmm.. so do you prefer White cock or Arab cock?"

She hesitates in answering, obviously not wanting to talk badly about her boyfriend… Sana was sweet like that, not willing to put down the people she cares about even when overtaken with pleasure. However, the White senses her hesitation and so he speeds up, fucking into her with a fast pace, driving her quickly towards another mindmelting orgasm, squeezing her large tits as he does so.

"I'M CUMMING!!!!" my little sister screams, her thighs once more shaking and shivering profusely as they continue to keep spread wide through her shattering orgasm, toes curling from the sensations. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and her tongue hands out.

"YES, YES, I LIKE WHITE COCK!" she screams through her orgasm, eyes crossing once more into that blissful expression, "I PREFER IT OVER SMALL ARAB COCK!!!"

The White nods, satisfied, and resumes fucking her in a slow, loving pace… even when his thrusts are slower he sends my sweet little sister into orgasms, making her toes curl and her legs shiver with pleasure, making her moan and her eyes cross. Every one of his thrusts makes her whine cutely, her fat tits shaking with his movements.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" The White asks. Sana hesitates beneath him. He once more starts to speed up, fucking into her roughly and quickly like an animal, making her scream once more in pleasure. His hands return to her fat, bouncing tits, adding to her pleasure. He aims his thrusts towards a spot deep within my sister's wet pussy, making each thrust orgasmic for her as his dick slams straight into her sweet spot.

"Your boyfriend's small Arab cock will ever be able to satisfy you," he says, fucking into her quickly as she orgasms, her tongue hanging out in bliss. "Their cocks are too small to reach this deep into you. Only by being my girlfriend will you be able to orgasm like this. So tell me… will you be my girlfriend?"

"YESSS! I'M CUMMINGGGG!" she screams as she orgasms yet again, her thighs shaking violently with pleasure, "YESS, I'LL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!"

"Tell me why you want to be my girlfriend."

She once more hesitates in answering so the White so he starts to aim for her weak spot again, making her scream at every thrust.


"How does my cock look compared to your brother's cock?" He asks. I gasp in shock at his question, humiliation burning through me. How could my cock possibly compare to his? My sister hesitates once more. He once more shifts, pressing down into her body as he speeds up.

"YOURS IS MUCH LARGER AND THICKER!" she screams, eyes crossing as she orgasms on his cock again, "I'VE SEEN JAMAL'S COCK! IT'S SMALL… MUCH SMALLER…."

"WAIT! What.. what if he hears me… what if Jamal hears me?" she asks after her screams start echoing around the room.

"It doesn't matter," the White says, "if he was to walk in on us, there's nothing he can do anyways. Arab men are too weak and unmanly to protect their women."

Shame flushes through me as I know his words are right: wasn't that what was happening right now? Me watching my sweet little sister get violated and fucked into orgasmic pleasure by this foreign White intruder… and doing nothing about it. I was truly too weak and unmanly to protect even my sweet 8 year old sister.

"What would you say if your brother was here right now?" the White asks. I gasp at the question. Sana moans beneath him as his thrusts send her yet into another orgasm.


I shake my head in despair. It wasn't Sana's fault! It was my fault, failing as an older brother to rush in even as I stared at the White's gross pale body slam into my sister's body, staring at his pale wrinkly hands on my sister's fat tits.

"I'm going to unload straight into your young, fertile pussy," the White grunts, "I'll impregnate you right here on your cute bed, under your roof… fill your pussy with my strong, superior White seed right under the nose of your inferior Arab father and brother."

My hand covers my mouth. Surely Sana would reject such an outrageous idea! Perhaps the White would fuck her into agreeing to his wishes. But to my horror my sweet little sister, breathless with her countless orgasms, merely spreads her creamy thighs open wider as she smiles shyly up at the ugly old man.

"Okay," she says sweetly, "but.. but if you do that, can you make me orgasm on your cock again? It feels too good…"

I stare with horror as my little sister starts to get brutally fucked, every strong thrust of the dirty White man making her scream with pleasure as he starts to near his orgasm. He throws her skinny, pale legs over his shoulders as he starts to fuck her in earnest. He fondles her fat tits in his hands, rolling them around in his palm and making her moan even louder in pleasure. I watch transfixed as his huge balls swell in preparation for his orgasm.

When he comes, he starts to pump cum right into my sweet little sister's pussy. And as soon as the first spurt of come is pumped into her, Sana starts to orgasm, her toes curling tightly in pleasure as her legs shake again and again from where they're still held up, spread wide open.

"I'M CUMMINGGGGGGGG!" she screams as the White grunts, pumping hot, thick cum straight into her tight pussy. Her eyes are rolled to the back of her head again and her mouth is open, tongue falling out limply as she's overtaken once more by pleasure, her fat tits and legs shaking. There's so much cum I can see thick sperm dribbling out of her pink hole, too much to even fit inside her small slender body. Only when all his cum is stuffed deep inside Sana does the White slow down his thrusting. In the pause, he bends his bald old head down to kiss Sana. I watch as they share a passionate kiss, Sana moaning into his mouth as their wet tongues slide together sloppily. His cum dribbles out of her pussy, reminding me again and again that this dirty foreigner had infiltrated our peaceful Arab household…

"Please…. keep fucking me with your thick White cock." my sister asks shyly even as her breathing is short from exertion. The White gladly complies, resuming his slow, full thrusts as his dick buries itself back in her pussy, now filled to the brim with his thick, smelly cum. I can smell it from where I'm standing in the doorway… the salty, pungent scent of sex fills Sana's cute room. Her slender body shakes with every movement he makes, toes curling from pleasure as his fat pale body slams into her small, lithe body again and again.

Nausea fills the pit of my stomach and I turn away. I can't bear to see my sister being fucked by that dirty White man for another second. I retreat to my room and fall onto my bed, closing my eyes to try and get some sleep. However, I am woken up at various times throughout the night by the squeaking of the bed and the blissful moans and screams of my sister echoing through the house, reminding me again and again that the innocence and fertility of my sister was taken by that dirty foreign White man….

"Mom, dad…. This is my new boyfriend!"

Our whole family stares in shock as cute little Sana smiles proudly and sweetly at us, holding the hand of that disgusting White man! His ugly, fat body just reeks of sex, filling up the house with the pungent smell. This old, ugly, disgusting man must be at least seventy years old – and he was dating my eight-year-old sister? Without even bothering to ask us? I gape in shock.

"Oh… how did you two meet?" my father asks. My gentle father is obviously uncomfortable but like me he shows no sign of aggression or anger at all, obviously also intimidated by the dominant aura of this White man.

"I simply crossed her on the street, and my presence made her fall for me," the White explains, "then I entered your house at night and spent the whole night making love to her with my thick White cock, pumping her full of my superior White seed right under your roof."

My father's eyes are wide with shock and I see him gape at the White man's obscene words. I can see the shock in his eyes but he says nothing, only staring wide-eyed at the White's words. I can feel the cowardly shame rolling off him… and I feel the same shame. How could we be so unmanly and submissive, doing nothing as our sweet Sana's innocence is taken away by this foreign gross White man?

"But Sana… you already have a boyfriend!" I say in desperation.

She smiles at me, blushing.

"But my new boyfriend is so much better in a certain department…" she turns to the smelly old man, smiling cutely as she blushes. "I have to admit…. It's the only thing that's important to me now…"

"I'm sorry for making so much noise through the night," she continues sweetly, her large eyes apologetic as she gazes at me. I open my mouth, but I dare not say anything.

The two then begin to make out. My father and I stare in horror as the greasy old man takes my sister's small, cute body in his large, manly hands and start sliding their tongues together in a passionate kiss. Sana moans cutely into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his fat body as her slender figure presses up against him. Her large tits press up against his pale, old skin as his hands reach around to grab handfuls of her fat ass. And yet we dare not say anything or make a move to pull that man off Sana. We only watch in humiliation and desperation, frozen to the spot, intimidated by the manly presence of the White guy.

I look to my mother in desperation, curious about her reaction… but she doesn't carry the same shock or shame my father and I carry. Instead, her eyes are contemplative and interested as she gazes at them intently, biting her lip just slightly...


Credit: Blackseed